Sentences with phrase «pet dental decay»

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Breath-Less Plaque Zapper helps maintain saliva's natural pH. Pet owners simply empty a packet into a pet's drinking water to help prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar and bad breath.
Fizzy Plaque Zapper helps maintain saliva's natural pH. Pet owners simply empty a packet into a pet's drinking water to help prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar and bad breath.
In addition, oral rinses, special diets and chews can play a significant role in protecting your pet from dental problems, painful gums, and decaying teeth.
A regular dental check - up for your pet allows us to recognize problems early so we are able to prevent dental disease such as: gingivitis, abscesses, tooth loss and decay, bone infections, tooth / bone fractures.
Managing your pet's oral and dental health is necessary for preventing tooth decay, bad breath, and periodontal disease in dogs.
Over 75 % of older pets have dental disease, which may include gum problems, sores in the mouth, swollen tonsils, and decaying teeth.
Because proper dental cleaning involves scaling tartar right at and above the gumline, as well as probing all teeth for any signs of gum recession or tooth root decay, your pet will need to be under anesthesia.
Insufficient pet dental care can lead to bacterial build - up, tooth decay and oral diseases that can cause a lot of pain and inhibit a pet's ability to eat a normal diet.
Once you've established that your pet has tooth decay issues, visit a vet and schedule dental cleaning session.
DENTAL CLEANINGS: With all the rot and decay that can be seen in a pet's mouth, sometimes veterinarians are mistaken as oral morticians!
Poor dental health can lead to tooth decay and stinky breath — and no one wants to smell that when snuggling up with their favorite pet.
Each great - tasting chew helps reduce dental decay, plaque, tartar, stained teeth and, most importantly to owners, stinky pet breath.
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