Sentences with phrase «persecuted people»

"Persecuted people" refers to individuals or groups who are mistreated, oppressed, or harassed due to their race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, or other characteristics. They face discrimination, prejudice, or even violence based on these factors, often experiencing hardship or limitations in their rights and freedoms. Full definition
It also diverts police attention and resources from the serious crime which causes real harm, all in the name of persecuting people who want to use or grow cannabis in the privacy of their own home.
«We all need to get behind #RedWednesday - we need to stand together against violence carried out in the name of religion - we need to speak up about regimes which persecute people of faith.»
It is beyond mere poverty to persecute people for who they are.
Someone explain to me how the most persecuted people in the world are «privileged» #christianprivilege
Aren't Christians the most persecuted people in the world now?
Lockett identified with the plight of persecuted peoples throughout history, including Native Americans.
But it's downright ignorant to imply that christians as a whole persecuted people.
As Filip Mazurczak explained in a First Things article in 2013, «Romero avoided the blinkered anti-communism of Argentina's bishops and defended the vulnerable against military violence, seeing the hypocrisy of rulers who claim to be Christians yet persecute the people.
Furthermore, if the evidence from some branches of Orthodox Judaism and of Black Islam in America is taken into account, it may be that the simple clarities of fundamentalism give persecuted people whose lives are in disarray the clean - edged structures by which discipline and order can be imposed on chaos from within.
Atheists persecute people of faith, namely Christians (the easiest target given their tendency to forgive) with a RELIGIOUS convicition and zeal.
Actually the Founding Fathers wanted to a create government that didn't persecute people for their religious choices.
Christians are the most persecuted people on the planet.
And the reason why people like me care is because we throw away so much time and money on something that's not real... and then persecute people who don't believe in it!
The Chairman of the National Peace Council, Rev. Emmanuel Asante on Tuesday called on former Transport Minister, Dzifa Attivor to retract a claim attributed to her to the effect that the NPP does not deserve Voltarian votes because the party has a history of selectively persecuting people from the region.
The aL - hAJJ last week reported how President Akufo - Addo and his advisers are plotting to terrorize and disgrace immediate past President, John Mahama; using state machinery to persecute persons linked to him and his family.
They have been enabled to operate in this way because of Home Office policies which create and perpetuate a climate of hardship and hostility for asylum seekers, rather than one that welcomes persecuted people and facilitates their recovery and social integration.
The Mexican military and police forces, emboldened by the posibility of obtaining billions of dollars from the US through the Bush Merida Initiative are moving in on indigenous and activist communities in Chiapas and still persecuting people in Oaxaca, where US reporter Brad Will was murdered, along with dozens of others, still with impunity.
They have been persecuting people for almost 2000 years.
I agree that some Christians have persecuted people throughout the ages.
and how this old situation has a direct tie to enviro - activists» current efforts to use racketeering laws to persecute people who criticize the notion of catastrophic man - caused global warming.
But the communist manifesto, which has allowed the largest human rights violators in history to persecute people of faith are so much more enlightened.
All those who are criticizing the group for going into the country need to be asked what they are doing to bring hope to these persecuted people?
On top of that the Byzantine empire was occupying the Egyptians and persecuted its people, when Muslims beat Byzantium they granted religious freedom to the Christians of Alexandria.
How dare the Eebil Gubmint take away their right to persecute people they don't like!
Now all I need is a slave market, a wife - beating rod and an inquisition to persecute people I don't like.
There are those that will mock and ridicule people of faith but Jesus told us that they will do to us what they did to him so it should come as no big surprise even the disciples and apostle and one point in their lives either didn't believe or persecuted people who did believe until their eyes were opened this is nothing new.
2) The story of Daniel 7, in which the persecuted people of God are vindicated by being raised up on the clouds to sit with God in glory.
The church used to persecute people for suggesting things like «The earth is round» and «The sun rotates around the earth».
I pray that I am not revealing naïveté when I say that I resonate to the words of a prince of the church that for so many centuries despised and persecuted my people.
Answering a questionnaire forwarded him from the University, demanding to know whether he was Aryan or non-Aryan, Dietrich declared himself to be non-Aryan (his paternal grandmother was born Jewish, but baptized as a child) out of solidarity with a persecuted people.
Yeah... and the Catholic Church was wonderful at blatantly murdering innocent people during the Crusades and Inquisition and persecuting people for centuries.
(This gets asked to us atheists all the time, but I think the question is fair pointed at you as well) Not only would you have wasted your one and only life... but you would have persecuted people who have done no wrong other than not agreeing with you.
Now at last I have experienced what it is like to worship the Lord among a persecuted people, and I have seen the Spirit in action there.
In Alan Paton's magnificent novel Cry, the Beloved Country, one of the natives of South Africa, a simple man with work calloused hands, a member of a persecuted people, says this: «I have never thought that a Christian would be free of suffering....
It's not white peoples» faults that more blacks don't believe in self - sufficiency and don't cow tow to the false nation of blacks being a persecuted people who can't get ahead without the govt's help.
The third but most most significant reality of these powers is revealed by the suffering of their victims, the oppressed and persecuted people.
In the modern times, the persecuted person speaks in the name of his or her faith, deeply rooted in a cultural heritage.
Christians you are not being persecuted the people are just defending themselves from your persecution, you just do nt like being talked back to.
My only prayer is that God should remove this Pharaoh that have persecuted my people.
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