Sentences with phrase «personal understanding»

A cover letter is your chance to demonstrate your uniquely personal understanding of the job role and your suitability for it, but try not to stand out for all the wrong reasons.
Counseling can be an opportunity to enrich your life, gain deeper personal understanding, and make meaningful changes.
After all, religious commitment involves personal understanding, interpretation and heritage.
This app's ingenious integration of voice recording is a great way to offer students a chance to articulate personal understanding.
Each choice has a moral aspect including the lawyer's personal understanding of fairness and justice.
Your entire initial reply was contingent upon the notion that your own personal understanding of reality, in this case the reality of existence, is complex and therefore true, much in the same way that the laws of physics are complex and true.
Go Beyond the Tourist Experience — A visit to the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies is the perfect way to gain a more personal understanding of Banff National Park, while giving your ski legs a break.
The title, then, should be understood as Smith's own highly personal understanding of how Christianity is true within the frame of his larger understanding of the world's religions as great wisdom traditions.
Play's process of capturing a pretend narrative (situation) and combining it with the reality of one's experience in a playful setting is, at least in childhood, how we develop our major personal understanding of how the world works.
• Curriculum for all practitioners • Access to internationally - recognized philosophers and scholars as well as Subject Matter Specialists (SMS) • Philosophical teachings leading to greater personal understanding • Alignment - based asana practice led by skilled teachers • Knowledge of bio-mechanics (i.e. applied anatomy) • World - wide opportunities to practice Anusara yoga • Continuum of professional development for teachers
Initial pilot studies tested out these assumptions and determined that these types of mediated interventions can be successful in motivating students to read and complete books and increase personal understanding of the relevance of reading and writing in the lives of those who otherwise demonstrate an aversion to text - based media.
The book centers around his unconventional and deeply personal understanding of queerness, conflating figures in his own life with those in American history and popular culture.
As these beliefs are affirmed and are adopted for personal understanding and motivation, Methodists will discover that every area of their life will change.
These varied perspectives on current events, lifestyles, and even pop culture references can enhance the academic classroom and broaden personal understanding of the world.
By summoning piecemeal memories from his life, Jonathan desperately tries to sort through the events that led to his incarceration — as much an attempt at personal understanding as an explanation and confession to his beloved friend.
Archival elements are therefore interwoven with Campbell's various personal understandings and interpretations, as imagery of his own construction is mashed - up with found, official documentation and original footage.
And yet, incredibly, at this time in 2008 I was still penning screeds in the Guardian attacking the science of GM — even though I had done no academic research on the topic, and had a pretty limited personal understanding.
Advanced personal understanding of technology in medicine to best report, record and evaluate patient care plans and progress of treatment,
As the wife of a first responder, Kristie also desires to work with law enforcement officers and firefighters, and their families, as she has a depth of personal understanding regarding their unique experiences and obstacles.»
What also resulted from this teacher research was a deeper personal understanding of my own leadership abilities, especially as they related to teacher collaboration and family partnership outside of the early childhood context.
Notice the tendency of psychologists to criticize their own methods in the light of a more personal understanding of both counselor and patient.»
We've had to work backwards in a sense from student wellbeing to our own personal understanding of health and wellbeing before but now we're trying to get people to understand and think about principal wellbeing particularly in a time of principal and school autonomy directly — and understand it's not self - indulgent and it's not a waste of money.
«By sidestepping an institutional approach to the archive and image conservation, Jeschke returns to a highly personal understanding of collecting, object ontology, memory, and identity - formation.»
Play's process of capturing a pretend narrative (situation) and combining it with the reality of one's experience in a playful setting is, at least in childhood, how we develop our major personal understanding of how the world works.
Our work together enables symptom relief, greater personal understanding, growth, responsibility and contentment.»
He was the greatest British landscape artist of the 20th century, and his deeply personal understanding of the countryside as the locus for forces that are ancient and mystical was as endemic as it was persistent.
«Researchers at Texas A & M University, who measured changes in environmental attitudes for elementary students in gardening classrooms, support what garden - based educators have experienced for many years: that children engaged in a cross-disciplinary gardening curriculum acquire a direct, personal understanding of what living things require to thrive, and how they adapt and interact with each other.»
In the course of my own studies of the scriptures I came to a personal understanding of my faith much more in line with the Arminian school of Christian thought.
In other words, the only adequate basis for right relations of men with God is an inward and personal understanding of His demands, an inward and personal response to them.
The unity of order and freedom is essential to the growth of the real good, for this good is the growing community of personal understanding, and mutual interdependence among people.
[14] At the same time, Cyprian indicates right at the beginning that this letter is not written to convey his personal understanding of the Eucharist or his own interpretation of eucharistic practises, but has been «commanded by God's inspiration and instruction» (1.2).
* My * meeting God, * my * freedom, * my * revelation, * my * personal understanding, * my * heart, what * I * think is the best scriptural interpretation.
One of the books on the atonement which expressed this kind of personal understanding was J. McLeod Campbell's in the nineteenth century.
But left to myself, in my personal understanding of reality, I find them useful and necessary.
If you pay attention carefully you have heard him say that he and Mahrez have a personal understanding so he must have told him about Wenger.
Gattis also decided to dedicate himself to a spiritual quest, a grasp for those strands of personal understanding that had tantalized but eluded him in Boulder.
In addition, Janet gained a personal understanding of child learning and behavior challenges from her son, who struggled with learning disabilities in school.
In the place of dogmatic formulae, personal understanding and community interaction are foregrounded.
Anthony also has a personal understanding of parenting partnerships from his own experiences.
My personal understanding of childbirth fear has changed in the 15 years I have been working with expectant women.
Have lived there as a child Mr Torres has a deep and personal understanding of the good, the bad, and the very bad that lurks within the corridors of NYCHA.
The personal assistant position, as name implies, is dependent on the personal understanding and trust between two people.

Phrases with «personal understanding»

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