Sentences with phrase «permanent copy»

You may not store permanent copies of the Content in any form.
Buuut, I could wait for my Plus to lapse (have a year's code in holding), then redeem permanent copies of Remember Me and the Mega Mans... Men... Mens?
Origin is temporarily giving away a free permanent copy of Peggle, a fun puzzle game!
It says Amazon grants customers the right to keep a «permanent copy of the applicable digital content.»
Luckily, MacMillan said that he always uses a third - party service called If This Then That to post images and other content to Instagram and Facebook, so he had a permanent copy of the image and the caption.
Caleb read this who recommended it to Joshua, who passed it on to Hope... who has asked for it to be signed out of the library so many times, I really needed to buy her a permanent copy.
What's more, if you haven't finish reading a library book by the due date, just make a permanent copy for yourself.
Now if Amazon, the authors, and publishers really wanted to make more money off me, they'd just need to create the «Kindle Unlimited discount purchase plan»: after reading a KU book, give me the opportunity to get a permanent copy for just a few bucks more.
Make online available for the immediacy, and have a buy now link for the permanent copy.
For example, Kindle's license agreement grants a «non-exclusive right to keep a permanent copy... solely for your personal, non-commercial use.»
For digital media, Kindle's agreement allows users one permanent copy.
But as the suit point out, they also say that users have the right to keep a «permanent copy» of purchased books and to «view, use, and display such Digital Content an unlimited number of times.»
Between The Minish Cap and Four Swords, the blade has been upgraded to create four permanent copies of the wielder, rather than temporary.
A «Save to Legal Files» button added to the GroupWise client stores a single or multiple highlighted messages with attachments, creates a permanent copy in the Legal Files database, and references the appropriate matter.
If he wished to have a permanent copy for his personal use of something that appeared on the screen, there was another button to push, and the copy would be produced and delivered to his desk almost instantly.»
Permanent copying or storage of any of these pages (or any part thereof) or the re-distribution thereof by any means is not permitted.
This is a free, permanent copy to keep, not a trial.
This will save a permanent copy of the QR code to your phone, which makes it easy to access at any time later.
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