Sentences with phrase «person serving»

We already of people serving sentences with ankle bracelets.
He was against lifting the ban on gay people serving in the armed forces and on lowering the age of homosexual consent to 16.
Personal loans have become very popular because for many people they serve as a saving tool.
I've opened my inbox to discover newsletters from people I served on panels with, people I helped out by reading their manuscripts, and people I've never even heard of.
It helps them become highly effective organisations that transform lives; then it helps them expand significantly so as to dramatically increase the number of young people they serve.
If you're like me, you probably get tired of the regular boring cranberry sauce that most people serve at holiday dinners.
The practice of law revolves around people serving people.
Many agents expect that luxury buyers want their real estate pro to be just another one of the many other people serving them — someone to simply give them what they ask for.
We have some amazing people serving in our government.
Would love to know what people serve with this to complete the meal.
There are religious people serving for those groups, too.
A mature person serves even when it costs something precious.
She was always looking for one person serving size recipes since it was just her at home.
Real people serving real people, no automated responses, live email responses and real time customer support via our live chat service.
In order to help increase the amount of people we serve while contributing to the growth of our firm we will pay you for your referrals.
If there was any sort of unconscious intention through all of this, it was to make family the servant of people, rather than to have people serve family.
Most people serving in churches today with any history, struggle with some level of bitterness.
Yes, there are people serving independent authors who make promises and don't deliver.
The mature person served afternoon tea to both teams but certainly never got caught up in the struggle.
I am curious what other dishes people serve with it.
The best way to do that starts with the relationships with the young people we serve daily.
Even at home, people served coffee in the 135 to 140 degree range.
Such people serve until they are replaced, resign, die or are otherwise removed from office.
This may mean the previous person serves a bit longer.
For instance, instead of simply saying that you worked for a soup kitchen, state the number of homeless people you served and how you made process more efficient.
I've seen great results in my clients and I want to you be the next person I serve to make a positive difference.
A family mediator shall not communicate to others, in promotional materials or through other forms of communication, the names of persons served without their prior consent and permission.
Answer: Our team understands the diverse groups of people we serve come with special therapeutic considerations.
If it's true, then young scientists — not to mention research administrators and people serving on hiring committees — need to know it.
We are pleased with the positive effect we have had on the lives of the profoundly gifted young people we serve.
By providing reliable, top - quality care every day, employees can feel they're truly making differences in the lives of people they serve.
The heart of our business - and the basis of our business philosophy - is «people serving people».
Surely it'll help other people serve you if you go to cinema or whatever.
Religious people serve another master; they are better able to serve their political communities.
The 8 - person serving size is very generous, especially if you serve it as a side dish.
I'm not normally one for getting cross-cultural with my cooking (I've been known to get quite agitated about people serving sour cream with tandoori chicken instead of yoghurt, for example) but somehow this dish — which pairs red curry with cous cous — works.
462 people served doesn't happen by accident, it happens by career choice!
But now, about 650 prisons and jails around the U.S., including a few in Michigan, have started to use phones and cameras in place of in - person visits for people serving time.
Federal protections for persons serving as subjects of research do not yet extend to all Americans.
If people serve God and not religion you couldn't possibly come to the conclusion that somehow God desires for you to hurt or kill or both, another human being because of what they may say about your religion.
I write blogs about life and policing — about the extraordinary people I serve alongside and the challenges they face.
I write blogs about life and policing — about the extraordinary people I serve alongside and the challenges they face.
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