Sentences with phrase «personal memories of»

When governments fail to enact such advice, they are not only failing to address traumatic situations effectively by utilising the expertise of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations, but are exacerbating the traumas that many people experience, especially during weeks like this one which revive many personal memories of trauma.
Other work has concerned the bus stop at Auschwitz and the personal memories of his grandmother.
Heidkamp's personal memories of nighttime bonfires and childhood retreats to an abandoned convent near Wingaersheek Beach serve as psychic backdrop for the series of «from life» painting that serve as the source material for the artist's first project with Pace Prints.
This exhibition will examine how memory affects one's identity and question the truth in memory, as well as recall personal memories of the artists and their subjects.
In preparing for the installation, Tejuoso convened neighbors and community members to participate in «sewing circles,» during which they shared personal memories of loss in an effort to identify «sites of peace.»
Written by the artist's sister, Susanne Kippenberger, this first English - language biography draws both from personal memories of their shared childhood and exhaustive interviews with Kippenberger's extended family of friends and colleagues in the art world.
Anderson, however, tackles the contemporary concerns of social rituals like dinner parties, food policy discourse, popular culture, and personal memories of a hungry teenager suburban community.
Drawing from her personal memories of the effects of Alzheimer's on family members, heroic stories of public figures coping with the disease, and research conducted with neurologists and geoscientists, Biggs raises fundamental questions about how we become --- and how we lose our sense of --- who we are.
Drawing from her personal memories of the effects of Alzheimer's on family members, heroic stories of public figures coping with the disease, and research conducted with neurologists and geoscientists, Biggs raises fundamental questions about how we become — and how we lose our sense of — who we are.
Espírito Santo also sees these works linked to the sculptures, noting that those industrially made objects might bring to mind the factory floor or world of heavy machinery, whereas the watercolors have a domestic format and are informed by personal memories of places he has lived.
These shapes resonate with cultural history and personal memories of a childhood spent in the northern, urban environments of New York as well as the southern landscapes of rural North Carolina.
In Doug's honor, we call on the legions of Lode Runner fans everywhere to take a private moment to reflect on your own personal memories of Lode Runner.
This book charts her journey around most of America's coast, the many interesting encounters she has with ordinary people and the personal memories some of these trigger in the author.
The former president of the Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy and former executive director of the Pew Forum on Standards - Based Reform can trace his personal memories of the debate back to the mid-1980s.
Family, friends and colleagues, including Mel Brooks and the late Robert Osborne, also share their personal memories of Lamarr, explaining the atmosphere that created the disconnect between her brilliance and her beauty.
I wanted to take the opportunity to mark the occasion by sharing my own personal memories of the game in a new written feature for Shinesparkers.
«The biggest problem in the fragrance market was that everything smelled and looked the same,» says Gorham, whose perfumes are created around personal memories of travel.
Everyone has their own personal memories of her impact and her humanity.
I hope he doesn't mind if I add to this week's article which was posted on September 26, as I have personal memories of the long weekend (in football terms) that stretched from Thursday 24 September to Monday 28 September in 1998.
My personal memories of the Indy 500 and ABC's coverage of it date back to when I was a kid,» Feinberg said.
Based initially on personal memories of the historical figure of Jesus, the Jesus Christ worshipped in the Christian tradition has been shaped by the collective imagination and devotion of the Christian community.
The conjecture that this was Mark himself is unfounded, but it is hard to see how the story arose unless it was a personal memory of someone.
I can't find any trace of the actual 10 Downing St petitions site, but from my personal memory of the period, there was one petition that really had a big impact.
Do denialists like Edim, Watts, Rose, Monckton, LaRouche, Eschenbach, Tisdale (et al.) retain any personal memory of past cherry - picked blunders?
One wonders, do denialists like Edim, Watts, Rose, Monckton, LaRouche, Eschenbach, Tisdale (et al.) retain any personal memory of past cherry - picked blunders?
My personal memory of Gavin and Del is perhaps a little different from all the many tributes that will no doubt come in from professional colleagues.

Not exact matches

Indeed, during the experiment, subjects ages 75 to 89 who also exhibited some signs of memory impairment were more likely than younger people to click on a suspicious email that would leave their personal data vulnerable to criminals.
Overall, the study found «no evidence that personal brain training benefited the participants in terms of improving cognitive performance, working memory, on attention, cognitive flexibility, or inhibitory control,» says Lerman.
Our data is more like a set of jewels, a rich collection of information that is a goldmine for advertisers but also contains the memories, personal details, and insights of the public.
There's so much you do have, and it's not just things; you also have experiences, family and friends, memories, pockets of happy moments, laughter your shared with someone, your personal strengths, your skills and talents, and you most likely also have a reasonable amount of knowledge about the world and how it works.
But there are other connections that matter, too, connections that are more fundamental and more personal — ties to a family and a history, to memories of a father or dreams for a son, to a husband or a wife across a desk, or to a grandmother whose lessons lie in the distant past.
That speed and endurance isn't as important in your personal computer, but as SSDs are gaining use inside data centers because of their speed, both factors open up new use cases for the 3D Xpoint memory.
While there is unmistakable regret in what has been «carted off,» things nevertheless continue to exist, occupying a landscape of the mind, as recorded history, personal memory, or even yet to be realized dream imagery.
In that sense, Hannah Arendt was one of many Jewish, Christian, and nonreligious intellectuals» of whom there were many, if not a majority, in Germany» as well as working people, whose spirit was dulled by memories of a deeply flawed national ambition and shattered personal expectations.
Diaspora and pilgrimages were not just part of the corporate memory of his people; they belonged to his own personal history, as Matthew's narratives of Jesus» exile in Egypt show (Matt.
His more general understanding of Christian ~ experience has been colored by this personal frustration, with the result that he has reduced the Christian life to the mere memory of a past event (he labels this «Israel») which seeks to make its believers hard, tight, and controlled.
Unlike the authors of Habits, who give the impression that individualism simply leaves people without communities of memory, MacIntyre correctly perceives that everyone lives within these communities, if only because our personal narratives always depend on a sense of history and tradition.
For the Gospel, he, like Matthew, had access to «Q,» Mark, and possibly other fragments; for Acts, besides his diary and personal memories, he doubtless had some records of happenings at Jerusalem before the missionary journeys started.
«Talking about our earliest money memories is not common dinner conversation,» says Dr. Sonya Lutter, Ph.D., professor of personal financial planning at Kansas State University.
This two - sided searching by means of biblical study and inner quietude is resolved in our personal and collective memories.
It may be that kerygmatic allusions to Jesus» humility, meekness, gentleness, love, forgiveness and obedience derive from historical memory of Jesus; but the «historical value» which such material may have is far from its kerygmatic meaning, which is more accurately stated by Bultmann, in language actually intended to state the significance of the pre-existence in the karygma: «That Jesus, the historical person, did this service for us, and that he did it not out of personal sympathy and loveableness, but rather by God acting in him, in that God established his love for us through Jesus dying for us sinners (Rom.
When the self is committed to the Second Good, its stock of memory, intelligence, relationships, health, and wealth becomes the instrument for the concrete achievement of security, justice, liberty, or fraternity within the domain of personal relations and in the larger world of human institutions.
Our knowledge about the origins of the church, and about its Founder, rests primarily on a living tradition, which had its beginnings in the actual memories of those who had witnessed the events and had personal dealings with the principal Actor in them.
Both men spoke not as private persons but instead quoted from our deepest public memories, which are eloquent in the face of death when we, as solitary individuals encased in our personal experiences of loss, so often are wordless with grief.
The memorial and ceremony reflected the universal, private meaning of this urgent imperative, its determined effort to overcome death by a supreme personal act of perpetual memory.
Through an innate knowledge of materiality, expressed in intellectual categories and relations, consciousness can determine future material movement; the accuracy of this determination is furthered by personal memory in areas that require more than is furnished by a common physical condition.
I do not believe it is merely by chance that all cultures assume the existence of something that might be called the «Memory of Being,» in which everything is constantly recorded, and that they assume the related existence of supra - personal authorities or principles that not only transcend man but to which he constantly relates, and which are the sole, final explanation of a phenomenon as particular as human responsibility.
My sense of personal identity with my past seems to me to depend upon memory.
How necessary it is for us to share our personal and collective memories, and to allow the balm of genuine, mutual love to heal the wounds that for too long have divided us.
... my memory of his sojourn there [at Tuskeegee University] was kept alive by the sight of his name on checkout slips of so many of the library books of fiction, poetry, history, and literary criticism that had become the main part of my own personal extracurricular reading program.
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