Sentences with phrase «pet roaches»

Who would want a pet roach

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And check this out: because this a more environmentally friendly option than harsh chemical roach killers, it's safe to use around your pets.
Peter the Great was afraid of roaches!
One of the best ways to remove the stigma of the roach is to embrace it, and to turn it from vermin to pet.
Dog kibble, cat food, table scraps, pet foods of all kinds — after all, they are roaches and thus camp followers to human diets for many millennia.
We also offer a few other roach species for food — the «dubia» roach being the most common — but only the hisser seems to have caught the public imagination as a pet.
While my shop sells each roach as a pet for a few dollars, we offer them in bulk as feeders for a fraction of that cost, thus opening two sorts of markets for the same creature.
I certainly enjoy the giant murderous roaches of the Mimic film series, but if you want to see your exact species of pet in a horror film, check out the outrageous, over-the-top, unintentionally funny movie, Bug!
I myself was surprised how much of a warm reception was given the Madagascan hissing roach (Gromphadorhina portentosa) when it first appeared on the pet market some 20 years ago.
The oft - maligned roach is here to stay, so retailers might as well profit from the inherent - and perhaps surprising - upsides to having roaches as pets.
The active ingredient in many of these products is mixed with a food attractant that will smell sweet or often times like peanut butter to our pets which will not only attract the ants and roaches but also our pets.
Dr. Morales» personal pets include 2 sphynx cats, 2 dogs, a hermit crab, a hissing cock roach and many tropical fish.
Some pets (like tortoises) enjoy a vegetarian diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, while others prefer mealworms, crickets, and dubia roaches.
Most amphibian species commonly kept as pets will accept a wide range of prey, including crickets, mealworms, fruit flies, roaches and even un-weaned mice.
While a pet store may keep some animals in tight quarters on the theory that the caging is temporary, spiders, scorpions, stick insects, mantids and especially roaches all thrive in small spaces.
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