Sentences with phrase «pharmacist about»

Always tell a health care provider or pharmacist about all the medications you take, including over-the-counter items such as vitamins, herbs, or supplements, because they may interfere with birth control pills.
A pharmacy technician may also talk with a pharmacist about potential drug interactions or other risks.
Scanned prescriptions for customers and inquired if they had questions for the pharmacist about their medication
Communicated with pharmacist about outdated products regarding unavailability of inventory.
Ask your pharmacist about the risks and benefits of any medication and potential dangers of mixing drugs.
It is very important that you tell your veterinarian or pharmacist about any other medications your pet is taking.
Talk to your pharmacist about how to do this.
Tell your veterinarian or pharmacist about any medications your pet may be taking.
Ask your pharmacist about lower cost generic drugs.
Be sure you speak to your physician or pharmacist about a dose appropriate for you.
If you're pregnant or lactating woman, make sure to talk to your physician or pharmacist about the oils which you use.
Before supplementing, women should consult with a pharmacist about existing health conditions, medications, and other supplements to determine if interactions or contraindications may be present.
«If you are struggling to switch off or find yourself waking up at all hours of the night, you might want to ask your pharmacist about ways you can improve your sleep health.
«Patients need to inform their providers about all medications they use — prescription and nonprescription — and should ask their physician or pharmacist about interactions any time they start a new drug, on their own or following the doctor's recommendation.»
Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist about anti-inflammatory medication that's safe to use while breastfeeding.
Ask your pharmacist about generic brands, too.
Ask your pediatrician and pharmacist about common side effects of medications your child is prescribed so that you know what to watch for
Don't be shy about asking your doctor or pharmacist about the medicine your child will take.
Always check the dosage information on the packet and always consult and ask your doctor or pharmacist about how much to give your child.
Talk to your pharmacist about which supplement would be most suitable for your child.
You could ask your pharmacist about saline nasal drops, but in the meantime try slightly raising the head end of their cot either by putting a couple of books under the legs or with a small rolled up towel under the mattress.
You may also be able to ask your pharmacist about anything you may want to be on the lookout for while doing this.
Talk to your pharmacist about the best way to take your vitamins (such as whether they should be taken with food).
If you have any further concerns, it's always a good idea to speak to your doctor, your baby's pediatrician, or even your pharmacist about the possible risks and concerns you may have when you take Claritin while you're breastfeeding.
She consults with nurses, dietitians, and pharmacists about the course of the day's treatment for the babies, some of whom weigh as little as one pound and were born as much as 17 weeks early.
Often, customers will consult pharmacists about new drug information prior to seeing a doctor, so expect to answer a variety of questions.

Not exact matches

Pharmacists were not as curious as they should have been about doctors doling out prescriptions or patients filling them.
It's staffed by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who will make about five million calls a year, answering patient questions and reminding them to refill their prescriptions.
For example, in - store pharmacists and nurses can order the lab work to diagnose and counsel consumers about their conditions.
St. James the Greater Patronage: Arthritis Sufferers; Blacksmiths; Equestrians; Laborers; Pharmacists; Pilgrims; Soldiers; Veterinarians Learn more about St. James the Greater
My candidate for a «prophet to the liberals» is Will Campbell, publisher of the journal Katallagete and author of the highly acclaimed Brother to a Dragonfly, an autobiographical book about the lives of Will and his brother, Joe, as they leave their father's small cotton farm in Mississippi — Will to become a civil rights worker for the National Council of Churches, Joe to become a small - town pharmacist.
The company had this to say about him, probably written by Frank G. Ryan, the president, writing in Modern Pharmacy but covered in the Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association: «Three or four years ago, in the gradual development of our scientific staff, we secured the services of Professor Wilbur L. Scoville, a pharmacist well known to the country and a man preeminent in the field of what has been termed pharmaceutical elegance.
I spoke to a pharmacist friend of mine and asked him about the side effects of iron and they matched my granddaughters symptoms, he also said the dose being given is too large if her symptoms are that severe.
If you are feeling congested talk to your doctor about trying Advil ® Cold & Sinus, the # 1 pharmacist recommended brand for Cough, Cold and Flu Combinations for Daytime.
I asked the pharmacist who was helping us quietly what he thought about expensive placebos being sold right there, and he looked a bit embarrassed, and stammered something about «well, the demand... some people find them helpful...»
If you have any more questions about Theraflu or other flu symptom remedies that you might be considering taking while you're nursing your baby, be sure to speak to your doctor, your baby's pediatrician, or your pharmacist to find out more.
I just asked my pharmacist friend yesterday about some natural remedy to help her.
Olympic athletes know that experts can help you stay on the right track - your doctor, nurse or pharmacist will know about different vitamins, minerals, and any type of medicine you might need to keep you healthy.
Mooney carried 33 percent of the vote when The Associated Press called the race at approximately 9:33 p.m. Self - funding pharmacist Ken Reed led former U.S. International Trade Commissioner Charlotte Lane by about 100 votes at the time of the call.
You will have to note this; before you can be employed as a pharmacist in any Enugu hospital, health care or pharmacy, you need to have good information about drug dispensing.
Nationally, more health care professionals and pharmacists have begun expressing concern about increased gabapentin prescriptions.
As you can imagine, with that kind of feedback, I grew somewhat arrogant about my abilities as a pharmacist, the so - called drug expert.
Today, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has about 500 staff members, 40 % of whom are pharmacists, human and veterinary doctors, or life scientists.
If you are worried about any side effects, please consult your doctor, nurse or pharmacist looking after you.»
Starting in October, scientists will learn about medical science and pharmacology while physicians and pharmacists study molecular and cellular biology.
«Lack of communication puts older adults at risk of clashes between their medicines: Many haven't talked to their doctors, pharmacists or nurses about drug interactions.»
And even though 63 percent said their doctor and pharmacist are equally responsible for spotting and talking about possible drug interactions, only 36 percent said their pharmacist definitely knew about all the medications they're taking when they fill a prescription.
For children advice about supplementation should be sought from the GP, health visitor or pharmacist.
Pharmacist Mary Lee Snodgrass and I discussed the overmedication of America in our last episode, and she is back to talk about one of the root causes for health problems (and one of the leading causes of prescription medication use), hormone imbalance.
People using any medications should check the package insert, and speak with a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist, about possible interactions.
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