Sentences with phrase «pets and humans alike»

As careful as we try pets and humans alike, stains and odors seem to be a problem we can not get away from.
Hot cider and treats for both pets and humans alike will be provided.
To make the holiday more enjoyable for pets and humans alike, Smith suggests that small pets be kept indoors.
Perhaps the most troubling problem for pets and humans alike is fleas, said Delaporte, who runs the Mount Dora Veterinary Hospital.
The success rate and science behind the chamber continues to grow and show positive results in pets and humans alike.
Acupuncture, the stimulation of specific points on the body, has long been one of the most common types of holistic medicine for pets and humans alike.
There is new propylene glycol - based antifreeze available at many retail outlets that is safer for pets and humans alike.

Not exact matches

Liverleaf capsules are available as an antioxidant liver support for humans and pets alike, such as small dogs and cats.
Convinced by ambitious scientist Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) that the solution to the problem is to green - light a line of mutant - targeting drones called Sentinels, Tricky Dick acts with predictably self - serving expediency — and inadvertently triggers a series of events that leads to a dystopian future in which humans and mutants alike teeter on the verge of extinction.
In the area of companion animals, to continue to meet the demand that pet owners and veterinarians alike have to bring more human - quality care to their pets and companion animals.
In an era where cardiovascular disease and obesity are on the rise in both people and their pets, it is clear that exercising with dogs can benefit humans and animals alike... and I don't know that many dogs who are not willing to go for a walk (but be sure that you talk to your veterinarian before increasing your pet's exercise — because some dogs may not benefit from increased exercise)
Exotic pet ownership poses risks to animals and humans alike.
While Halloween is a lively time for children and adults alike, The Humane Society of the United States is reminding human guardians that this haunting holiday may be more scary than amusing for your pet.
While swimming can be great exercise for dogs and their humans alike, don't leave pets unsupervised while in the pool, or when they even have access to it.
Dr. William Puryear and the Staff at Faithful Friends Animal Hospital's involvement with their community should serve as a model for all communities that serve humans and pets alike: collaborative, socially - responsible, and forward - moving.
Despite the complete chaos and stress of Harvey, it seems that both human and pets alike are working together.
While a natural disaster can be an extraordinarily stressful event for humans and animals alike, you can help maximize your pet's chance for survival with some basic preparation.
They multiply faster than some math wizards.And it's too bad, but they like Brevard summers.Fleas, which irritate humans and pets alike, prefer the warm weather, the by - the - sea humidity and the low altitude.They're most prevalent in summer months, but they are adaptable and even like Brevard winters, springs and falls.
Because low - fat diets are becoming a craze to both humans and pets alike, some companies tend to reduce on resources and budget by giving you unhealthy and rushed ingredients of low quality.
It's quite normal for loud noises to startle humans and pets alike.
Corry states «My goal is to create safe and humane communities for humans and pets alike through raising awareness and identifying solutions.
The American Welfare Institute's Safe Havens Mapping Project addresses a critical situation that many don't think about, but is a very real topic affecting humans and their pets alike.
Although the post bite treatment for rabies is 100 % effective in preventing human rabies, vaccinating all pets against rabies would be safer for people and pets alike and certainly much less stressful.
Ultrasonography is an important medical imaging technique used in humans and pets alike.
We know that this approach 1) allows shelters and rescue groups to focus their sheltering and rehoming services on animals most in need, 2) frees up critical public safety resources to address the most serious criminal activities that threaten our collective well - being, and 3) fosters the human / animal bond that provides quality of life benefits to people and pets alike.
This fungus is also very contagious between animals - humans and pets alike, so environmental decontamination is necessary.
They make great pets for adults and children alike and enjoy the human - animal bond that develops between owners and their pets.
Loving Pets is actively engaged in helping communities become better places to live, for pets and people alike by supporting philanthropic projects and organizations dedicated to improving animal welfare and increasing the bond between human and pet.
It's no surprise that some pet owners and veterinarians alike are concerned about pet insurance companies getting in the way of good medicine or suggested treatment options; after all, insurance companies practicing medicine is exactly what's happened to human healthcare.
Additionally, many of these insects also carry bacteria that can cause diseases in humans and pets alike.
Travel can be stressful for humans and pets alike.
Nutritional supplements are beneficial to humans and pets alike.
Due to health and safety concerns for animals and humans alike, our Rabies Clinic will be canceled on any day that the anticipated heat index is above 100 degrees or if other inclement weather that could jeopardize the safety of pets and humans occurs.
In humans and pets alike, the key to weight loss is to remain committed and dedicated, and to combine healthy eating with regular physical activity.
Allergies can be a miserable experience for humans and pets alike.
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