Sentences with phrase «pet walking sticks»

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One of my biggest pet peeves when I am walking around the store is how many children are simply stuck in the cart with a screen shoved in front of their face.
As the Dalai Lama walked, he could hear the calls of his pet monkey, which was tethered to a stick in another part of the Jewel Park.
If by chance the other pet owner chose's to get law enforcement involved because you cracked their dog with your walking stick (or pepper gas) you simply tell them that you were afraid for your personal safety and that you were protecting yourself from an unleashed dog that was out of control...
When you finish a walk in either ice or snow, wipe your pet's paws because ice can get stuck between toes.
Auerbach's tabletop piece included in this Artists Space portfolio is made of 3D - printed matte gold steel and stands alone as an incredible deal for the $ 1,000 — which also comes with an absolutely first - rate photo of the great Andre Cadere walking through 1970s SoHo (walking stick in tow), a sexy K8 Hardy, and other strong works by Sam Pulitzer and Peter Saville.
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