Sentences with phrase «personal scientist at»

It is like having your own personal scientist at your disposal whenever it is needed.

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Roberts, a research scientist at New England Biolabs, has a personal reason for wanting InVivo to succeed: His oldest son has been quadriplegic since being injured in a car accident.
So as a political scientist, all this only shows my personal stupidity, or at least the weakness of the science to which I am an ironic professor and practitioner.
There is certainly a strongly held view, exemplified by popular scientists such as Steven Pinker, professor of psychology at Harvard and an avowed atheist, that there is no such thing as free will in the sense of an independent personal entity.
For Jeremy Yoder, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, his metascience research about LGBTQA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans *, queer, or asexual) scientists» experiences was «the intersection of personal interest and serendipity,» he says.
The reception was used to recognize one or more scientists, who, through action and example, promoted human rights, usually at great personal risk.
Personal ornaments previously found at a coastal cave in southeastern Spain are older than the cave art, dating to around 120,000 to 115,000 years ago, scientists report February 22 in Science Advances.
The selection is not exhaustive, on the contrary it just reflects our personal knowledge of recent publications; nevertheless they are in our view representative of the indefatigable work of a large number of scientists affirming Human Rights and in defense of persecuted or at risk colleagues throughout the world.
In addition to sharing these personal perspectives, we'll also shine some light on broader topics, looking, for example, at how the overlap of peak childbearing years with what is typically the period of greatest productivity in a young scientist's career influences institutional (and national) practices and policies.
«The industry supports the determination made by CIR (Cosmetic Ingredient Review) that methylene glycol / formaldehyde when used in hair straighteners is not safe,» said Halyna Breslawec, chief scientist at the Personal Care Products Council.
In contrast to the situation in Egypt, where even the most Western - oriented scientist I talked to at some point or other declares himself to be «a good Muslim,» in Tunisia the personal religious views of scientists I meet hardly seem relevant.
Scientists at the University of Florida Particle Engineering Research Center and personal products manufacturer Kimberly - Clark recently found an answer by coating silica nanoparticles with copper ions, a potent odor - fighting combination that could be used in powders and spritzes, mixed with cat litter, or embedded in products like garbage bags.
Elizabeth Hadly, a biologist at Stanford University, gave a personal account of her experience as a scientist engaging with nonscientists, specifically artists, government officials, and military officers.
In 2014, after her first attempt at getting an INSERM position came to no avail, Bigorgne was confronted with a reality that many early - career scientists eventually come to face: Despite her passion, years of training, and personal sacrifices, she wouldn't necessarily be able to secure a permanent position and stay in academia.
I am at my wits» end trying to figure out how to successfully navigate the dangerous minefield of personal responsibility versus being able to really take advantage of opportunities as a scientist.
So, at long last it appears that at least some young scientists are listening not to the traditional blandishments of an academic system in need of their cheap labor, but rather to an unmistakable economic signal urging them to improve their personal situations by seeking careers outside of academe.
«I think we're at our best when climate scientists connect the impacts of [climate change] to our personal lives, to our economy, to our families, to our communities,» Hill is an associate professor of earth and planetary sciences at the University of California, Davis.
A team of computer scientists led by Wim Sweldens at Lucent Technologies and Peter Schröder at the California Institute of Technology developed a compression algorithm that makes it practical to send 3 - D images over the Internet and to work with them on personal computers and handhelds.
«Many scientists in my field now find themselves at the receiving end of attacks by groups who abuse open records laws to saddle scientists with vexatious and intimidating demands for personal emails and other materials,» he said in an email.
As I sit with him at a small table near his desk, it's clear where he would rather be — in his adjacent personal lab, also unusual for a superstar scientist.
1996 Salim Kheirbek, for his steadfast courage and uncompromising commitment, at great personal sacrifice and risk, to promote and defend the rights of Syrian citizens, particularly the right of scientists and engineers to form professional societies independent of the state.
Scientists remove some of the guesswork about how individuals will use energy in 2050 by looking at past campaigns to induce personal change and their effectiveness
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«The science on health impacts - together with many personal stories - overwhelmingly supports the need for a phase out,» said Margaret Reeves, a senior scientist at the Pesticide Action Network, in a statement.
The AAAS Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, established in 1980, honors scientists, engineers, and their organizations whose exemplary actions, sometimes taken at significant personal cost, have served to foster scientific freedom and responsibility.
«It's a bitter irony that western conservation scientists who are working on providing the information needed to protect tropical forests have a much greater personal carbon footprint than almost anyone they will meet abroad,» says Ben Phalan, a postdoc at the University of Cambridge.
Sometimes personal interests, like supporting other young scientists, can lead to a nonprofit career, like it did at the time for Marta Maczel, who helped set up the main office of the World Academy of Young Scientists (WAYS) inscientists, can lead to a nonprofit career, like it did at the time for Marta Maczel, who helped set up the main office of the World Academy of Young Scientists (WAYS) inScientists (WAYS) in Budapest.
This second round of inquiries, two of them directed to individual faculty members at the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, deepens concerns among some education groups and scientists that personal information revealed in the investigation could make researchers the target of extremist violence.
The AAAS Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award, which consists of $ 2,500 and a plaque, was established in 1981 to honor scientists and engineers whose exemplary actions, often taken at significant personal cost, have served to foster scientific freedom and responsibility.
A microsupercapacitor designed by scientists at Rice University that may find its way into personal and even wearable electronics is getting an upgrade.
«But the fact remains that many insights are possible only because of close, personal interactions among scientists who see each other regularly: those who do not work at the same university or laboratory must rely on interacting with each other at conferences.
Scientists at Johns Hopkins University selected 36 spiritually active volunteers, who might interpret the experiences best, and disqualified potential subjects who had a family or personal risk for psychosis or bipolar disorder.
I am inspired by the many personal testimonies I have heard from successful scientists who have jumped ship at this same stage in their careers.
Richard Klein, climate policy analyst at the Stockholm Environment Institute, wrote: «Irrespective of credentials, a scientist who lets his personal convictions blur his professional judgment is a bad scientist
This concern led him to play a significant role in the creation of the Pugwash conferences and in other contacts with Russian scientists, sometimes at a personal level and at other times in back - channel negotiations at the behest of the U.S. government.
Though my parents, who are not scientists, don't always understand exactly what it is that I'm doing on a day - to - day basis, they are supportive at every step, encouraging me to be the best version of myself in scientific pursuits, but reminding me that the world is larger than just science, and that it's important to stay grounded in my personal values.
One of them is that I strive to be a happy scientist with a fulfilling personal and spiritual life, and I want to have fun at work.
«Patient handovers occur for a variety of reasons, including illness or fatigue, to comply with working hour policies, or simply to balance an individual's work hours and personal commitments,» says Dr. Philip Jones, Lawson scientist, and associate professor, Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine and Epidemiology & Biostatistics at Western University's Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.
EAST HANOVER, N.J. June 14, 2017 — Denise Fyffe, PhD, senior research scientist in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) / Outcomes and Assessment Research at Kessler Foundation, has been awarded a $ 392,000 Craig H. Neilsen Foundation grant to explore the personal and environmental factors that influence functional independence and community participation of racial / ethnically diverse people with SCI.
Latest discoveries add to understanding of individual risk of basal cell carcinoma, and are integrated into the deCODEme ™ personal genome analysis scan Reykjavik, ICELAND, October 13, 2008 — Scientists at deCODE genetics (Nasdaq: DCGN) today report the discovery of...
It's a self - help book about personal happiness, and it comes from a place of knowledge and experience, as well as plenty of research (I'm a scientist at heart).
Drawing on personal letters, diaries, and documents never before used, the author writes of the three scientists who developed the theories and practices of eugenics: Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin, who coined the word «eugenics» to describe the science of better breeding; Charles Davenport, the first influential eugenic thinker in America, professor at Harvard University and the University of Chicago, direct descendant of Reverend John Davenport, the founder of the city of New Haven; and Harry Laughlin, Davenport's protégé, the nation's foremost expert in eugenic sterilization and also a leader in the movement to stop the tide of immigrants coming to this country.
Last week, in writing about James Hansen's essay on why he became a climate campaigner after decades working as a NASA climate scientist, I promised to post a lecture I gave in 2005 at Willamette University explaining how I reconciled personal passions with the professional detachment that comes with life as a journalist.
As an example, though I'm an industrial designer, not a climate scientist, we often work 12 + hour days in my office so no one bats an eye at the occasional personal business on company time.
At that time, the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Smithsonian Institution decided — against advice from 58 distinguished scientists, including Dr Soon's former divisional director, Dr. Eugene Avrett, and a 1993 Chemistry Nobel Prize laureate, Dr. Kary Mullis — that Dr Soon's personal emails, and all related grant proposals and details, should be made publicly available to Greenpeace in response to a request made under the Freedom of Information Act, from which the Smithsonian is by law substantially exempt.
These scientists have used to IPCC to gain a seat at the «big tables» where they can play power politics with the collective expertise of the IPCC, to obtain personal publicity, and to advance their careers.
The recognition of scientific expertise — the very stuff that enables scientists to build on prior results — at the same time makes scientific judgments inescapably personal and historical, undermining our deepest wishes for knowledge that might somehow be transcendent.»
I find allegations of dishonesty as a substitute for cogent arguments against climate research findings to be not only at odds with my personal experience of scientists» affection for truth but also extremely annoying.
These scientists, you tell us, «will tolerate no dissent, and seek to trample and discredit anyone who challenges the IPCC» and «have used to IPCC to gain a seat at the «big tables» where they can play power politics with the collective expertise of the IPCC, to obtain personal publicity, and to advance their careers.»
I am not not at sure you can let climate «science» off that way, remember the Team is made up of climate scientists and plenty who may not have indulge in poor professional and personal behaviour have been more than happy to keep their mouths shut, and noses in the funding bucket, over those that have.
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