Sentences with phrase «permanent nerve damage»

In very rare cases, an epidural can cause permanent nerve damage to the mother.
Just as I started to come to grips with permanent nerve damage and an array of side effects caused by my treatments, another crisis struck.
Middle ear infections need prompt medical treatment to prevent permanent nerve damage and often the associated head tilt will disappear with time.
Remember that I have significant permanent nerve damage to my right leg, so exercise was not an option.
This can lead to permanent nerve damage referred to as biker's arm, as well as damage to the upper body.
It is very important to start treatment within 6 months of when symptoms begin to appear because a long - term vitamin B12 deficiency can cause permanent nerve damage.
Plus, low vitamin B12 is linked to potentially permanent nerve damage as well as brain atrophy.
Attacked by two pit bulls while walking to work in November 2015, Joseph Mooring of Bryan, Texas on January 27, 2017 won the second - highest award in a Texas dog attack case: $ 5.1 million for permanent nerve damage to his right leg and forearm, levied not by a jury but by 85th District Court Judge Kyle Hawthorne.
A fractured sacrum caused permanent nerve damage affecting his bladder and bowel.
Syrinxes exert pressure on the spinal cord, compressing and stretching its fibers and in some cases resulting in permanent nerve damage, pain, craniocervical scratching and paresis (difficulty walking).
Most cases of heavy metal toxicity in birds are treatable if they are diagnosed early enough before permanent nerve damage has occurred.
As a result, our client suffered permanent nerve damage from a ruptured disk.
It may sound silly, but computer work has been proven to cause serious injuries, including carpal tunnel, tendonitis, and even permanent nerve damage.
This exposes a baby's spinal cord to the mother's amniotic fluid, which can increase the risk of permanent nerve damage and paralysis.
We've fought dangerous surgical mesh manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies that manufactured antibiotics that caused patients permanent nerve damage, and against the makers of Risperdal that caused thousands of males to develop gynecomastia.
Developing insomnia, and a fear of the bedroom After a car accident left her with permanent nerve damage and chronic back pain, Patricia Skiba began to dread going to bed at night.
Depending on the severity of IVDD, surgery is sometimes a necessity to prevent permanent nerve damage.
If the infant is too large to pass safely through the birth canal and a physician pulls on the infant's head during the delivery process this will often stretch the neck and shoulders causing permanent nerve damage and Erbs Palsy.
CTS can get bad enough to cause permanent nerve damage and muscle wasting.
The most common is decreased shoulder mobility with associated pain, but there may also be difficulty in talking or swallowing, and permanent nerve damage and numbness on the side where the surgery has been carried out.
Fatigue, muscle soreness, headaches, dizziness, nausea and memory problems are common, and if you're particularly unlucky, you might end up with permanent nerve damage, liver problems or diabetes.
Treat your condition early to prevent complications and permanent nerve damage.
Scott Hatteberg (a lovely, severely undervalued supporting turn from «Parks and Recreation» star Chris Pratt) is a player past his prime, with permanent nerve damage to his arm meaning that he can no longer pitch a ball like he used to.
He still has some permanent nerve damage and a head tilt.
Although rare, temporary and permanent nerve damage can happen, resulting in lack of bowel control.
IVDD can lead to permanent nerve damage, making timely recognition and intervention extremely important.
Unfortunately Neil Young does appear to have permanent nerve damage to the foot, but is able to compensate without issue and is now ready to find his forever home!
Without the ability to properly use this instinct, cats can develop behavioral issues like aggressiveness or reclusiveness and medical complications such as permanent nerve damage.
Infants suffering from traumatic brain injury or permanent nerve damage may require a lifetime of expensive medical care and therapeutic assistance.
Depending upon the severity of the injury, the baby can lose the ability to flex and to rotate its arm, or in more severe cases, a tearing of the nerves can lead to permanent nerve damage and paralysis.
In the case of maternal injuries, common injuries may include lacerations; tears; uterine, vaginal, and rectal prolapse; pelvic floor dysfunction; permanent nerve damage, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); and many others.
The woman alleged that the nurse negligently inserted the needle into her left optic nerve, causing her permanent nerve damage and vision loss.
She claims the medical device eroded in her body and that this has left her with constant pelvic pain and permanent nerve damage.
This force from this kind of injury has been known to cause permanent nerve damage and even paralysis.
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