Sentences with phrase «persist in»

It can only disprove what isn't true in religion and if you think religions have hung around for thousands of years because everything they promoted was untrue, then you have a sad limitation in your scientific understanding of how ideas persist in societies.
And if he be shameless and persist in his wrong - doing, even so forgive him from the heart, and leave to God the avenging»; (The Testament of Gad 6:3,7.)
Unfortunately, a number of mainline denominations persist in trying to mimic these electronic evangelists, in their objectives if not their precise techniques.
It may sometimes happen that a fundamental difference of opinion on matters of principle may persist in theory, and retain real importance, while the circumstances of life and action change so much that the difference of opinion is of less moment for life and action than it previously was.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand this would be why I persist in telling my mother that no, I really don't have any intentions of going back to church.
And we dare to persist in that costly struggle even when it gets dangerous, even when it involves death, because the resurrection has removed the sting of death.
If they persist in it, they risk being damned to private life in a secular society they have attempted to manipulate by its own means, rather than reconquering for Christ.
Their disobedience can not cancel out God's hesed, but neither will God's mercy save them from destruction if they persist in flouting his just demands.
He insists that he does not have a «system,» but all kinds of people persist in trying to systematically fit everything under the sun into his key ideas about «mimetic desire» and «sacred violence.»
Can the unions — particularly the AFL - CIO — overcome their frequent tendency to acquiesce in the status quo, to persist in racist and sexist bias and to hang on to narrow nationalist views of the world?
For either side to persist in a provisional Protestant - vs.
Why do you think it's acceptable to persist in a lie?
Sagan 22:1 For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reàssuring.
I like Sagan's saying For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
It is good that Jeremiah, who had refused, did not persist in his refusal and that Isaiah, who wanted to be sent, was willing to become thoroughly prepared to be sent.
Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.
Jesus foresaw that the populace in Jerusalem would persist in rejecting God's call, with awesome judgment as the result.
Why do Christians on this blog persist in posting that «jesus said this» or «jesus said that» when any words attributed to jesus in the bible are at best unverifiable hearsay written down decades or centuries after jesus was said to have existed and written by people who had never seen or heard jesus.
If the bishops persist in pressing them on abortion, Catholic politicians will either be «precluded from holding high public office, because attacked by their own church's officials and otherwise harassed by their coreligionists,» or else, if they are elected, it will be «precisely because they are portrayed by coreligionists as renegades from the church.»
Whenever he shrinks from this, whenever he is inclined to persist in or to slip back again into the inward determinants of feeling, mood, etc., he sins, he succumbs to a temptation (Anfechtung).
Socrates» protest against compromise with the truth remains a point of light in the human pilgrimage just because the same issues persist in every age.
And yet so many persist in the belief that the purpose of the Religion Clause is to protect the government from citizens who are religious.
But the one who in truth wills the Good, puts cleverness to an inward use: in order to prevent all evasions and thereby to help him enter into and persist in the commitment.
Also, people should realize that Pascal's intent was most - definitely NOT to convince the unbeliever to believe, but rather to encourage the believer to persist in the face of doubt.
If the self does not persist in its progress, it returns to the first stage and improvement becomes extremely difficult.
Cindy @ 2:40 PM Your comment always brings to mind the criticism by so many that gay persons who are monogamous, persist in living in sin.
has continued to be central for me and because the crucified Christ remains a powerful symbol f transforming grace, I persist in thinking of myself as Christian — however liberal and humanistic.
Nevertheless, despite all this, I persist in my original claim that there are features in the present transition which do set it apart as a climactic era.
But a lack of vaccines is a key reason high child mortality rates persist in many resource - poor countries of Asia and Africa.
When humans persist in sin despite God's frequent attempts to call them toward obedience and to warn them of what will happen if they continue down the path they are on, there comes a point where sometimes, God simply withdraws His hand of protection and allows people to suffer the consequences for their sin, for chaos to reign, and for Satan to bring death and destruction.
Ivan's most profound utterance, the one which opens the deepest chasms beneath the rebel's feet, is his even if: «I would persist in my indignation, even if I were wrong.
Many modern Americans, Hibbs pointed out, persist in the vain hope that healthy eating, regular exercise, and seatbelts will somehow protect them from the indignities of aging and death.
The pro-abortion media persist in reporting that the law permits abortion in the early months of pregnancy and only for compelling reasons, and many prefer to think that is so.
He argues that today's scientists stubbornly persist in refusing to admit that they need to change their methods and theories (pp. 29, 61, 80, 107, 122).
The fact that human beings persist in behaving «irrationally and uneconomically», in terms of the market model, does not, they claim, invalidate that model: we simply have not yet learned to appreciate the benefits of competition.
Moreover, it can not explain why matter should of itself have sought organizations of particular types and then persist in maintaining these types.
Why do you persist in lying about what others say?
Why do they persist in denying the obvious?
Left to itself, matter should persist in a state governed solely by quantitative relationships, one would think.
We have to persist in a theology of the cross in order precisely to expose that fact.
Pray for those who persist in twisting My teachings and for My sacred servants who, through cowardice, are giving in to the demands made of them by Governments.
At the time, they had no clue about space, astronomy, or anything sceintific, yet people persist in believing the myths.
So the reason I believe in eternal hell is because I believe some, unfortunately, will in fact persist in refusing grace, and be lost forever, and that this sad truth has been revealed to us.
then why do we persist in thinking that the divine accommodations will be limited and segregated?
Eternal hell only exists on the condition that some of God's free creatures reject God's love and grace and persist in doing so.
For if we willfully persist in sin after having received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.
Yet we persist in thinking that more laws, rules, regulatory agencies and watch - dog committees will defeat the evils we face.
If Christianity is correct, and I persist in my unbelief, I should expect to suffer the torments of hell.
«This perversity, though prevalent in all parts of society, was allowed to persist in the Church for too long.
If you do nothing, the patient in 306 will persist in his comatose state for an indefinite amount of time while those in need of transplants will surely die in the very near future.
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