Sentences with phrase «pet chewing on»

Always supervise your pet chewing on rawhide treats.
Nearly every pet owner has witnessed their pet chewing on something they aren't supposed to.
The pet chewing on hard substances commonly fractures this tooth.
Retailers should warn customers who buy these products for small rodents to monitor how much their pets chew on them, and remove the products if they are being eaten too quickly.
If chewed, your pour pet chews on the decortions it could be cut from shards of glass or plastic.
If your pet chews on an electric cord, they could suffer burns in and around the mouth, as well as experience difficulty breathing, cardiac arrest, and seizures.
When pets chew on electric cords, they become susceptible to harmful jolts, burns, and can result in an abnormal heartbeat.
When they thaw and your pet chews on them, they become a goopy delicacy that can leave «bone prints» of grease, a little blood and small bits of meat around your house until your dog has completely cleaned them up.
In worse case scenarios, pets chewing on electrical cords can result in their untimely death.
Turkey, chicken and other bird bones can splinter as your pet chews on the bone.
If your pet chews on them the liquid inside could be could be dangerous to their health.
There are three rules to follow when selecting anything that your pet chews on.
Oral ulcers can develop if a pet chews on a new, unused dryer sheet.

Not exact matches

Are we like God's pets, swatted if we shed on the furniture, or chew on his loafers?
They need to be kept on low shelves or racks so that your pets can easily tip them over to play with and steer clear from chewing at your slippers.
The links and snaps are BPA, PVC, PET, and Phthalate free so they are safe for baby to play with and even chew on as a teether.
Be sure to read ingredient labels on pet food, treats and chew toys to make sure they are safe in case your child comes in contact with them.
However once babies are mobile, many of them truly enjoy playing with and chewing on the pets toys too.
This is one of the first times you will have to decide whether you're going to be an assertive parent who manages to meet the needs of her baby while maintaining her own need not to be injured, or a resentful martyr who bears unnecessary bruises and whose child will go on to bite babysitters, grandparents and even pets in her quest for something firm to chew on.
In addition to the numerous health benefits, apple cider vinegar has a number of other interesting uses: a household cleaner, a breath - freshener, even as a way to stop pets from chewing on household items, and more!
On the interior, your leather and fabric can be protected from food spills, makeup, chewing gum, and even pet stains.
You wouldn't want your pet to play or chew on anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable letting your own child play with too.»
Retailers should always include chew toys in small animal displays, not only to encourage shoppers to purchase the toys, but also to give the pets on display something to do besides sleep — active pets are always more attractive to potential buyers.
According to Nielsen, U.S. consumers spent $ 389 million on pet toys in 2014, with $ 32 million being spent on chew toys and $ 8 million on pet ropes.
Other good ones include how the pet likes to sleep (curled up, spread out); if matching the décor is a consideration; the pet's habits (does it chew, drag the bed around, and so on); and if the owner wants a bed that can travel easily or one that will remain in place.
Use the month of February to put a spotlight on pet dental products, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste and chew treats.
First, because small pets, especially rodents, have a tendency to chew on cage accessories, feeders should be chew - proof or chew - resistant.
Chew items not only help keep your pet's teeth in good condition but also deter them from chewing on other harmful items, such as cage bars that might damage their teeth.
Chewing on a plugged - in cord can lead to electrocution, so tucking cords away or keeping them covered will help deter pets and, as a bonus, will leave your room looking neater.
Royal Pet Inc. is building on its 20 - year history of crafting solution - oriented pet care products with the launch of an innovative line of edible dog chew toys.
With a large and continually expanding variety of products on the market, chews are clearly no exception to the ever - growing trend toward natural pet products seen throughout the industry.
Softer food will also help senior pets if they have difficulties with chewing, and also put less stress on their digestion processes.
Glass ornaments can also be hazardous if your pet decides to knock it onto the floor and chew on it.
The pet can pull and tug on the toy as well as chew on it.
Often, owners of a pet with malocclusion notice that the animal is no longer eating their hard food, so they conclude that the overgrown teeth are a result of the pet's failure to chew on the food.
«Ceramic - type of crowns can be used in dogs, but remember we are dealing with a patient that does not have the «power to reason,» and you can tell a human not to chew on a hard piece of candy or «do not bite down on a steak bone» (as in human dentistry), but the pet goes outside and chews on the fence instead or picks up a piece of firewood and carries it across the back yard — and shatters the ceramic crown — kind of like dropping a heavy metal soup spoon into a porcelain sink in the kitchen.
Aside from puppies chewing on your good shoes, bedrooms are generally fairly harmless when it comes to pets.
Most small pets love toys, particularly those that they can chew on, so give this practice a try for a while, and see if it begins to encourage a change in your biting small pet's behavior.
Giving your pet a toy that he or she can chew on, which will prevent them from wanting to chew on something like your shoes.
Pets often consider electrical cords to be great chew toys, but we all know that is not the case.Chewing on electrical cords can burn a pet's mouth or result in electrical shock or death by electrocution.
Made of durable powder coated wire that may be chew proof, this Animal High Upward push will likely be durable enough to last and the easiest Secure home on your small pet.
Signs also may include excessive licking, chewing and biting on themselves, head shaking, rubbing and over grooming (particularly with cats), throwing up hairballs and a pet's desire to be scratched more than usual.
Instead, for effective dog training, praise your dog and pet it when it chews on what it is supposed to chew on.
Puppy Biting and Mouthing: Does your puppy bite and mouth when you try to pet them, chew on your clothes, and chase your kids?
Indications that your pet might be in need of dental care would include the presence of a red stripe along the gum line, unpleasant odor from the mouth, reluctance to chew, change in chewing behaviors, inability to see the teeth due to calculus accumulation, reluctance to allow home care, broken teeth, discolored teeth, loose teeth, draining or swelling around the face or jaw, decreased appetite, swellings or enlargements of the oral tissues, difficulty in swallowing, rubbing the face with a paw (sometimes resulting in eye irritation), rubbing the face on the carpet, and other signs as well.
Bacteria can be released into the bloodstream whenever the patient chews or engages in any other oral activity can place a stress on the immune system of your pet, thereby rendering your pet more vulnerable to infections in areas distant from the mouth, and can have a substantial negative impact on overall health and longevity.
You have probably already bought some toys for your pet, however, it would be wise to invest in some toys specifically for chewing, buy more than one, but only give them one to keep on the floor at first, (the reason for this will come later on).
If you're looking for advice on diet, raw food, natural chew toys, or any other dietary ideas that you can't get at the pet food aisle at the supermarket, check out our Pet Food Stores Page for your special animal food needs.
Some dyes can be toxic and although most cats don't eat or chew on the sisal rope, it's not a chance you would want to take with your pet.
If you can get chicken feet in the area you live in it is much better to start your puppy on this type of chew than on some rubber ball that has to be purchased from a pet store.
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