Sentences with phrase «personal services business»

As a result, certain personal service businesses like law, accounting and consulting would not be eligible for the rate.
A recent unpublished opinion Court of Appeals opinion, Herring - Wilson v. Wilson, highlights a common fallacy in valuing small personal services businesses for purposes of equitable distribution: treating personal goodwill as marital property.
Personal service businesses include personal training, home organization, yoga instruction, house sitting, pet sitting, babysitting and almost any other service that can benefit an individual or family.
21st Century Brides has been in the international personals service business for quite some time.
Further down, is a very similarly worded exception to the exclusion of Personal Services businesses:
Or the Canada Revenue Agency could better enforce existing personal service business rules and corporate attribution rules, reduce the gap between the capital gains rates and the dividend rates and effectively end «artificial tax planning» (thus avoiding pages and pages of new rules).
This limit is phased in pro-rata based on the same income thresholds as the ones stated above for personal service businesses.
You can start a personal service business for the cost of a pack of business cards, readily available online for $ 10 or less, but check with your city or county to see if a business license is necessary in your area.
It also applies to income earned in a «personal services business
Incorporating your business can carry a negative tax consequence where the CRA might deem your corporation as a PSB (Personal Services Business) which is a double taxation hit at about 46 %.
Since we are in the personal services business, I remain skeptical of social media as an effective tool of legal marketing.
Essentially, a personal service business is one involving the performance of services in the following fields:
It seems clear that most real estate agents and brokers will be considered in a personal service business and would thus not normally qualify for the 20 % deduction.
Real estate is a personal service business.
-- A licensed Realtor who is the voting shareholder of the PREC and who would be an employee of another entity but for the existence of the PREC would be considered to be operating a «personal services business» (PSB) with adverse income tax consequences.
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