Sentences with phrase «personal testimony to»

Channeling Spartacus, all but one declared «I am Ulster» after offering personal testimony to family roots and community service.
And yes all those cited gave personal testimony to prayer changing their lives.
In short, Stan, your personal testimony to the goodness of natural love is, on this occasion, to be preferred to your teaching.
While Biblical hermeneutics provided the key to an understanding of the role of women in the church and family, dialogue between those whose traditions have heard the Word of God differently in other times and places held the key for the discussion of social ethics, and engagement with the full range of cultural activity (from psychotherapy to radical protest, from personal testimony to scientific statement) was the locus for theological evaluation concerning homosexuality.
He takes great interest in the Church's teaching on homosexuality and from time to time, he is invited to give his personal testimony to groups around the country.
Smith also clearly sees this slender book as a personal testimony to his Christian faith.
«Why to quit smoking messages are more powerful because those ads typically show graphic portrayals of the health consequences of smoking or feature personal testimonies to evoke emotion,» said Jennifer Duke, Ph.D., senior research public health analyst at RTI and co-author of the study.

Not exact matches

If you want further testimony about how much personal bankruptcies have dropped over the past decade, talk to Susan Grossberg, a Springfield, Mass., attorney.
One defendant, Juan Angel Napout, a Paraguayan who was former president of South American soccer's ruling federation, was big on personal grooming with his manicures, pedicures and massages discretely arranged by his chauffeur, according to testimony.
As the FC2k17 website explains: «The point of Feminist Challenge 2k17 is to encourage men to approach empathy with women by building their own personal testimonies of awkwardness, inconvenience, and pain.
Yesterday Facebook revealed that more users than previously thought could have had their personal information passed to the company back in 2014 — saying as many as 87 million Facebook users could have had their data «improperly shared», thereby confirming the testimony of ex-Cambridge Analytica employee, Chris Wylie, who last month told a UK parliamentary committee he believed that substantially more than 50M Facebook users had had their information swiped.
This is the second day of testimony before Congress by Zuckerberg, 33, after it was reported that 87 million Facebook users had their personal information harvested by Cambridge Analytica, a British political consulting firm linked to the Trump campaign.
The testimony further claims that two additional employees who left Google's self - driving project to join Otto — Sameer Kshirsagar and Radu Raduta — also downloaded and transferred the company's proprietary information to a personal device, including a file that listed the company's external vendors.
No one can prove God to another unless they are willing to accept a personal testimony.
The triviality, even fatuousness, of many current ways of talking about «our stories» has led many thoughtful Christians to abandon the traditions of personal narrative or testimony as tokens of misbegotten «individualism.»
In that forty - year record, we find, as nowhere else, personal testimony of what the sexual revolution has done to womankind.
Sorry to everyone not responding to comments, it would really be a full time job... these posts are my personal testimony... Which is all I have.
Physical evidence is far more reliable than personal testimony because it is subject to replication and verification by independent observers.
During the Vertigo Tour in 2005, after the release of How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, most concerts ended with a deeply spiritual trilogy: the personal testimony of «All because of you I am» (the «I am» referring to the name God gave himself when speaking to Moses); the commitment prayer that was Yahweh; and their old favourite closer from the 80s, a communal Psalm, «40»!
Armed with the latest surveys, along with personal testimonies from friends and readers, I explain how young adults perceive evangelical Christianity to be too political, too exclusive, old - fashioned, unconcerned with social justice and hostile to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Mr. Hawking need a personal Testimony from God in order for him to believe in him.
And when the words that a man says are confirmed by the testimony of a life in agreement with them, we may well come to know that man and his personal quality in a very deep and real way.
On the contrary, if I may hazard a personal testimony, this «Multiple Source Hypothesis» of modern criticism, and especially of form criticism, seems to me definitely superior to the older view.
you posted... God is evidenced in His creation God is evidenced in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ God is evidenced in the personal testimony of His millions of followers God is evidenced in the fact that there are those that try to deny Him You said circu «mstantioal evidence is allowed.
Things to Remember The first thing to keep in mind is the strength of personal testimony: people can not argue with your personal experience of faith, and you are not setting out to argue people into the Church.
Mr Hawking need a personal Testimony from God to believe.
While it has always been evident to me that there is [a] God, by the testimony of this wondrous universe and life in it, I never believed in [a] Personal God before going through what I described.
The phrase «unique focus» is used here as a sort of personal testimony, although it appears in addition with reference to St. Paul (p. 22).
In the best evangelical tradition, I can offer personal testimony as a witness to the significance of McLaren's project.
Your right, but I'm not asking you to believe me or my personal testimony.
I am open to more scientific information as well as personal testimony.
Narratives are filled with a variety of experiences that need to be interpreted; this is true of Bible stories as well as personal testimonies.
If Evangelicals are looking for more authentic personal testimonies regarding the faith of political candidates, what part of Romney's stated belief in Joseph Smith's revelation in the forests of Pennsylvania would sway the vote of an Evangelical who adheres to a uniquely inspired Bible?
I have encountered this philosophy in the work of Jean Nabert, the only one, to my knowledge, who has developed the theme of a hermeneutics of the absolute and of testimony.1 The pages which follow are inspired by this work, to the reading of which are joined semantic, epistemological, and exegetical preoccupations of the most personal character.
Another example of evidence accepted was Paul's personal experience in Acts, and again this caused him to believe in spite of testimony of witnesses, because he never believed the witnesses until after this personal experience.
Your personal testimony is just that - personal... it is not based on studies of any form and we would expect most christards to agree with you - they have brainwashed in the same manner.
The alleged holiness of a person or a church is then measured by its discontinuity with the world — particularly, in North American Christian history, by its incessant testimony to worldly immorality, personal immorality.
The spiritual dimension (life as relationship) focuses on life in a praying community: it includes both interior experience — the direct encounter with God resulting in a personal knowledge of God's love — and exterior manifestation — daily life lived in an ever - deepening love relationship with God, or life as a testimony to the sifts of the spirit.
Jessica Robertson, history student at the University of Hull, giving her personal testimony about her devotion to the Eucharist - «Adoration really gives you the strength to do anything, as does Mass..
I am speaking to you by my personal experience of what has taken place in me, I have become His testimony unto His life as I was taken down to death, yet I live: Therefore; if a one does not have the Christ life in Him, He will not be able to stand in His presences, because all will fall before Him except the Christ that we have become, the carnal man can not know Him:
This evangelistic imperative may create considerable tension with those on the receiving end of personal testimony, books, cassettes and invitations to evangelistic events.
So if you're citing stastics on abortion, plan to be able to provide personal personal testimony from any people included in such statistics.
The Republican presidential candidate's 2007 church switch also may mirror something much more personal: The culmination of Perry's journey from a mainline Protestant upbringing to an evangelical - flavored faith built on close relationships with Baptist preachers and giving public testimony about God.
Each book of the gospel was a separate and personal testimony each written from years to generations apart.
The way Maxmilian Kolbe met death is also a personal testimony given by Bruno Borgowiec, who told it to his parish priest before he died in 1947.
I beg to be allowed to offer a brief contribution and personal testimony, the fruit of thirty years spent in close and sincere contact with scientific and religious circles in Europe, America and the Far East.
Speaking at schools to hundreds of students at a time, the UCE teams that Jude oversees share testimonies of personal faith and renewed self - respect; they answer questions; they sing and they pray.
A certain careful and modest restoration of personal narrative — call it «testimony,» if you will — can help restore some of the life - giving particularity to the dialogue among religions.
They taught me to love and learn Scripture, to share my personal testimony, and to deliver a flawless lip synch performance to Newsboys» «Shine» which I am certain will come in handy one day.
No attempt is made to distinguish gossip from hard evidence; no attempt is made to weigh the bias and personal interest of the witness in presenting his testimony.
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