Sentences with phrase «person someone believe»

- Twice as many people believe in the power of new technologies to solve climate change as believe business or regional government are leading the way.
It is unbelievable that so many people believe in something with 0 evidence, there is no god, never was.
It is a classic case of people believing what they want to believe.
Contrary to what most people believe in, it is important to communicate your skills to an employer.
One need not be part of any religion to see that what people believe makes it true.
I make people believe in lies, then punish them for believing in lies.
As long as people believe in a higher power, it is impossible to NOT believe in evolution being set in motion by a higher power.
Believe in what you want, and quit qualifying your own beliefs based on how many other people believe the same thing.
Just because people believe something does not make it true, and just because people don't believe something doesn't make it not true.
When people believe what you do, you can pretty much get away with anything.
While people believe that they can identify effective teaching, they actually have limited knowledge of effective teaching practice.
Even if more people believed in trend following, this would not kill trend following.
Many people believe there is nothing to add onto the existing resume or CV, but very often they don't take into account their volunteering or part time position.
Why do people believe things like this is absolute or black and white.
You might be surprised to discover what most people believe about buying term life insurance is far from the truth!
It is crazy to me that atheists have such an issue with people believing in god.
Let's just let people believe if they would like and if they don't... that is their choice.
I want to stay here where people believe there are invisible beings in the sky.
It is wrong to think that the gods in which people believe have their existence per se.
Almost a third of young people believe that STEM subjects are designed to match male careers, research has shown.
«Now you look at that and you think, how ridiculous, but you have no idea how many people believe things presented as news,» she added.
We look down our nose at the subjective reasons people believe because we have more objective arguments we have come to understand.
I am so thankful for people believing in what I do and how I do it, but sometimes people have no idea exactly what that is.
And really, a step further, I could care less whether people believe it or not!
As an Atheist, I have no problem with people believing whatever they will.
Recruiters are here to help you, yet so many people believe such bad things about them.
No reasonable person believes that the level of student performance is a reliable proxy for school quality.
As a technological platform, many smart people believe that it will dramatically change the way business and finance are handled, identity is managed, and transactions are validated and tracked.
Once people believe that, a pastor will rarely be challenged.
I have 20 years of experience helping people believe in themselves, improve their relationships and become happier.
Studies say that the average person believes life insurance costs 3 times more than it actually does.
The Pixel 2 may have aluminum at its core, but the coating would make many average persons believe that this generation's Pixel is already plastic.
A lot of people believe eating red meat causes cancer.
When it comes to facial expressions, many people believe cats are closed books.
An overall bitcoin quantity is limited, where the value of bitcoin raises if a majority of people believes bitcoin has value and vice verse.
I felt this cooperation meant people believed in this program.
Yes, many smart and educated people believe in god, and most people who believe are intelligent to some degree.
Just like religion, you tell a lie enough times people believe it.
You completely ignore my response to that in that billions of other people believe different things.
Why should any rational person believe anything you or others like you say?
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