Sentences with phrase «person alien abduction»

Those looking forward to the first - person alien abduction experience The Hum: Abductions are probably wondering like myself about the status of...

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Not to compare it with your belief, but many people are convinced that they experienced an alien abduction, but that experience is not considered evidence of aliens on earth, at least not by most people.
I wonder how many god believers take seriously a person who claims to be an alien abduction «expert» or a bigfoot expert or a ghost expert or pyramid power expert or naburu (or whatever that «hidden» planet in our solar system is called» expert.
The «new world order» conspiracy theories clearly draw upon the Revelation account of the Beast; abduction - by - aliens tales evoke the rapture; and persons who report messages from aliens offer a variant of numerous biblical accounts of direct communication from God.
Many other people will be willing to share their opinion that the evidence for their religion, or alien abduction, or past lives, or encounter with ghosts, or fairies is also «reasonable».
ddeevviinn You probably wouldn't be satisfied with the evidence for reincarnation, astrology, ghosts, leprechauns, alien abductions, Vishnu, Thetans, and virtually a million other things that people believe based on personal experience, correct?
But the study was part of a six - year probe by Harvard psychologist Richard McNally and his colleagues into the minds of apparently sane people who believe they have memories of long - repressed events, including sexual abuse, alien abduction, and past lives.
But the study is part of a six - year probe by Harvard psychologist Richard McNally and his colleagues into the minds of apparently sane people who believe they have memories of long - repressed events, including sexual abuse, alien abduction, and past lives.
The company says that it has paid out at least two claims under Alien Abduction Insurance when two people claimed that they have been bitten by vampires (they were actually bitten by a bat).
Nearby is a reading room stocked with books, papers, magazines and television monitors broadcasting interviews with people discussing alien abduction and conspiracy theories.
If you Google «alien abduction» you will get about 1.7 million hits; this does not prove that people are being abducted by aliens.
If you did a similar survey to determine which potential risks of an alien invasion worried people the most (abduction & probing [X-files], having your life energy sucked out [Stargate Atlantis], etc.), you would get similar results and conclude we urgently need to mitigate the risks of an alien invasion.
Still not sure if that's about insurance or true believers, but it's eerily close to PolicyGenius» mission — teach people about insurance rather than just selling it to them, provide transparency, and let them know what they don't need — so it's weird that we don't offer alien abduction insurance.
Then, as if seamlessly, she segued into this next sentence: «In the 1980s and «90s, people all over the country filed scores of legal cases accusing parents, priests and day care workers of horrific sex crimes, which they claimed to have only just remembered with the help of a therapist... But as the claims grew more outlandish — alien abductions and secret satanic cults — support for the concept waned... Harvard psychologist Richard McNally called the idea of repressed memories «the worst catastrophe to befall the mental health field since the lobotomy `.»
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