Sentences with phrase «permanent crisis»

Once you plan, you're free to differentiate instruction and meet the needs of your students rather than being in permanent crisis mode trying to figure what will happen tomorrow.
The country has been described as a failed state in permanent crisis.
In Black Elk, Jackson has crafted a true American epic, restoring to Black Elk the richness of his times and gorgeously portraying a life of heroism and tragedy, adaptation and endurance, in an era of permanent crisis on the Great Plains.
According to Merkel herself, EU leaders now agree in principle to a limited Treaty change to insert a «permanent crisis mechanism» for the eurozone (there's speculation that this could achieved through one of the Lisbon Treaty's ratchet clauses, which would be a massive legal stretch in my view).
It's a good answer, just the topic about the why is cuba in permanent crisis for 53 years may be to broad or opinion based... thanks for the explanation.
For Kurzweil, modern and secular are synonymous, and it is the rise of secularization that has made modernity an age of permanent crisis.
In October 2010, the Franco - German Deauville Declaration posited — no doubt with an eye towards the Judges of Karsruhe (see Daniela's post)-- that a Treaty amendment to place a «permanent crisis mechanism» on solid legal footing was indispensible.
Once you plan it, you're free to differentiate instruction and meet the immediate needs of your students rather than being in permanent crisis - mode trying to figure what will happen tomorrow.
Established in February 2012, the ESM is the permanent crisis resolution mechanism for the countries of the euro area.
Over the past several months the Eurozone has entered a strange period of stasis, what has effectively become a period of permanent crisis.
Of the two examples mentioned, Cuba could reasonably be thought of as in a permanent crisis due to the US embargo.
A larger corporate reform goal, in addition to changing the way schools and classrooms function, is reflected in the attacks on collective bargaining and teacher unions and in the permanent crisis of school funding across the country.
He seems to live in a permanent crisis mode, meaning once he figures out a solution to one crisis and a new stability takes hold, it is always a matter of time before that stability is undercut and anyone in the way or who cares becomes collateral damage.
The ESM Treaty is a treaty under public international law concluded by the members of the eurozone to create a permanent crisis mechanism to safeguard the stability of the euro area.
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