Sentences with phrase «phase lag»

There is no phase lag of the sort you allude to.
Actually, I think something like this does happen to a modest degree in El Nino, superposed on the natural radiative damping to space, but big enough to give you phase lags a la Spencer and Braswell.
The feedback is mentioned or assumed in many of the references cited above, e.g., see quote by Genthon; Lorius et al. (1990) remarked that Greenland drilling then underway «should allow a better determination of the relative timing (phase lag) of climate and greenhouse forcing» (p. 145), but the wider community had thought little about a lag.
The measured temperature shows all the characteristics of a surface with finite heat capacity and a diffusive surface, including a phase lag of the temperature compared to the incoming radiation.
As an innovative solution for the phase lag between the subwoofer and the main channel speakers caused by the network filter, Phase Control compensates the delayed bass to improve sound synchronization, making low sound more dynamic, while delivering clear reproduction of sound in the middle as well as high frequency bands.
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