Sentences with phrase «pet around holiday time»

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Holidays can be a particularly stressful time for dogs and cats: changes in their routine, more and often unfamiliar people around the house, or even a new environment if you are traveling from home and taking your pet along.
Although the holidays may be a fun - filled festive time for us pet owners, they can also be a time for our pets to get into some trouble around the house.
With so much food around at holiday time, pets can easily and unexpectedly help themselves to people treats.
Dr. Emily Weiss, ASPCA's vice president of shelter research and development, says the holidays are an ideal time to adopt a pet «because many of us have time off, and we are around and focused on home and family.»
After reading this article, I have developed many new ideas and have much to think about how we will treat our family pets, especially around the holiday times.
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