Sentences with phrase «personal anxiety»

The scale can be widely used in the evaluation of personal anxiety, can also be used for screening for college students, soldiers and other people related to anxiety.
These relaxation and meditation techniques have helped parents and clients for years to calm personal anxiety, frustration and anger and become more mindful in their responses toward their children and others.
For example, if a method (such as rhythm) is ineffective and thus causes great personal anxiety, that factor argues against its use.
I appreciate that you are an individual, with personal anxieties, yet the more you know yourself the easier it is to make changes.
These relaxation and meditation techniques have helped parents and clients for years to calm personal anxiety, frustration and anger and become more mindful in their responses toward their children and others.
Some will say it's due to your extreme tiredness and hormone production while others may blame it on your own personal anxieties as the delivery date draws near.
The danger of going deeper into this kind of counseling work is that it arouses personal anxieties and the supervisor needs to be there to help.
He added: «By the hectic inflation of demand it creates personal anxiety and rivalry.
«It's simply not fair to expect patients or visitors to have to pay when they come to hospital, when they may be suffering personal anxiety, stress or grief,» she said.
Inspiring story of change and overcoming personal anxieties.
If you see that he has genuine humility, if you see the love of fairness, if you see the lack of personal anxiety, chances are you are looking at a Godly man.
As the class of 2099, you are about to enter the 22nd century in a few more months, and you will bring with you not only your university experience here at NTU, but also your career expectations and personal anxieties as citizens living on a planet in the midst of a climate crisis.
Our personal anxieties are usually born out of our relationships and our concern about being accepted and loved.
Surveys were issued in schools and colleges and asked students a variety of questions, including some that indicated levels of personal anxiety.
That ambiguously good news, we can hope, can free us from all our personal anxiety, which will turn out to have had a chemical or environmental — and so not an existential or theological — foundation.
The findings, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, indicate that personal anxiety and mass media coverage interact to determine what people remember about a disease.
The precautionary principle is a weak argument for two reasons: (1) it is difficult to prove a negative — that there is no effect; (2) it raises unnecessary public alarm and personal anxiety.
«Kung Fu Panda» helmer John Stevenson is directing the reimagining of the Noah's Ark story, starring Miles Teller as the titular aardvark, Gilbert, who leads a group of misfit animals though natural disasters and personal anxieties.
As a master of literary fiction in the American Gothic tradition, Jackson always subverted the trappings of genre, using the classic tropes of the haunted house and the mysterious villagers to illustrate deep cultural and personal anxieties.
You're sure to find that «The Truth About Heartworm Disease and Your Pet: Prevention vs Treatment» helps owners understand in few words why preventing heartworm disease makes much more sense than risking the personal anxiety, pet stress, and potential physical damage associated with undergoing a canine treatment regimen.
The art of Cézanne represented the intensity of objects that endure forever like mountains... his personal anxiety coming through as the fire within the mountain.
Along with Anselm Kiefer, Jörg Immendorff and others, this group developed figurative styles related to those of such early twentieth century German Expressionists as Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Emil Nolde, and Oskar Kokoschka, but expressive of uniquely contemporary political and personal anxieties.
The image created by such biographical anecdotes, Boccioni's ruminating self - portraits, and the artistic and personal anxieties of his diaries and letters, which are peppered with suicidal thoughts, befit the trope of the troubled and short - lived avant - garde artist, which from Vincent Van Gogh and Amedeo Modigliani, through the Abstract Expressionists, became prevalent in 20th - century art historiography.
While Cory Arcangel issues instructions to Photoshop to create his Gradient pieces («Blue, Red, Yellow», mousedown y = 5750 x = 8250 and so on) in the manner of a 1970s conceptual artist, the Los Angeles - based Michael Rey populates his shaped wall works with a flattened layer of carefully hand - modeled, painted plasticine ground: «The choice of this material began as an experiment,» says Rey, «but continues to reflect my personal anxieties about finitude.»
While Tiepolo's Punchinellos primarily poked fun at the pretensions of the elite, Taplin brings Punch into the present day, where his hi - jinks become infused with psychological and political undertones as well as express the artist's personal anxieties.
Each drawing, produced through the use of machinery, acts as a discrete symbol for artistic, economic, or social principals that, when viewed as a group, addresses contemporary narratives of personal anxiety, globalism versus nativism, and the perception of value, especially that of fine art.
He speaks of Soutine's «inward drama of the soul» and Cézanne's «intensity of objects that endure forever, like mountains... his personal anxiety coming through as the fire within the mountain.»
As the class of 2099, you are about to enter the 22nd Century in a few more months, and you will bring with you not only your Tufts experience but also your career expectations and personal anxieties as citizens living on a planet in the midst of a Long Emergency.
I also accept the plaintiff's evidence that the imposition of the hearing fees caused her personal anxiety.
Personal Distress (PD) assesses «self - oriented» feelings of personal anxiety and unease in response to others» tense experiences (Davis, 1980).
Questions that could have been raised in court would be whether expenses were incurred, if there were interest charges and penalties from the bank, and perhaps if there was loss of reputation and personal anxiety caused by the lawyers.
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