Sentences with phrase «personal hero»

Therefore, to understand the structure of personal hero essay, you need to try to write one.
Well we'll soon be detailing all you need to know about the link between this hidden NES Golf game and the late video game legend, and personal hero of mine, Satoru Iwata.
To celebrate and support caregivers, the strong personal heroes who tirelessly help families get through one day at a time when experiencing a hardship, CaringBridge, the nonprofit caring social network, -LSB-...]
Shanti particularly enjoys the wide variety of talented people that he interacts with while doing investments and acquisitions in the game space, including some of Shanti's personal heroes in the games industry.
As Tracey said, this exhibition was a dream come true, as Schiele was her own personal hero ever since she first heard of him, when she was 15.
Her portraits and drawings of friends, family, and personal heroes include depictions of Kurt Cobain, Liam Gallagher, and art world acquaintances like Rirkrit Tiravanija and Matthew Barney.
In response, the game's community manager, and my new personal hero, obliged with two altered screens featuring the unicorn's devastating love spree and the marshmallow man's furious rampage.
ps; thank you for leaving me such a sweet comment about my mom, I am happy we both have great personal heros!
And, I know that when people look down at their dog, they are looking at their own personal Hero Dog!
The titles of many of his paintings — Separate but Equal, The First Black, The Problem with Assumptions, The Difference Between Then and Now, Satchmo's Answer to Truman, When Aaron Tied Ruth — while they may make sly references to the formalism of his paintings, also explicitly or implicitly draw on black history and refer to personal heroes such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr., whose likenesses and sayings adorn a section of Little's studio.
James Joyce, composer Eric Satie, and symbolist poet and personal hero Alfred Jarry are among his subjects.
The respected architects Caruso St John designed the space, which opened with an exhibition focused on British abstract painter (and personal hero of Hirst) John Hoyland.
You are my new personal hero... we have terrible terra cotta colored tiles in our master bathroom and every time I looked into painting them, the results were iffy in areas that would get wet... but clearly I didn't look hard enough!!
A Firefighter or Doctor will save lives and can become your own personal hero.
Her advice turns this traditional wisdom on its head, suggesting that a great alternative path to self - awareness and betterment isn't studying your personal hero but your nemesis.
I spoke to Ben Shapiro, who has worked to raise Kashuv's profile on his popular podcast and website, DailyWire (and whom Kashuv considers a personal hero).
When I was reading the biography of Charlie Munger, the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and a man that I can fairly classify as a personal hero of mine, he mentioned that steel companies are the kinds of investments «where smart people lose their money.»
Messiah Complex is Brand's tongue - in - cheek attempt to claim his place among the great revolutionary messiah figures of global history Che Guevara, Gandhi, and, of course, Jesus men he refers to as his personal heroes.
One of my personal heroes in the media industry, Nancy Gibbs, began at TIME magazine as a part - time fact checker in 1985.
Romero rejected this: his personal hero was Pope Pius XI for resisting fascism and communism at the same time.»
Stephen Hawking — one of my personal heroes!
His personal hero was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the super-sober and serious young German pastor who had ended up with his throat garroted for suspicion about his role in the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler.
Most Likely to Inspire Some Facepalm Action: The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood with «The Bad Girl's Club» [Among the «dangerous» are Ann Hutchinson, Margaret Fox, and (one of my personal heroes) Julian of Norwich.
How do you know if you're promoting Jesus as concept environment rather than Jesus as a personal hero environment?
As the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, Rosenthal sees the French priest as a «personal hero» with his work crossing lines of faith.
If the answer is «no,» then you've seriously just become my personal hero.
He is one of my personal heroes, among those who made a difference in inspiring life lessons in my journey in life.
I'm tickled to be performing alongside an installation by one of my personal heroes, Carolee Schneemann.
A mother can easily be seen as a personal hero though, in fact most people with a good relationship with the parents might see them in some way as a hero, even if they don't put that label to it....
Just think, you'll be their personal hero when you come home with these favorites and who knows what you'll get in return!
Having a tiny person attached to your breast while you are stuck in a seated position or lying down or on your side (unless you can nurse while walking, which makes you my personal hero) does lead a mind to some pretty weird places.
Dr Harris is a personal hero of mine and a great MP for Oxford West; would that Parliament were filled with hundreds like him.
Delivering her maiden speech, she quoted «a personal hero» Tony Benn and urged Labour to work with the SNP in opposition.
Perhaps most notably, Patricia Scotland, the secretary - general of the Commonwealth of Nations and a personal hero of Hawken, has adopted Drawdown as a template for an ambitious climate plan she will be announcing for the nations next year.
My story isn't anywhere near as amazing as that of the heroic Arthur Boorman, a personal hero of mine - but the principles of yoga, on and off the mat, have played a huge part in changing my world, inside and out.
When it comes to protest, Wade has taken a page out of the book of some her personal heroes: civil rights activists John Lewis and Martin Luther King Jr., who practiced nonviolent activism.
She's one of my personal heroes.
Erin is both a fashion inspiration and a personal hero.
Often, personalities are formed before that age, so with Bruce Lee as a personal hero Marjane (voiced by Gabrielle Lopes) is destined not to fit into Iran after the fall of the Shah.
The director of course reiterates his love for the character and much like Caesar, it will be a personal hero story with struggle and turmoil.
First round: Marvin meets Mifune, a personal hero he was apt to impersonate while intoxicated, in John Boorman's Hell in the Pacific (68).
Plucky Miguel Rivera (Anthony Gonzalez) aspires to greatness as a guitarist, just like his personal hero and great - great - granddad Ernesto de la Cruz (Benjamin Bratt).
The trio is joined by other exciting talents, including costuming stalwart Colleen Atwood, production designer Hannah Beachler (who most recently worked on «Black Panther»), and two - time Olympic Gold Medal Boxer and WBC / IBF Super Middle Weight Champ Claressa Shields, all of whom Rees refers to as her «personal heroes
He is not only my favorite director of all time, but even more a personal hero that has defined more of my life than he will ever know, so when the opportunity to interview Carpenter arrived this past summer, I was just a little excited.
Dave Chappelle introduced the duo with a heartfelt salute to Justice Marshall, a «true Civil Rights legend and a personal hero of mine,» along with other Americans who «abandon comfortable circumstances and take on issues bigger than themselves.»
«Caught In The Web» Inter (net) views, QuickTime: «The Old Series» on «Lost in Space» (0.2 mb) «A Busy Man» on «Lost in Space» (1.7 mb) «A Good Time» on «Lost in Space» (1.0 mb) «Personal Heroes» on «Lost in Space» (0.6 mb) «Sweetheart» on «Lost in Space» (1.5 mb)

Phrases with «personal hero»

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