Sentences with phrase «permanent damage so»

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But if we compare these gains with the permanent loss to those peoples of the services performed by the forests, the damage to the rivers and to the agricultural lands by the erosion of the mountainsides, the loss of fisheries, and so forth, one can hardly judge that the lot of the people has been improved.
Maybe the likes of Manuwa, someone who doesn't have great wrestling and he could smother him without getting knocked out but I think the 205» ers who he can't hold down likely KO him — but my opinion is biased I'm not a fan at all so my view is that I wouldn't be upset if I didn't see him fight anymore — regardless, don't want to see any fighter take permanent damage
Your child's ear is much more sensitive than an adult's, so when your child is immersed in a noisy environment or playing with a noisy toy she is much more susceptible to noise - induced hearing loss, which can lead to permanent hearing damage.
So was there permanent damage done?
Scientists have discovered that limited use of this toxin can numb muscles just enough so they can't function and at the same time, so that permanent damage does not occur.
This baby gate is pressure mounted with rubber bumpers, so you don't have to install any permanent hardware and you'll never risk any damage to your walls.
Eye infections in newborns can progress quickly and cause permanent damage or even blindness so a «wait and see» approach to delay any eye ointment is not recommended.
(Shaking a baby can cause permanent brain damage, so if you feel angry, and colic can do that to you, put your baby down.)
In most cases, the gum disease would not be so far advanced as to cause permanent damage.
In addition, the permanent tooth is forming right at the ends of the root of the baby tooth, so any infection in the baby tooth can damage the permanent tooth, he says.
Doing so may result in permanent brain damage or even death.
But, he notes, «Left alone, your skin replaces at a fairly good rate, so unless you've done permanent damage to the tissue, it will regenerate.»
Currently, babies born so early have a low chance of surviving — about 50 percent — and the devices that keep them alive can also cause severe and permanent damage.
Dark marks leftover by acne are just spots that can be taken care of with or without special creams or home remedies while true acne scarring is where there is serious permanent damage done to your skin that needs surgery so...
Remember that I have significant permanent nerve damage to my right leg, so exercise was not an option.
Fortunately I learned this one soon enough to avoid permanent damage, but several of my friends were not so lucky, and now as 40 approaches they have major issues.
Maybe also note that the A / C system is automatically turned off if a dangerously low level (pressure) of refrigerant is sensed, so that no permanent damage will occur.
So I have requested a refund, and will get the new plugs tomorrow from O'Reilly... but in the meantime, I guess that changes my question to whether or not I could have caused any permanent damage driving around for about an hour today with the wrong plugs?
So my question is, can a battery conductance tester tell the difference between the loss of plate surface area due to permanent plate damage in the first case, and between the potentially reversible loss of active surface area due to sulfation?
When biologist Stacey O'Brien first met a four - day - old baby barn owl with nerve damage in one wing, she knew he had no hope of surviving on his own in the wild, so gave him a permanent home living with her.
You may be able to obtain debt relief, but your credit score will suffer permanent damage, and the fresh start you dream of may not so quick in coming.
Recently she started limping and the diagnosis was «tear of the ligament joining her right tibia and femur», a permanent damage that required immediate (and expensive) surgery (the so called DePuys Syntes TPLO.)
Doing so can risk permanent ear damage and hearing loss and can cause pain.
Their bones stay soft until around 2 years old so rough housing or physical straining (weight pulling, daily running on hard pavement etc.) can cause permanent damage to their joints if started too early.
Contact your veterinarian immediately so he or she can evaluate the extent and seriousness of any permanent damage.
When not diagnosed early enough this parasite can cause significant permanent damage to your pet so if you have a dog who eats slugs and snails or you have lots of them in your garden in this case prevention is better than cure.
Bunny enclosure can get a bit messy so its best to cover the floor to stop any permanent damaged.
And, there's an additional bonus: not only will you have a monitored alarm system but you will also receive the peace of mind of early detection in the case of any smoke, fire, flooding or other emergencies in your home so that you can react quickly and minimize any permanent damage while also keeping your dog safe from harm.
Calcium oxalate is the same substance which produces kidney stones, so large doses or long term consumption can also lead to permanent kidney damage.
If infected wounds are left untreated, your pet may be left with permanent hearing damage, so it's essential to go and see your veterinarian as soon as possible if you notice a wound.
Consult your veterinarian for advice about various ways to increase the humidity and otherwise aid the snake in removal of the skin and eye caps, so that no permanent damage is done to your pet snake.
This phenomenon can cause damage to the permanent teeth coming in, so your vet might want to pull the retained teeth out during your dog's spay or neuter surgery.
However, cats being so much smaller than we are, it does not take very much alcohol to cause permanent damage and death.
Defeating the monster at low level is a relatively easy feat, and though it's possible for the monster to regain its shield any loss of health is permanent, so damage done early in the game can make a drastic difference later on when depleting the health bar is a more daunting task.
The (semi --RRB- permanent damage taken differs with each difficulty level, so on the lowest one, the Way of the Acolyte, you'll start most encounters with almost full health, while you have to face much less and weaker enemies than on the higher difficulties.
But these overheating episodes didn't seem to cause any permanent damage, so he didn't worry about them.
It springs from the reality that there are some climate change impacts that can not be adapted to — impacts that are so severe that they leave in their wake permanent or significantly damaging effects.
Most spinal cord injuries are permanent because spinal nerve cells do not regenerate like other body cells, so the damage is irreversible.
Now an owner may only be liable for double damages for injuries caused by their dog only if a dog bites a person with «sufficient force to break the skin and cause permanent physical scarring, or disfigurement» if the owner knew the dog had previously done so.
How do you prove a «permanent injury» so your non-economic damages (pain and suffering; mental anguish; inconvenience) are covered?
Injuries can range from road rash and fractures all the way to permanent brain damage and even injuries so severe that there is no hope of recovery.
If you're considering a lease assigment, it can be a smart idea to pursue permanent assignment so you won't be on the hook for expenses or damages.
While you may be tempted to gloss over these symptoms and try to move on with your life, seeking treatment is critical; failure to do so may result in complications like long - term pain or permanent damage to the upper spine.
And how to do so in such a way that the pain inflicted might be said not to be akin to that «associated with serious physical injury so severe that death, organ failure, or permanent damage resulting in a loss of significant body function will likely result»?
When he did so he shanked it (a dirty word in the golfer's lexicon) and the ball hit Anand in the eye causing permanent damage and loss.
However, this is not so and the policy that your landlord owns is only going to pay for the damages that occur to the permanent parts of the home or apartment.
So we hit up top therapists and couples counselors for a crash course in stopping these relationship - busters before they do permanent damage.
The custody issue may be long settled, but the damage is permanent and so are the emotional scars left behind.
Whether it is mild or severe, PAS normally causes permanent damage to the relationship between the targeted spouse and the children, so prompt action is essential.
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