Sentences with phrase «pets feel sick»

Skin diseases can also make pets feel sick, and they can sometimes reflect an internal disease process.
TNF also affects the body so the pet feels sick and doesn't want to eat.

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Veronica thank God, you must be the smartest person alive i'm tired of people comparing humans and animals like they are equals.These people that think like that must be doing things to their pets I'm sorry.It's repulsive how some people compare animals and babies as if you give birth to a pet.Even when you're pregnant in the first trimester your pet starts to act out and become belligerent you get annoyed easily you feel big and sick you don't feel like dealing with a pet who is just acting out of jealousy.
Peter Mandelson: «Obviously I feel entirely pig sick about it.
Instead, the characters portrayed here are dealing with problems regular people handle, like feeling let down by parents or acquaintances, school fights that are broken up by teachers and administrative staff, or family pets that get sick.
The script, cowritten by Iannucci with David Schneider, Ian Martin and Peter Fellows, doesn't so much joke about dictatorship as find the very existence of authoritarianism to be one of humanity's sickest, saddest, oldest jokes — a fine distinction, but an important one, because it prevents the film from feeling exploitative, instead lending it the feeling of a lament in which the storyteller laughs so that he won't cry.
Her favorite part of her job is caring for a sick or injured pets, and sending both the pet and the owner home feeling better.
We're sorry your pet was sick and hope your baby is feeling better!
When our pets our sick, we want to do all we can to make them feel better.
Unlike humans, our pets do not have the capability of telling us how they are feeling or why they may feel sick.
Some pets may get a little sore at the injection site, may become a bit more sleepy than usual, and may feel a little sick for a short while.
Many clients feel apprehensive about the costs involved in treating their sick pet.
The candidate should feel comfortable performing wellness exams on dogs and cats as well as diagnostic work - ups on sick pets.
Cats have a slightly higher normal temperature, from 100 ° to 102.5 ° F. Because dogs and cats can not tell us when they are feeling ill, an elevated temperature may be the first or only clue that your pet is sick.
Since our pets can't tell us when they are sick or feeling ill, a pet appearing healthy may disguise symptoms of an ailment or underlying disease.
How can we potentially save thousands of pets from needlessly getting sick or dying and spare their owners from the grief and remorse that we are now feeling?
Having pets makes everything better for an example, if you're stressed out or tired or even sick and you spend some quality time with your pet or play with them for a few minutes; it'll make you feel better.
When your pet is sick, Lavitt Animal Hospital is here to help them to feel better!
Dr. Shivers loves the feeling of getting a sick pet back on it's feet, and playing at home again.
Our Mission: As pet parents, we know how strong the bond becomes with our pets, and the worry and concern we feel when they become sick or are injured.
Doses and schedules are outlined to keep your pet from feeling sick — in fact you will be surprised at how well your pet does during and after treatment.
If your veterinarian is recommending that the pet be euthanized, the American Veterinary Medical Association recommends that each family member be allowed to express their feelings about the sick pet, even if the parents have already made the decision.
Whether you are coming in for an exam, to find out why your pet is feeling sick, or to handle an injury, our experienced, highly trained veterinarians and support staff provide the excellent service you would expect from a much more expensive animal hospital.
The best part of my job is making sick pets feel better, while making clients happy that their pet is healthy.
When your pet is feeling sick or suffers an injury, you need the best veterinary care Silver Lake has to offer.
Anyone who feels their canine or feline companion may be sick or injured should seek veterinary attention for their pet immediately.
Certainly, there is a link between some pets feeling nauseous, and subsequently eating grass then being sick.
The respect for your pet if it's heathly feeling sick or needs to be put down is why I keep going back.
The dog flu can make your dog feel sick for two weeks, but your pet remains contagious for four weeks.
They understand how upsetting it is to have a sick pet and make you feel that yours is special.
Because pets can't tell us when they're sick, they also exhibit some of the aforementioned symptoms to alert us that they're not feeling too hot.
Our professional and courteous staff makes sure the sick pet has a homely feel.
A perfect day at work, she said, would include seeing a litter of puppies or kittens, and helping a sick pet feel better.
Treats we give our pets have the potential to give them energy and support a healthy immune and digestive system, or they can make your dog feel lethargic and sick.
Feelings of guilt are common, but it is important to remember that as caregiver the decision to euthanize is often the kindest and most unselfish decision you can make for your sick or injured pet.
Whether it happens when you catch your dog tearing into some garbage and suddenly he feels sick, or he cuts his paw up on some rusty nails, or any other reason, you will probably find yourself in the pet hospital at some point.
I'm sorry for all your sick pets not feeling well.
And what if that piece of art helped sick and injured pets feel less stressed out, and also helped homeless pets find loving families to adopt them?
When speaking with clients who felt they were duped by pet insurance, they would often say that their insurance never covered them when they needed it, OR that they were dropped from their coverage when their pet became sick.
Always tell your parents if you think your pet might be sick — coughing, sneezing, not wanting to eat, acting too tired, throwing up (vomiting) and having diarrhea are all signs that your pet isn't feeling well and needs help.
«I find the most satisfying part of my job is when I have a sick pet that I can make feel better.
«People seem to feel so helpless when their pet is sick or hurt.
We understand that when your precious pet is sick, you often feel powerless and sad.
We offer complete sick care to get your pet feeling better as quickly as possible.
So Dave and I know how it feels to be a pet parent with a sick baby.
Make sure they are not sick and don't feel strange for asking them to wash their hands before petting.
«Many pets suffer unnecessary side effects from harsh pain medications, which can make us pet owners wonder if it's even worth it to make them take the medicine if it's going to make them feel sick in another way,» says Pierre.
The most rewarding part of my job is helping a sick pet feel better so that he or she can go home and rejoin the family.
I'm constantly bombarded by emails from pet owners who seem to feel that way, so much so they often don't take even clearly very sick pets to the veterinarian, but instead waste time writing me 20 - page missives on every symptom their pet has expressed for the previous several weeks.
Here Peter Doig tells Tim Adams about LSD, fame and why the prices of his art make him feel physically sick
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