Sentences with phrase «person someday»

so maybe I'll get the same privilege as you to meet her in person someday!
You are a sweet, sweet girl who I would love to meet in person someday.
I hope to get to Prince Edward Island to see it in person someday!
I'd like to feel that a person someday!
Thanks for your time and I hope to meet you in person someday.
When I started The School of Greatness podcast, I decided I wanted to make it successful enough to interview three specific people someday.
You will find your people someday.

Not exact matches

Someday, when you look back, the difference you made in the lives of other people is what will make you feel your life was truly worthwhile.
They face even greater challenges, and someday people write about their example.
«New survey data suggests the «Someday Scaries» could be» a factor holding young people back, Ally reports.
«I hope that someday all of you on the advisory committee can tell your families for generations that you were part of the process that ended the use of toxic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation as standard treatment, and turned blood cancers into a treatable disease that even after relapse most people survive.»
«What people need most is to face the «Someday Scaries» head on and get started, taking one small step at a time.»
You want to do them «someday» but they pale in comparison to doing something worthwhile, like helping a needy person or getting married.
Instead, the most productive people schedule tasks across a timeline of today, tomorrow and someday.
Consumers today might experience a gut - level cringe at the idea of an artificial intelligence that can recognize and analyze their Instagram photos, but companies like Google and thought leaders like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are investing heavily in it, making huge bets that people will accept it someday.
However, it's actually a «go - anywhere, do - anything, self - powered mobile Wi - Fi device» that many hope will someday connect people in the most rural regions with the rest of the world.
The colorful stunt is meant to demonstrate how the company might someday help deliver people and other goods into space.
But it could someday give people who are paralyzed or suffer from other mobility issues a new way to interact with mobile devices.
People who are eager to work for a start - up — in other words, the employees you most hope to attract — also harbor dreams of someday launching their own start - ups.
You may be able to take down sites and scrub your public image, but negative posts may forever alienate people who you may someday want on your side.
The only comparison a truly confident person makes is to the person she was yesterday — and to the person she hopes to someday become.
«They're going to be the richest people in China, because they're starting banks, and everything else in North Korea, and you and I just sit and look and say, «Buy me a Champagne someday
It also means you're less likely to actually be on the Trail someday, because «when other people take notice of an individual's identity - related behavioral intention, this gives the individual a premature sense of possessing the aspired - to identity.»
The fact is that someday soon, four people reading this note right now will be on a plane to have dinner with President Obama in Washington, or Chicago, or wherever he might be that day.
Is it any wonder so many people are trapped in the Financial Matrix when nearly every financial pundit teaches financial budgeting, which is simply surrendering dreams to hopefully live debt free someday.
This is big news as Bitcoin can not be ignored anymore, it's growth in the only world has been major and I believe someday soon, people will no longer need to use money or -LSB-...]
Could we look back someday and say that Warren Buffett's greatest genius was finding amazingly talented people to replace him?
In the event that Seidman's approach to constitutional norms is broadly accepted, the greater government power granted by those... flexible norms will someday be used and further rewritten by people who disagree with him for purposes that horrify him.
But I try not to be a snooty holier than thou Christian and I have a lot of close people surrounding me daily that I would call among my best friends that are non believers, Someday I hope I can help change their minds, but I'm not going to be pushy about it.
Someday... hopefully with American Muslims just becoming another one of our diverse group of peoples and religions that make up «the great mixing pot» of what we know as American society.
Rehan — If more people in the Muslim communities would «step up» like you and publicly condemn Islamic extremism and terrorist barbaric actions, then perhaps someday things could get back to «normal».
The message to unmarried people is «this could be your life someday; you'll never know until you commit forever to someone and just give it a go.
Sadly enough, many people seem so frightened by the fact that they will die someday, and that the meaning of life is one that is beyond our understanding.
God's people are all whom he foreknew would believe in his Son, and whom he predestined to someday be fully conformed to his righteous image.
If revisionists manage someday to recapture denominational offices and pulpits in large number, the churches will be less concerned to prescribe and implement theologically correct views and more interested in equipping people to do their own thinking about questions of economic policy.
I hope to be involved with a church someday that provides adequate training for such people in the church.
Someday people will get smart enough to leave such childish behavior behind.
It's difficult to put that much work into something and have it kinda just fizzle... but perhaps someday one person will find your book and be profoundly influenced through your words.
But fear not, my fellow Christians and other persons of moral (if not devout Catholic) beliefs... someday President Obama will be judge from the One on High.
We can not convert people... we can only teach by example and pray that all non-believers will find Jesus someday and open up their hearts... should they live their lives as if there is no God, it is their choice.
I hope someday you can see that the reason you dismiss the nonsense of others is the reason other people reject yours.
Matters of belief should be discussed with care and an open view for the thoughts of others on all sides or someday we will live in a society like Pakistan where Ministers get shot for their belief and scharia is forced upon the people.
Maybe someday there will be a revolution in the church that takes the focus off the religious nonsense and puts it on helping and compassion for all people.
I hope people worship me someday
Someday all you schizophrenic people will be wiped from the face of the earth and the rest of us will finally be able to live in peace without worrying about some crazy idiot attacking others because they heard voices in their heads!!
I hope these angry atheists can someday truly come to terms with their own beliefs, and start spending the precious days they have left doing something other than trying to destroy other peoples» solace out of bitterness that they have lost their own.
The issue is not to know whether someday we will be able to listen and hear divine words, but why the chosen people and then the prophets, apostles, and Jesus used this particular analogy.
someday scientists will look back at what we consider truth and laugh at us, the ignorant people of the past.
Maybe someday, the religious folks will realize that this planet can support only so many people.
Somewhere there reads the following definition of an American: Americans are people who are born in the country where they work with great energy so they can live in the city, where they then work with even greater energy so that someday they can live in the country again.
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