Sentences with phrase «pet sale bans»

Retail pet sale bans are a powerful way for people to fight puppy mills in their own communities.
In response, pet store lobbyists are pressuring state legislatures to pass preemption laws blocking cities» and counties» right to adopt retail pet sale bans.
Plain and simply, we need more resources and more voices against the well - funded anti-pet industry that manipulates emotions, misrepresents facts and ignores the harm pet sale bans cause to small business owners and local economies.
With that in mind, it's not hard to imagine a future in which we see other one state after another pass their own pet sale bans, similar to what has happened on a more local level in municipalities across the country over the past several years.
Ed understands the critical issues facing the industry today, including those relating to breeding standards and pet sale bans, and he embraces the challenge of finding common ground and solutions.
It is, finally, a defense against the mindless, but somewhat well intended, current «solution» to puppy mills — pet sale bans.
Recent pet sale bans were proposed at the state and local level in Connecticut.
It seems that we have a perfect storm of various groups pushing for such legislation — oftentimes with ulterior motives, such as eventually instituting overall pet sale bans — and regulators eager to find new sources of revenue to help prop up struggling state and local governments.
«If we are successful in overturning the Phoenix ban with this lawsuit, it could encourage others to challenge pet sale bans and give cities nationwide pause on passing similar bans,» said PIJAC chairman Ken Oh.
I know it is a song I have sung before, but look at this recent flurry of pet sale bans.
That same year, Indiana, Minnesota, and Iowa were among states that passed their first local retail bans, meaning 23 states in the U.S. now have pet sale bans in effect.
By engaging the appropriate resources, the PLC responds to current issues like increasing the incidence of pet ownership and addressing nationwide pet sale bans, while also identifying and addressing future industry needs.
We are behind two of the most significant retail pet sale bans passed in this country.
Some groups have lobbied communities across the country to pass pet sale bans with the mistaken belief that such laws will eliminate puppy mills.
«PIJAC hopes that common sense can prevail on the issue of pet sale bans, but we hope that other cities will wait to see how the Phoenix case plays out before trying to adopt similar bans,» said Milford.
«If more cities try to adopt pet sale bans, PIJAC will continue to be on the frontlines fighting for the rights of consumers, commercial breeders, pet lovers and those who could be potentially economically impacted by such a ban.»
One trend that could have an enormous impact on the pet industry is live pet sale bans in pet stores.
Education is an essential part of how we want to engage on the issue of pet sale bans.
Roughly 200 communities across North America now have similar retail pet sale bans on the books now.
One of the biggest threats to the responsible pet trade is pet sale bans.
We need a better solution than pet sale bans.
Currently, more than 100 communities have passed or are considering pet sale bans that include dogs, cats, rabbits and other small animals.
Advocates of pet sale bans contend they will eliminate puppy mills, because that's where they believe the pets are coming from.
«Retail pet sale bans do not address the welfare of animals, but simply reduce the available sources of pets for responsible pet owners,» says Mike Canning, President of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC).
I guide grassroots organizations and advocates in passing local ordinances that protect companion animals, specifically in the issue areas of declawing, pit bull terriers, Trap - Neuter - Return (TNR), retail pet sale bans, and tethering.
Local retail pet sale bans spreading across the country put the pet industry — and those we serve — at risk.
If your company and products are related to a family pet of any kind, the sustainability of your business requires proactive engagement with lawmakers and other stakeholders who are advancing these pet sale bans without full understanding of their potential impact.
All of these pet sale bans are based upon the false premise that pet stores source from unethical breeders.
It is only by working together as a unified voice that the pet industry can successfully battle against dangerous legislative and regulatory actions like pet sale bans.
In California, three localities passed pet sale bans, while one was defeated.
An increasing number of local pet sale bans and a steady decline in the number of commercial breeders have undoubtedly decreased the supply of healthy, well - bred puppies available in the marketplace, and without some intervention, the trend shows no sign of slowing.
For example, PIJAC and Humane Society of the United States often disagree on pet sale bans — a major issue for both groups — but PIJAC board chair Laura «Peach» Reid testified with a representative of the Humane Society's Connecticut chapter in favor of a shelter oversight law.
Conversely, SB 1204 would have encouraged localities to pass pet sale bans even while creating a regulatory structure that all but eliminated a pet store's ability to source dogs from shelters.
A new model ordinance in Macomb County, Mich., puts a spotlight on how dangerously misguided pet sale bans can be.
Consider this: of the 207 local retail pet sales bans tracked, 139 (or nearly 70 percent) of the bans are in communities that do not have a single retail pet store.
Conversely, a restrictive bill that bordered on being a pet sale ban was conditionally vetoed by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
To aid pet industry retailers in combating a retail pet sale ban in their area, the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) has developed a Legislative Action Kit.
So, we ban the sale of dog — let's not even go to the effect of a total pet sale ban — in pet stores.
The most disappointing development this year was passage of the nation's first statewide pet sale ban.
I have tried, unsuccessfully, to contact anyone involved in the pet sales ban passed by the Phoenix city council in December 2013.
Would you be able to give me the name or names of anyone in Phoenix, Arizona who helped get the pet sales ban passed last year?
The fact is the only thing a pet sale ban accomplishes is putting good breeders and local retailers out of business.
Click here to see a list of all the cities that have enacted a retail pet sale ban.
By cutting off retail stores — the most regulated and accountable of all pet sources — retail pet sales bans are actually creating an expanded market for the very substandard breeders they're intended to eliminate.
Retail pet sales bans are based on the incorrect assumption that most pet stores buy their puppies from substandard breeders.
«She led our efforts to prevent a pet sale ban in Connecticut despite the fact that it didn't affect her business directly, and she kept some very strong personalities working together throughout the process.
From the ever - increasing pet sale ban effort of some, to the outright banning of the right to own any pet that is advocated by the more radical players like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), we are constantly on the defense as an industry.

Not exact matches

Orland Park began considering the issue after the Chicago City Council and the Cook County Board of Commissioners banned the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits from large - scale breeders earlier this year in an attempt to keep pet stores from selling animals raised in puppy mills.
The only person to speak in opposition to banning sales of commercially - bred pets was the owner of the only Orland Park business that would be affected.
Cari Meyers, founder and president of the Puppy Mill Project, encouraged Orland Park trustees to ban the sale of pets from large - scale commercial breeders.
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