Sentences with phrase «phase of pregnancy ends»

With this week, the most difficult and critical phase of pregnancy ends.

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They aren't lying when they tell you to take advantage of that «nesting» phase all pregnant women go through towards the end of their pregnancy!
Therefore, women are often ignorant of them and end up missing the first phase of pregnancy.
By the end of the pregnancy phase 2888 women remained in the study, with 91 women having delivered elsewhere.
Sometimes called the honeymoon phase of pregnancy, the second trimester often brings an end to the worst of the first trimester nausea and a dose of extra special magic pregnancy energy.
The luteal phase is the second half of your menstrual cycle beginning at ovulation and ending with a new period or pregnancy.
As pregnancy is the most crucial phase, possibilities of any emergency may drain your savings or you will have to end up compromising on health care.
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