Sentences with phrase «person limit sets»

The per person limit sets a maximum on how much the insurance company will pay out per person in the event someone is injured.

Not exact matches

They're great tools for people who can't help checking Twitter or Facebook, because no matter how many times you restart your browser — or reboot the entire computer — those sites won't be accessible until the set time limit has elapsed.
New leaders have a limited time to set a company's culture and get people on board with their vision
Since you're letting people set their own salaries there must not be many limits.
Instead, people make discreet changes in their settings on the site to limit the views they find offensive from showing up in their feed, without provoking outward shows of conflict with people.
Last week's elections set to replace outgoing President Ernest Bai Koroma of the All People's Congress party, who had served his maximum two - term limit in office.
«One of the biggest flaws with the UK set up is that it is based on self - reporting and Companies House (which runs the UK Corporate register) has limited resources to go after people who fail to provide information or provide incorrect information,» he said.
Most people probably don't care, but it should bother voters that there is a whole set of rules that place some private investment offerings that may offer superior returns off limits because the government basically deems you to be poor.
Asked if people could opt out, Facebook added, «There are basic things you can do to limit the use of this information for advertising, like using browser or device settings to delete cookies.
Second of all, the reason that the government set an income cut - off to Roth IRA eligibility and also set a low annual contribution limit is because the Roth IRA is intended to help regular people build wealth, rather than allow high - income people to stash away tons of money and avoid taxes.
Facebook said people who downloaded the app gave consent for the app to collect limited information about their friends whose privacy settings were set to allow it.
It is made by people who I think often have a pretty limited set of views and experiences on the topic.
Not sure what to conclude — different people will come to different answers, but in my mind the use of cryptos as a medium of exchange is for a limited set of economic activity.
It is a medium to long term exercise to grow an asset and in the situation when many people approaching retirement have such limited funds set aside that asset growth may be needed to provide a comfortable retirement.
As a woman who got married in the late 1960's I can tell you a lot of things about limiting your beliefs including how people around you can set up limits and barriers.
However, any attempt to prevent someone from seeing it is an attempt to limit their options; and a group that has set itself up to limit the options of others can be used to hurt people, as has been shown many times in the past.
«We the people» of the United States as a whole have power to set rules that constitute and limit our government, superseding ordinary legislation and executive action.
Elsewhere in the developing tradition limits were set on how such justified force might be used: certain classes of persons were normally to be treated as noncombatants and not to be harmed directly and intentionally in their persons or property, and lists were made of weapons not to be used because of their indiscriminate or especially deadly effect.
They become things rather than persons when they are trained only to do a particular limited set of tasks according to a standard formula.
That is, like its precursors of 1824 and 1857, it recognized implicitly that the Mexican people are «Catholic» and will have churches; it simply asserted unquestioned governmental authority to set the limits on the churches» domain.
Although the actual event occurred in one place, at one time, and was limited by all the conditions of a historical setting, Jesus» death is understood to be beneficial for all people, in all places, at all times.
Now who shall think himself sufficient to be able to set limits to this sort of ignorance, bearing in mind the manner and variety of peoples, places, talents, and of all other circumstances whatsoever.»
He reflects carefully on the basic dilemma» that defending democracy and its rights and liberties may require an abrogation of at least some of those rights and liberties, at least for some persons and for a limited time» and he explicitly sets out to make a moral argument rather than the legal and political - theory arguments favored among critics of the war on terror.
In addition to the usage advisory statement, all energy drinks in Australia have a set maximum caffeine limit and all product packaging must contain warning statements about the caffeine content and that they are not suitable for children and people sensitive to caffeine.
Being in a land that I never thought it possible to visit, belonging to a community of people halfway across the world, it occurred to me the limits that poverty sets on an individual were not innate.
The match was well - constructed to keep her on the sideline to build suspense and prevent exposing a surely still - limited move set, but she surprised by breaking out a hurricanrana on Triple H, showing she'll get to use her full athleticism, rather than just be cast as the scary grappler who breaks people's arms.
But at the same time a confident person knows his limit, he set realistic goals and strives to achieve them.
Let me be clear: you can be a gentle, quiet person and an effective parent — the two aren't mutually exclusive — but you still need to be firm and set clear limits.
Set limits on the number and type of passengers, such as no more than two other people, and only the kids who live within a mile of home.
But limit - setting is also compassionate; by stopping the patient from acting in certain ways that are self - injurious, one helps the patient, even if this is not appreciated at the time by the person by helped.
Can stay lovingly connected to him even as you set limits on his behavior... He learns that he's not a bad person, just human.
It's important that tweens feel empowered with information that helps them set boundaries, expectations, and limits on themselves and the person they are dating.
A timer is set, and then two competing guests are then instructed to try to hang as many diapers as they can within the time limit, trying to hang more diapers than the other person does.
Maintaining a healthy parent / child relationship is vital as you work to find a balance between setting limits with your richly spirited child while not limiting their freedom to stretch and grow and develop into the person they were created to be.
«Wired Child» Author Talks to Burlington Parents About Setting Screen Time Limits, California psychologist Richard Freed spoke to about 50 people gathered Saturday at Burlington's Halton Waldorf School.
Each person just buys for one other person and setting a price limit keeps things fair for everyone.
Behavior that hurts other people is never OK and clear limits must be set on this behavior.
He is now fighting me for custody of our still breastfeeding daughter, and saying that I am unreasonable for wanting to limit his visitation to accommodate breastfeeding, and to wait until she's weaned herself before allowing overnights (especially since overnights would be with an unfamiliar person in an unfamiliar setting such as a hotel or rental property).
The benefit cap sets a clear limit to what people can expect to get from the benefits system and will tackle the problem of welfare dependency.
It serves as a popular moniker for many people tasked with defining themselves within the character limits set by social media profiles such as Twitter.
The legal defense fund would allow people to contribute more than the limits set for campaign contributions, the San Diego - Union Tribune reported.
Such price increases, although within the limits set by industry regulator Ofwat, are controversial given the amount of water lost by the various companies - last year, the equivalent of the daily water consumption of ten million people was lost every day.
But then you suggest that people will do the speed limit + 10, whatever that limit is, so it's better to set the safe speed as the limit + 10 rather than just the limit.
Evidence shows that the most effective policies to reduce alcohol harms, including harms to others, are: - Raising the price of the cheapest alcohol, through taxation and minimum unit pricing - Regulating the density of outlets that can serve alcohol and restricting the permitted hours of sale - drink driving laws, including a lower legal blood alcohol limit and random roadside breath tests - Screening and brief advice for people who are at risk of drinking to a level that is harmful to themselves and others However, the most effective approach is a comprehensive, multi-sectorial set of measures that work together to reduce levels of harmful drinking.
Singh said he again suggested he would use straw donation — which typically entails contributing in a person's name, then reimbursing them in order to skirt campaign finance limits set by law — when de Blasio asked for help with a state senatorial campaign.
The suggested «universal deferred payment» loans may merely delay people having to sell their homes but does not set a limit on how much people should spend on care.
The program would be offered to lower income people, as well as the majority of the middle class, with the income limit set at $ 250,000 a year.
Prisons - Care of people with diabetes Diabetes UK is aware that many people with diabetes in institutional settings, such as prisons, can find it difficult to manage their diabetes successfully, to limit the development of acute metabolic problems such as hypoglycaemia, as well as disabling long - term complications..
At a time when people need it the most, states are tightening work requirements, lowering payments and setting time limits for welfare recipients.
Humanists UK works for an end to irrelevant religious discrimination in publicly funded posts such as general pastoral support jobs in hospitals and elsewhere, which are often unfairly reserved only for religious people or people of certain religions, and for equal treatment of the non-religious according to need in the limited number of settings where belief - specific services are legitimately provided, including hospitals.
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