Sentences with phrase «person the race who»

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«We knew we wanted to focus on the process of getting ready for a race weekend, which is a logical storytelling structure for people who follow the sport and for those who don't.
A search for «UFO» led to videos by David Icke, a veteran conspiracist who claims that the Earth is ruled by a secret race of «lizard people
«There's a huge divide in the Dem race between people who have landlines and people who don't, and your polls are going to massively overstate Clinton's support if you don't contact the people without them,» he said.
There are so many young people racing that have created fancy proposals, who are trying to brand themselves, who are trying to get themselves noticed... it's not always easy.
Too often in our current discourse on race, people are so against engaging with people who have opposing views that there's an inclination to just shut them out and ignore them.
It's also connected me to people in a variety of professions who are committed to having difficult discussions about race, conversations that are essential if our society is going to reach its full, inclusive potential.
Their customers not only enjoy their outdoor obstacle race events, they take pride in the fact that they are the kind of person who would participate.
«I remember watching TV as a young mixed race girl not seeing many people who looked like me, so I think being able to visually recognise yourself on screen is important.»
People who represent two or more races are three times as common in the overall workforce as they are in senior executive roles.
The lawsuit is the latest example of criticism leveled at Facebook for so - called micro-targeting, a process that has allowed advertisers to choose who sees their ads based on age, interests, race and even such characteristics as whether they dislike people based on race or religion.
When one is surrounded by people who blindly subscribe to the rat - race, it can make one feel like an outsider.
Given I'm an Asian person who recently refinanced my 5/1 adjustable rate mortgage to 2.35 % after four long months, I thought I could shed some light again on how all races can get a lower mortgage rate.
How about a Muslim version of Mother Teresa, you know, someone who's charitable and selfless and kind to poor people of all races and religion.
The common image of Calvinism — and I hear it portrayed in this way often, even by people who know some things about theology — is that the religion of John Calvin is a mean - spirited, narrow - minded perspective where a nasty God decides to save a few people while arbitrarily consigning the vast portion of the human race to eternal suffering.
You consider it «intelligent discourse» when people question whether people «REALLY» see their race when they look in the mirror, despite the fact that there are quotes from people who say, yes they really do see their race?
People will say, wait but why would the darker Jews who survived the Holocaust attack people in another country who are of the samePeople will say, wait but why would the darker Jews who survived the Holocaust attack people in another country who are of the samepeople in another country who are of the same race?
Who really care about a group of people desended from a remnant tribe whose supposed desendednts moved to russia and europe and even though they intermarried they kept to themselves and refused to assimilate like the other 11 tribes of israel so that makes them racist apartheid peoples certainly not a race.
Why then is it so bad for people to believe in that... its the human race who perverts the teachings of God.
Hence there are Church members today who continue to summon and teach at every level of Church education the racial discourse that black people are descendants of Cain, that they merited lesser earthly privilege because they were «fence - sitters» in the War in Heaven, and that, science and climatic factors aside, there is a link between skin color and righteousness» Mormon scripture specifically referencing race includes (from the Book of Mormon): 1 Nephi 11:8 1 Nephi 11:13 1 Nephi 12:23 1 Nephi 13:15 2 Nephi 5:21 2 Nephi 30:6 (1830 edition) Jacob 3:8 Alma 3:6 3 Nephi 2:15 Mormon 5:15
Obama's mentor preached to him anti-white race, anti-American, let's steal from people who work to give to those who don't hate speech for 20 years.
Remember 2008 when people used to say he wasn't electable because of his name, his race, his financial situation.Tea party movement is a blessing for him as they are hurting republicans they are not hurting Obama.for 99 % of African Americans who by the way are mostly unemployed Obama is still a God.
People who have been psychologically abused because of their race or sex may find it impossible ever to feel reconciled to members of the groups that have caused them torment.
«You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of God who called you out of darkness into marvelous light».
There are groups who are non-profit and secular, but the consti.tution requires that all people must be hired regardless of race, RELIGION or creed.
A one person race doesn't really have a comparison scale to show who is most anything.
You are all the same people who were sounding off about Herman Cain and said he needs to get out of the race because of the things he supposedly did.
But people who get stuck in the past have the added burden of running the same endurance race backward.
A person who insults anyone's race, religion, nationality knowingly is not an American and doesn't belong in this country.
Writing from Boston in 1901, William Monroe Trotter, the first black elected to Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard, denounced Washington as a traitor to the race, and called for «a black Patrick Henry» to arise who would «save his people from the stigma of cowardice... rouse them from their lethargy... and inspire [them] with the spirit of those immortal words: «Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.»
A refugee is, by definition, a person who, owing to a well - founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the...
and like lnivig stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
As people mature they come to care about those who are remote in terms of class, economic status, race, and geography.
The real problem here is that Islam is controlled not by its moderates, but by its radicals — the radicals who appear in YouTube videos describing the «proper» way to beat your wife or who advocate the extinction of another race of people, or demand that non-Muslims convert or possibly face death.
By damaging the property of people who are not part of your dispute and dragging race, religion and ethnicity in it to boot, you would hope to accomplish exactly what?
Sometimes the only comfort I find is that as part of the human race I am only one person among many over centuries and centuries who find themselves in dire circumstances and suffer almost unbearably.
It can be argued... and it is an argument I listen to... that people such as monks and hermits who remove themselves from the crowd in order to explore new spiritual territory or to pray for the world are actually benefiting the human race vicariously.
The repugnance to racial intermarriage in a race - conscious society is a consequence of existing social divisions, which impose severe penalties upon persons who fail to respect them.
How can anyone who claims to be a defender of equal rights for all people regardless of gender or race, be opposed to a law which would make it illegal to discriminate against unborn babies based on their gender or race?
Kierkegaard defends himself against the apparently Pelagian implications of this thought by stressing that even though each individual sins through his own disobedience (sin is not a category of necessity), nevertheless, in this act of disobedience he reveals his solidarity with Adam and Eve and all other persons in history, who together make up the collective human race which, in Adam, stands guilty before God.
America it self was stolen from a generally peaceful race of people who had no concept of evil until the religious zealots tried to convert them and take away there way of life.
However, most people in America consider somebody who is of a mixed race consisting party African to be «Black».
So when people in the south spoke up for freedom and equal rights for the black race... they were inciting the guys who showed up at night to burn their homes because they knew it would upset the bigots?
At the end of the day, those people who can accept and respect that others think differently than them, and can realize that making generalizations about a race / religion / philosophy truly makes you ignorant, those are the people who are truly intelligent.
The Bible gives many examples of people who began well but dropped out of the race and lost their salvation.
Trigster: the Book of Mormon was written by dark skinned people, who probably knew nothing of the white supremacy you accuse them of... it does use ancient language, but they were not racist in our terms, the Nephites and Lamanites of the Book of Mormon viewed themselves as «brothers,» they were all one race.
When we close the Bible we are left with an all - loving God who longs to welcome all people, whatever race, gender or orientation, a God to whom everyone is precious and who has placed in every life a sacred and unbeatable purpose.
While every person deserves respect and dignity simply due to their membership in the human race (even those who are delusional), we do not have give their beliefs respect or dignity.
kaos Every «Jew» who thinks they are «chosen people» or a separate race are by definition racist.
There was no global flood, the entire human race didn't come from two people in a garden who ate a fruit and got kicked out, there is no archaeological evidence of an exodus of over 1 million Israelites coming out of Egypt and wandering the desert for 40 years.
9 A vivid illustration of the problem here raised for all moral judgments is given in the experience of a lecturer who asserted to a group of Southern people that no one could practice discrimination against another race and be a Christian.
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