Sentences with phrase «person watching something»

Sure, this guy got some wheels, but he also got thousands of people watching him and thinking what an a ** hole he is.
If you are in the hospital, it may feel odd to do these things as people watch you, make you sign forms, etc..
That is, many people watched it regardless of all those lousy reviews.
It takes a certain kind of courage to let people watch you change, to see you progress, and even to observe you publicly struggle with your theology.
If you're stressed out or worried about people watching you, your milk probably won't flow.
To be frank, this wasn't that hot and if people watched it for the mystery it wouldn't score that highly.
Certainly most people watched it like it was TV.
It's also estimated, 1 in 5 smartphone searches are for porn and each second, 28 thousand people watch it online.
You'll feel like a jerk if you're caught without them as other people watch you leave your dogs mess behind.
I mean how ridiculous will this movie be when people watch it post 2012?
I think that documentaries on environmental issues are mostly a waste of time the same people watch them.
Most fun is watching people watching us watching them.
But not everyone has my taste, and most political people watch it regularly.
There can be only one thing to observe and 10 different people watching it, each will see the object in a different way.
This show is so weird that it actually makes people watch it just to see what other bizarre things will happen.
People watched me grow up saying it at the beginning or the end of some new commercial every month or so.
He said the boards don't take photos or video of people watching them, and no photos or videos are transmitted from a board elsewhere.
A man walks across a high - wire over a sidewalk as people watch him and cheer.
Not only does this eliminate the need of having to pay for a gym membership, but you also get top - notch instruction without feeling insecure about people watching you.
This includes information that people watching it online will find handy too.
Not sure the big hype about Higuain — did people watch him in Emirates Cup?
I really loved the idea of being able to make something during the day, because I was such a night owl at the time, and have people watch it at their convenience, in the comfort of their own home.
«People watching it expecting to learn how to buy cheap stocks will be disappointed,» Buffett told the New York Times.
I'm beginning to wonder if QT is some right wing conspiracy to get Middle England throwing bricks at their telly, though unlikely given how few people watch it nowadays.
«He never went anywhere, maybe a five - mile radius from his shop, didn't like people watching him work.
Leadership means people watch you — not to what you want to say or do, or mean to, but what you actually say and do.
«After people watch it, they talk about it.
But I let people watch me process my deconstruction, my readjustment, my confusion.
I see black people watching it sometimes and actually seeming alarmed.
The really exciting thing in the afterglow of the Court match is knowing my family and all those business people watched me and are still watching, and they know being married to the boss» daughter doesn't matter now.
I overtook people watching them flail at the wheel, desperately trying to grind some speed out of their cars, much like myself yesterday, whilst I floated by.
From Morocco to Tokyo, people watched him go against Jimmy Ellis for the World Boxing Association's heavyweight championship.
The more TV programmes played to the Fidesz tune, the less people watched it.
A naive person watches it and starts believing the lies («can't they, finally, push propaganda in each and every word?
«It was the same irony that caused me to think, pause, and just inwardly chuckle, just momentarily, that, God, here are two guys further away from home... than two guys had ever been, but there are more people watching us than anybody else has ever watched two people before in history,» he said.
I'm an introvert — good at people watching You looking for Filipino women for dating or marriage?
Btw, I suggest people watch it in IMAX for the best effect, it was seriously breathtaking watching some of the battle sequences.
«And then the exposure you have from over 100 million people watching something simultaneously, and the part of me that really loves the cultural phenomenon of media — I was really obsessed with that moment.»
Some people deemed «Mudbound» director Dee Rees» speech when accepting the Robert Altman Award, where she declared that ««Mudbound» is cinema» devoid of the format people watch it on, as self - serving or didactic.
It's the artistic abilities of the people who are making the movies that will keep people watching them
Many people watch me curiously (I am after all the weirdo with the clothes on).
The Blues are supposed to keep Ian sane; without them he'll have hallucinations of these creepy porcelain people watching him.
haa haa the retard who bought this thought he could go and put a full game play on you tube and other streaming site hoping to make money from people watching him stream everything.
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