Sentences with phrase «person searches for life»

In an industry often maligned for hard - selling, Hallett has been intentional about not asking for contact information when a person searches for life insurance quotes on his platform.
When most people search for life insurance with history of heart disease on the internet, they are referring to coronary artery disease, or CAD.

Not exact matches

If you've been living under a rock for the last 10 years, you may be shocked to hear that most people use smart phones and that smart phone searches now account for a more search volume than desktop searches.
Adding to the economic problem is the exodus of thousands of people from Greece, searching for better living conditions abroad.
A keyword search of Halo Top on Instagram yields endless close - ups of bare - midriffed fans smiling with their favorite pint, while ranters like @joshkrugerPHL don't hold back on Twitter: Halo Top is «ice cream for people who hate life
Through some soul - searching, I figured out that I really wanted to enable people to live their lives on their terms instead of settling for a status quo that did not serve them.
Keyword.Guru is a great tool that takes live searches and lets you know the moment you start typing what suggestions it has, so you can see what people are searching for at any given time.
After the devastating losses of the Civil War, people were searching for comfort and found it in a book called «The Gates Ajar,» which depicted Heaven as a place where people led normal lives in their «spiritual bodies,» with houses, families, and regular activities.
So the knowledge imparted was at different levels, - technical rationality, critical rationality to evaluate ends, universal human values, and the humanism of the person of Jesus - but with search for the unity of their inter-relationship realized in the renewal of personal and community life as the ultimate goal.
I have been searching all my adult life for the biblical concept of ekklesia — a gathering led by the presence of God where ordinary people are free to share and minister to one another according to 1 Corinthians 14:26.
Following his lead, all Christians are called to love well across racial and cultural differences, choose to see the world from other people's perspectives, search for and extinguish inequality in the church and society, advocate for each other, esteem one another, and live as true brothers and sisters (Philippians 2:1 - 3).
That «s why every heart is opposed, Christian and non-Christian, because a person with a hungry, searching, open heart, will not only do more good for humanity (for he or she will not risk denying the heart and live a nice quiet life but will press on, even laying his own life for what he thinks is right in his heart) but will also, I believe, turn to God.
When the gospel, the kingdom of God, and the offer of eternal life are rightly proclaimed, they have great drawing power to all who are unregenerate, for they contain the light and life that people have been searching for, but not finding.
I was thinking today about how people are hoping and hopping... in constant search for the right church... (pretty much the way they also look for the perfect life partner).
Many people search the Bible for in them they think they have eternal life, but when we bring them the Scriptures they don't believe us (John 5:38,39).
«On this continent, too, thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones, in search of greater opportunities.
To fill the gap left by a weakened church, people are not only experimenting with both new and ancient forms of the spiritual and psychic life; they are searching for religious books that deal with the complex problems of society in personal, direct and simple ways.
I argued that the humanity of the Crucified Jesus as the foretaste and criterion of being truly human, would be a much better and more understandable and acceptable Christian contribution to common inter-religious-ideological search for world community because the movements of renaissance in most religions and rethinking in most secular ideologies were the results of the impact of what we know of the life and death of the historical person of Jesus or of human values from it.
Affairs often are short - lived, partly because they fail to realize the dream of eternal youth for which the person is searching.
It also means that churches and religious schools and seminaries must take a new and completely different view of the profound role television is assuming in our culture, unless they are prepared to abdicate their own role as the place where people search and find meaning, faith and value for their lives.
Books by Trudy Bush: Practicing Our Faith: Away of Life for a Searching People.
If we are to understand either those aspirations or the failure to attain them, we must continue our effort to understand the nature of this covenant - making people with its deep need for newness and for liberation from oldness in religion, in politics, and in personal life, as well as the moral predicaments the search for newness and liberation so often generated.
and also if i have and your answer is yes then if there is a way to get the holy spirit back then please tell me and also please pray for me for a few days and i also want to know that really is the unforgivable sin unforgivable and really i swear on my mother that i don't want to go to hell forever and i am very scared of it please help me urgent and also i am sending a friend request to you on facebook and please accept it so that we can talk on this matter together and also i think you will like my page and i couldn't sleep properly because of this and in my half sleep in my dreams i was just visiting your website and finding my comment missing and i as pleasing god and the holy spirit but as i was receiving my spirit again and again as i mentioned this in my previous comment i was abusing in my mind i couldn't stop abusing and i have a very good mother she tried to wake me but i told her not to do and it was happening same things again and again and i told my mother again the half truth because i don't want to break her heart and she told me that there is nothing like ghosts and they are making me fools (you all) and i am telling you honestly before this i irritate my mother a lot i just watch tv and surf the internet or play games in my pc and i eat and brush late and also don't listen to my parents but after i saw your website i became obedient for a few days and again the same i am disobedient your webpage or article ruined my life but this is not your fault and now days i am buy searching about this topic and my father (Vivek Saraf) broke his hands on the 6th May while riding at a very high speed he normally don't go at a very high speed but he had a very important work so whole he was riding a dog was running on the way and to save his life he gave a very hard brake and he with his nebiour fall down and got injuries in his legs and broke his hands and at first he walked with difficulty and then the local people helped him on his way and took him to the local hospital but the doctor told that we need to go to Kollkata (the capital of west bengal, India) and so he went with his loyal staff because he is a business man and in the hospital he got cured but he still have the fracture in his hands so i request you to pray for him and his negibour also and i will tell you the rest in facebook bye and sorry for spelling mistakes in my previous comments.
Clearly this activity will be taking place somewhere, because human existence is too problematic for people to stop searching for ideas and ways of living that will make everyday life meaningful.
Real Christians Hate Religion... Real Christians Hate Hypocrites... Real Christians should be more like Christ... How could you claim to be a Christian if you don't even know your Christ... The reason why doomed people would never understand Christ is because they never tried to search for the Truth... They only listen to such rubbish things rather than the Truth... Read and do more and Talk less... It doesn't take a genius to know that Someone created you rather than you coming to life with just atoms randomly hitting each other... If you're really smart, think about it... Stop the non-sense talk about God and Science and find it out for yourself...
In spite of that, human rights organizations argue that European governments are being too restrictive on people who are just searching for a better life, or worse, fleeing war and other danger.
including Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People.
If it is really to speak to people in their actual lives, it must continually search for new ways of presenting the insights of traditional faith.
for the person in search of integrity and purpose in life is never seeking this only in another person.
We Welcome Refugees reminds us «We can not sit blindly by as people die, flee for their lives, search for homes, or live in an existence many of us can not even comprehend.
The rootless quality of life and the vertiginous changes the West faces may lead people to search for stability in custom and received wisdom.
In Romans 1:21 - 28, Paul talks about people who refused to acknowledge and glorify God (v. 21), the worshipping of idols (v23), people who were more interested in earthly pursuits than spiritual pursuits (v. 25), people who gave up their natural, innate passion for the opposite s e x in search of pleasure (v. 26 - 27), and people who live lives full of covetousness, malice, envy, and hatred of God (v. 29 - 31).
This article is excerpted from the volume she edited, Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People, which includes chapters on 11 other «practices of faith,» published in January, 1997 by Jossey - Bass.
A minister whose career is suffused with a perception of the «great church,» whose thinking bears the imprint of his or her acquaintance with living members of many church traditions, will be a minister who understands and knows how to welcome people searching for a new church home, those who have married into a new denomination, and those who feel that they must turn away from some aspect of their own history.
People who live reflectively are people who search for and find meaning in their experPeople who live reflectively are people who search for and find meaning in their experpeople who search for and find meaning in their experience.
Concretely how do Christians structure the priestly and sacramental life and evangelistic mission of their separate religious congregation, within the framework of their participation in the whole nation's search for a common basis for promoting the politics of democracy and of development with justice for the poor and liberation of the oppressed and for building a common moral social culture to undergird the sense of the larger community based on dignity for all persons and peoples?
People are searching for answers to life's biggest questions: Why am I here?
«Sometimes I think my whole professional life has been based on this hunch I had, early on, that many people feel just as muddled as I do, and might be happy to tag along with me on this search for clarity, for precision.»
I cant praise God enough for the internet we cant be ignorant these if we want to learn anything all we have to do is to jump on the internet for answers since I have accepted Jesus as my personal savior thirty five years ago i cant stop myself to share my experience with people but since i lost my husband through a tragic accident my life took a different turn my savior became more personal and real to me i give myself full to the lord and the result of that people stat asking me for bible study which i have never done in my life so I decided to search the net and i came across your website which put the whole gospel in a simple way and i am going to use it for my first bible study and see how the holy spirit will lead from there.I came to the conclusion that our trials is a blessing in disguise and i praise God for it.keep up the good work God bless Martina keep me in prayer please
Ultimately people will continue to always question God's existence and role in our lives BUT it is we the faithful ones who are fortunate to believe and can find peace in our search for answers.
Complex manifestations of the quest, according to Torrance, characterize tribal peoples of Central Asia, West Africa, and the Amazon, extending also both East and West in our own time, appearing in the shamanistic processions of Japan, in the search for the Taoist islands of immortality or for Eldorado or the Holy Grail, «for the philosopher's stone or the elixir of life; in pilgrimages to Benares, Jerusalem, Mecca, or Rome; or in the mystical aspirations of Muslim Sufi, Jewish kabbalist, Catholic saint, or Protestant Pentecostalist» (xii).
It's an interesting question why the search for alien life so animates so many people in the sciences, and so many of the people we might call «sciencey».
The resolute grappling of a man with his own life is one of the most searching tests of character, for most people are willing to grapple with anything else under heaven, from international problems to spiritualism, rather than to face squarely their individual responsibility for their own lives.
I learnt from her not to be broken, be always cheerful with a positive attitude, always search for the light in your life, and be grateful for everything you receive from life — bad and good, positive or negative because from everything you can learn, and everything helps you to be a better person.
For example, after searching extensively for a quality cheese replacement, American Flatbread now offers frozen pizzas for people choosing to live a vegan lifestyFor example, after searching extensively for a quality cheese replacement, American Flatbread now offers frozen pizzas for people choosing to live a vegan lifestyfor a quality cheese replacement, American Flatbread now offers frozen pizzas for people choosing to live a vegan lifestyfor people choosing to live a vegan lifestyle.
If they can be organized either Korean or English alphabetical order or a space where one can search for a dish, I think it will be very convenient.Regardless what I said, I am grateful to you having this site available, especially for the people who live abroad.
Because people live in various geographic areas, check out the post How to Find Foods Mentioned on the Site for search tips.
For many reasons, but here's one couples rarely think about nowadays as they search for a «soulmate» and marry for love (which, as historian Stephanie Coontz has famously written, destroyed the institution of marriage): the traits that you might want in a person to co-parent with may be different than the traits you want someone to spend your romantic life wiFor many reasons, but here's one couples rarely think about nowadays as they search for a «soulmate» and marry for love (which, as historian Stephanie Coontz has famously written, destroyed the institution of marriage): the traits that you might want in a person to co-parent with may be different than the traits you want someone to spend your romantic life wifor a «soulmate» and marry for love (which, as historian Stephanie Coontz has famously written, destroyed the institution of marriage): the traits that you might want in a person to co-parent with may be different than the traits you want someone to spend your romantic life wifor love (which, as historian Stephanie Coontz has famously written, destroyed the institution of marriage): the traits that you might want in a person to co-parent with may be different than the traits you want someone to spend your romantic life with.
Many adopted people and birth parents or other birth relatives decide to search for one another at some point during their lives.
Therefore, many of these people will spend months searching through the various types of toys, clothing, bedding, seats, nursery gliders and more to make sure they choose only the best for the baby that will soon join their lives.
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