Sentences with phrase «person writing»

I complain about people writing about millennials so much and yet I can't seem to stop writing about them / us myself.
Proof of the existence of people written of in the NT.
A lot of people wrote in saying the receipt sounded good, but not many people replied that they had actually made the recipe.
So many people write about how to wash cloth diapers, what to use and what not to use, but very few bother to explain WHY.
I can not control what people write on Live chat....
Most people writing for us have already worked on dozens if not hundreds of similar assignments in the past, and you may be completely sure they know what they are doing.
It's also fascinating as a writer to read what people write about my books.
You can no longer ignore when people write about your brand, your products, your competitors, and your industry.
First of all, I believe in helping people write resumes.
I celebrate writing for any of these reasons — I wish more people wrote more often.
Many people write resumes that do not even pass the machine stage.
If people wrote of things outside of their own alleged experience, it is entirely possible they heard of such things from travelers and traders.
I have a confession, I am addicted to how people write books and write them fast.
Why do people write about things they know so little about?
If a few people write in about such an egregious failure on this particular day, producers of these programs might try a bit harder.
I see people writing about that it's expensive.
High praise aside, what is the most common thing people write as a flaw?
Was it initially adopted because people wrote everything by hand so if they wrote an amount twice and made a mistake once then the double entry would reveal that?
You died as you lived: with people writing heartfelt but also kinda weird messages on a little screen.
Do you think digital comics are starting to have an effect on perhaps not just the comic book marketplace — but on the way people write comics and tell stories?
I will refrain from once again yelling about how different people write different reviews.
I often get emails from people writing «Hey» or calling me «dude» or something like that.
There are thousands of reasons why people write blogs or spend a lot of time building their online equity.
As most people write checks, they tend to record it in the register.
I generally don't like people writing about writing.
Yes, real people write press releases... not just big PR firms.
Today, people write fiction for profit, recognition, fame, or just for enjoyment.
Sometimes people write comments on this blog based on dating advice from online forums or groups.
There is a banner at their house on which people write what they're thankful for.
Make sure that people write reviews of your book at this stage and work closely with your publisher's PR campaign.
After all, thousands of people write cover letters on a daily basis around the world and so many of them are actually successful at gaining the job that they want.
So it's sad to see people writing off all self pub books because of a few bad experiences.
Lawyers: Not everything people write online is intended to be shared with the world in court.
She helps people write profiles by day and blogs by night.
By the way, I've been asked via e-mail if this has been the same person writing this column all along.
From the moment the first person wrote the first simple resume, until today, people have put forward different ideas of what should go into a resume.
Smart people wrote those instructions, but, after reading them, I decided that I know what I'm doing.
It is very common to find people writing in the profiles about the things they love like music, travelling, food and a lot more.
He ends without having made any substantial points whatsoever, except for the fact that he is seemingly voting against his principles because enough people wrote him letters.
Is anyone out there doing a similar project in which young people write letters back to us from their imagined future?
I wouldn't call it «random people writing stuff on the internet,» unlike you or me.
Giving people a written paragraph that laid out the facts; 2.

Phrases with «person writing»

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