Sentences with phrase «personal beliefs as»

These principle philosophies are the core of our character as a company and represent our personal beliefs as individuals.
Responsible decisions require that you think about your personal beliefs as well as social and ethical norms.
I use to have CNN as my homepage, but since you've introduced the belief page, my impression of it is you now have lowered your viewers personal beliefs as «news».
For a clear definition of «perfectly fine,» go over to the article about the London Cleric resigning and see haw many perfectly fine people are posting in all caps, touting their personal beliefs as facts, and making fun of us for believing something we believe is factual.
The Southern chain will retain the mark of its founder's personal beliefs as Dan Cathy continues to head the company.
Jill Plant, the K - 5th administrator, shared her personal belief as to how this steep academic growth came to fruition.

Not exact matches

7th US Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Amy Coney Barrett, a Notre Dame law professor, was questioned intensely about her Catholic faith as a result of past writings expressing her beliefs on whether Catholic judges should recuse themselves from death - penalty cases if they believed they would be unable to impartially uphold the law, writing that — in limited situations — judges should step back in cases that conflict with their personal conscience.
It is my personal belief that we should invest more than we do in emerging markets as well — though that is harder to justify.
It is my personal belief that the only way to know God is by accepting Jesus as their Savior.
My point was that if you propose that, as a society, we teach children that there is no God, then you are doing what you claim to oppose: indoctrinating children with what is your personal belief.
Understanding the religious teachings of others is desireable, as is tolerance of all personal beliefs.
They could, but you would get as many answers as there are people, because belief is a very personal thing and we all craft our gods in our own image... or in the image of what we fear most.
Some use religious terminology to describe personal experience and belief but do not believe in any of it literally and reject all traditional notions of deity, relying upon cohesive natural law as «god.»
Beliefs should be kept personal, but he goes out of his publicize his beliefs which are insubstantial as any reBeliefs should be kept personal, but he goes out of his publicize his beliefs which are insubstantial as any rebeliefs which are insubstantial as any religion.
Your personal religious beliefs are yours and yours alone, not for some group to hijack and promote as the will of the people.
This is the United States of America, land of the free, last I checked... I don't force my personal beliefs on anyone else, nor do I expect others to force their personal beliefs on me... This family is not harming anyone in living their life following THEIR beliefs... Who gives ANYONE else the right to say they're WRONG because they choose to share their lives as they do?
So many people who advocate or speak publicly for political or personal reasons aren't acknowledged as much when it comes to religion when someone is wanting to speak out about there faith a light bulb goes off and says we don't want to hear, or talk, or, air any thing that has to do with the mentioning of God but because of the high profile story and because this is the President of the United States it's ok hats off to them for not being ashamed to speak about there faith I agree with Richard some people just because they profess there faith doesn't mean there trying to push there beliefs on anyone people of faith have a right to free speech also.
One of Hart's most striking dismissals of the conflation of God and the gods is where he defines belief in «a personal God» or «theistic personalism» as a kind of «monopolytheism,» which «differs from polytheism... solely in that it posits the existence of only one such being.»
EEOC is trying to make the case that while the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses would never accept employment as a gift wrapper continuously wrapping birthday and holiday gifts, their JW Client's personal religious beliefs allowed her to do so, thus the only legal issue is their client's personal religious belief against wearing the Santa Hat and Apron.
As long as the POTUS does the job that they're elected to do, their personal beliefs matter littlAs long as the POTUS does the job that they're elected to do, their personal beliefs matter littlas the POTUS does the job that they're elected to do, their personal beliefs matter little.
Their employees, on the other hand, can choose to avail themselves of the contraceptive options or not as is falls within THEIR personal believe system since, being people, they can have beliefs.
-- It's a simple matter to find people who are just as convince of their «personal experiences» as you are of yours, but hold incompatible beliefs.
Hiriyanna says that, «its essential features were belief in a single personal god, Vasudeva, and in salvation as resulting from an unswerving devotion to him.
I was speaking more towards belief in a personal god, regardless of how their religion defines it, as opposed to specific Biblical beliefs.
To an atheist wanting to experience Christian belief, I would always want to emphasise the importance of knowing God as a personal being.
I've never met anyone in any religion more convinced of their personal experiences and testimonies than Mormons, yet the entire Christian community outside the Mormon churches dismisses their beliefs as false and their experiences as either delusions or deceptions perpetrated by Satan.
I know that your personal faith acts as ones own personal moral and spiritual compass, however the president should through out his personal beliefs in exchange for the betterment of all americans citizens not the 2 % of the wealthy class or the corporations, but all americans
On August 31, 2007, the president of Clemson University opened a letter from the South Carolina chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union that read, «Coach [Tommy] Bowden... has abused his authority as... head football coach by imposing his strong personal religious beliefs upon....
How many outside a rather limited cult do not see the bible as personal opinion, beliefs and prejudices of the human authors.
But before expressing this belief, Fr Holloway makes a general remark about the nature of scientific knowledge which may serve as an introduction to Polanyi's refutation of Scientific Positivism and his proposal that science is Personal Knowledge: «It is most significant that here, as so very often in the discoveries of science, it was not the inductive data which was the real beginning of the breakthrough in knowledge, but a deductive vision glimpsed through scanty data which thrilled and excited the mind... from then on the hunt is up for the clues and the final proof.»
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines the term as «1: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also: a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline» and «2: a crusade for a principle or belief
A personal belief in one of the thousands of gods out there is fine, as long as it remains personal.
As a result, many today have abandoned their ties to organized Christian churches and replaced them with more personal forms of religious beliefs.1
As Roof points out, their religion affirms: (a) the centrality of ethical principles in their meaning systems; (b) a parsimony of beliefs, few attributions of numinosity; (c) breadth of perspective; (d) piety defined as a personal search for meaning; and (e) license to doubAs Roof points out, their religion affirms: (a) the centrality of ethical principles in their meaning systems; (b) a parsimony of beliefs, few attributions of numinosity; (c) breadth of perspective; (d) piety defined as a personal search for meaning; and (e) license to doubas a personal search for meaning; and (e) license to doubt.
Although I have my personal belief regarding these things here, as long as I can not offer watertight Scriptural evidence for my confidence, I can only copy and paste some verses which could point to the fact that God meets every human being twice or even three times during his lifetime in order to show him the way he should go and to bring him to repentance.
As a matter of personal belief I also think he would have to face God's judgement for his crimes committed here on earth.
Belief in the existence of a personal God has declined as men have found the influence of mutually relative natural agencies, — environment, natural selection, organic composition, conditioned functional reaction etc., able to account for natural phenomena that before were related to more general causes or even to the First Cause.
He then insists that any attempts to revive myth as a viable organ of belief are doomed to failure: «For we must remember that belief in myth is not a personal attainment alone; it is more, much more so, a social phenomenon and depends for its efficacy on group acceptance and adherence; a private myth, however admirably expressed in whatever form, is therefore an ultimate, irreconcilable contradiction.»
As a playwright, Shakespeare responds in any given work to many immediate literary, economic, cultural, and theatrical exigencies that have nothing to do with his personal beliefs.
Though the volume is concerned primarily with the major political events in France during Aron's lifetime, it does describe the intellectual encounters (most notably with Machiavelli, Tocqueville, and Max Weber) and the personal experiences that led Aron to classical liberalism and a belief in democracy as the answer to the totalitarian temptations of communism and fascism.
One of the things I realized as my beliefs started changing and my mind went through it's own transformation... and continues to do so... is that I could never use my personal experience as a validation of the reality of what I experienced.
Do their employees not have a right to their own beliefs which may include a belief that life does not start at conception as well as have the right to not have their employers» personal beliefs dictate what health decisions they can make.
I mention, only because my... paradigm (I'm not much on beliefs, in the usual organized religion sense)... includes a «Divine» of my own definition, that equates to something like «awe of life, love, and knowing that there is much we don't know» (< — sorry, not the easiest thing for me to get into words, hopefully that gets the gist of it) that I don't see as a «personal other», but, in my paradigm, I see that Divine as being systemic to everything, hence insights from what I learn / experience can be termed as the Divine acting.
I may agree with you there to some degree, but I do think 1 Cor 15 makes a definite distinction), as the means of Justification salvation (I would quantify belief here, as the agreement of the fact of Jesus death for ones own personal sins (Understanding one is a sinner and needs a savior) on the cross, That he was buried, and was raised to life on the third day).
As these beliefs are affirmed and are adopted for personal understanding and motivation, Methodists will discover that every area of their life will change.
Nevertheless, it's not clear how belief in a personal God — a God who creates and who answers prayers — is to he aligned with the scientific view of the cosmos as an ancient universe governed by impersonal and tightly knit laws.
You are discussing the matter as a belief and a personal opinion.
Gary: The reason I'm hesitant about your definition of «religious» is because, as you say, your definition has everything to do with your personal views and beliefs, and not as much to do with how people who call themselves religious perceive themselves, nor with the 150 or so years of academic research into religious phenomena.
It's this kind of over the top judgement, holding others to your personal religious beliefs, that are responsible for so many Americans today feeling that religion in general has nothing to offer besides bigotry, judgement, and a sad credo that everyone who doesn't think exactly as you do is wrong and evil.
So basically, Bob, you support misinformation and downright lies, as long as they support your personal belief.
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