Sentences with phrase «person inflicting pain»

According to Popkin, «In the long run, a stronger person inflicting pain on a smaller, weaker person may cause more harm than good to the child and the relationship.»
Once self - harm behaviour begins, it can be difficult to stop as it can be addictive because when a person inflicts pain on themselves, the body responds by producing endorphins.
When a person inflicts pain on themselves, the body responds by producing endorphins.

Not exact matches

Only emergency support from the ECB is keeping the banks afloat and saving Greece from a chaotic euro exit that would inflict more pain on its people and gravely damage the currency, the strongest symbol of the EU's drive for an «ever closer union» on a continent once ravaged by two world wars.
I just don't see that Jesus reveals this kind of God, a God that is vindictive toward His enemies, who inflicts pain and punishment on people because they go against His will.
Mr Lawrence, who speaks to young people to spell out the dire consequences of carrying a weapon, said: «Right now with the violence, and the knife crime violence, it is even more urgent now that I talk to these youngsters and explain to them the pain and the suffering they inflict on families.
There was the Superior Court judge in Ontario who ruled that Ottawa had «failed in their duty of care to indigenous peoples» in one case pertaining to the Sixties Scoop which hardly seems sufficient language for the intergenerational pain that was inflicted but I'm glad for it.
Does God inflict pain on people?
In this kind of theodicy Gethesemane, the cross, and the resurrection are important foci for understanding the depths of God's love, who, in creating an unimaginatively complex matrix of matter eventuating finally in persons able to choose to go against God's intentions, nonetheless grieves for and suffers with this beloved creation, both in the pain its natural course brings all its creatures and in the evil that its human creatures inflict upon it.
It saddens me that rather than recognize that God is with us in our pain and suffering, crying when we cry, holding us when we tremble, wailing with us in our pain, some people think God is actually the one making us suffer, causing us to cry, inflicting us with fear, and torturing us with pain.
The beatings, the burnings, the tortures — all the pain and cruelty inflicted on people - will be banned.
Forming a whip and driving people away is a clear example that inflicting pain and violence can be performed without necessarily being sinful if it is done to stop a sinful behavior, though it does not show that going as far as killing someone is acceptable.
John, you wrote: «Forming a whip and driving people away is a clear example that inflicting pain and violence can be performed without necessarily being sinful if it is done to stop a sinful behavior, though it does not show that going as far as killing someone is acceptable.»
These demons, which seem to have a fondness for entering the human body through domestic abuse during childhood, inflict the type of pain in the head that drives people to cut themselves with stones or razor blades in order to bring some temporary relief.
How can you hold your head erect knowing that you inflict emotional pain on people by your crass statements about their spiritual health.
«Once «the religious hypothesis» is disengaged from the opportunity to inflict humiliation and pain on people who do not profess the correct creed, it loses interest for many people
Persons of mature faith have certitude, the conviction that God is Good and Loving even when circumstances inflict pain and suffering.
These people seem to think that pain inflicted on someone is perfectly fine as long as it is done from a perspective of love.
I do believe, however, that a pre-calcuated, manipulative plan to cause hurt or the down - fall of another person just because they inflicted pain on us is wrong.
TL; DR - Age is not a measure of how much suffering can be felt or how much pain can be inflicted onto a person.
Because your child knows what it feels like to be a victim, stress that his bullying also inflicted pain on another person.
I would add that people like BWF / January Harshe are inflicting pain on mothers by encouraging them to do stupid things.
But don't criticize the people offering them or advocating for them — it is abhorrent to think that they do it based on faulty science, or because they're financially motivated / lazy / hate women / have deep rooted psychological hangups that make them want to inflict unnecessary pain on patients.
You are right to distance yourself from people who inflict emotional pain and stress on you and your daughter.
«It's sole purpose is to inflict pain to change people's behavior.»
«We call on our supporters in the state to be werry of the Greek gifts being distributed by the Governor and his cronies to deceive and manipulate some undiscerning minds to join their failed political journey, a journey that has inflicted much pain on the people in the last one and half years», he said.
Sean Mackey inflicts pain on people in the hope of learning how to relieve it.
Most people think foam rolling is some sort of medieval torture designed to inflict pain as you roll out your tight IT bands, but the foam roller is capable of so much more — and used right, rolling doesn't need to hurt.
If you needed your faith in humanity restored today, there's good news: A new study found that people would rather lose money than inflict pain on...
If you needed your faith in humanity restored today, there's good news: A new study found that people would rather lose money than inflict pain on another person — even if that person is a stranger.
What Milgram really wanted to find out was just how much pain people will willingly inflict if ordered to do so by an authority figure wearing a white lab coat.
It is, however, most definitely a story about pain - physical and mental - and how one person can inflict it on another.
For all the intensity of our collective desire to move on from each of these human - inflicted disasters, Oliver Loving soberly reminds us that there are people left behind for whom the grief and pain will never disappear.»
Ironically, Milgram's experiments involved naive subjects inflicting what they thought were painful, electric shocks on people who pretended to be in pain.
These procedures are meant to inflict pain and are likely to teach the dog to fear people.
The reason for this is that people believe that the pain inflicted leads to the tenderizing of the meat.
A person commits the offense of cruelty to animals (a Class A misdemeanor) if he or she intentionally or knowingly tortures, maims or grossly overworks an animal; fails unreasonably to provide necessary food, water, care or shelter for an animal in the person's custody; abandons unreasonably an animal in the person's custody; transports or confines an animal in a cruel manner; or inflicts burns, cuts, lacerations, or other injuries or pain.
The repercussions of inflicting pain upon your pet could either result in the canine deciding that humans are alarming due to being hurt every time he / she tries to greet one, or your pet may determine that you are frightening since you abuse them every time they try to welcome people.
The Koehler Method of training quickly landed under fire when people began introducing unnatural consequences that inflicted pain on the puppy.
Because hurtling people at random objects designed to inflict the most pain should be fun, not messy.
I hate to inflict this on people because it caused me a lot of brain pain, but it does eventually help you understand the importance of priors!
Like a cat to a mouse, they enjoy tormenting or hurting others; they are essentially driven by the pain they inflict; the poor person's anguish is their twisted trophy, their «narcissistic supply».
When negligent ownership of a dog erupts into an injury for an innocent person, the victim with the help of a Toledo dog bite lawyer has a right to pursue damages against the owner equal to the pain and suffering their dog has inflicted.
The detentions include all the brutality given to a murder, terrorist or bank robber, for a person going to a hospital and in need of medical care not pain inflicted by RCMP Officers to attempt to get cooperation.
It can stir people to action, movethem to tears of both joy and sorrow, and — as it did here — inflict great pain... As a Nation we have chosen a different course — to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate.
Under this law — California Penal Code § 206 — the crime of torture occurs when a person inflicts great bodily harm on another with the intent to cause cruel or extreme pain.
Pain and Suffering: You may also be able to recover damages for physical pain inflicted on you by a person or company's negligence, as well as for emotional suffering caused by your injuries.
In addition to the intent of causing cruel or extreme pain, California's torture law also requires that a person inflicted great bodily injury.
Our family counseling Dallas therapists have helped many Dallas families navigate the pain and hurt that people in relationships routinely inflict on each other, either intentionally or unintentionally.
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