Sentences with phrase «phase transitions not»

In a separate study that is just beginning, he is working with Manning and her colleagues at Syracuse to look for phase transitions not just in cancer cells themselves, but also in the matrix of fibers that surrounds tumors.
The theoretical analysis of the experimental findings is based on the fundamental notion that the many particles in a system close to a phase transition not only interact with their immediate neighbours but also «communicate» over long distances with all other particles.

Not exact matches

This is an excellent trait for the initial startup phases, but these super-starter entrepreneurs often can't transition into the very necessary ability to trust others.
Perhaps the common - sense way to approach this is to accept the possibility that Chilean - style controls (taxes on short - term inflows) may be useful for some countries during the transition, but not too much should be expected of them (see the conclusions on Chile itself, which suggest that the controls managed to lengthen the maturity of the debt, without being able to prevent the exchange rate from appreciating during the phase of capital inflow)(see Edwards (1998)-RRB-.
The process in God can not be conceived of as a process between occasions (which is a transition or «external supersession»), nor can it be conceived of as that type of process which occurs within an occasion as an «internal supersession» of phases of indeterminateness finishing in a final satisfaction («concrescence» in the usual sense of the word).
Well, outside of the fact that both teams are kind of in a weird transition phase, I don't know.
Leiva spent 10 seasons with Liverpool, where they were mostly in a transition phase, and he thereby did not get the chance to celebrate the success achieved prior to his arrival.
«In the history of football all around the world, not just in England, you had the biggest clubs with the moments of transition, you have the biggest clubs with moments of continuous and permanent victories, and these are phases in the club.»
They used this not only to counter-press West Ham, but to win the attacking transition phases with unstoppable counters.
Christine Stewart Fitzgerald: You know definitely we were in phases I mean, in the beginning, there was a sort of introduction and you know, the whole latch transition from supplementing the two that was not a little bit easier and then you know a couple of months afterward I just felt like a natural flow.
It is important to know when exactly to start this phase in your baby's life, but it is not as simple to gain the exact time because though there are standards, every baby is different and their differences are what makes the transition great for some babies and not so good for others.
It does not take long for a baby to grow and transition from crawling stage to walking, but this phase is not as easy as may look.
While it is well known that one crystal phase can transform into another under the right circumstances, the mechanisms that facilitate solid - to - solid transitions are still not well understood.
Nonequilibrium phase transitions, which are defined by the formation of macroscopic transient domains, are optically dark and can not be observed through conventional temperature - or pressure - change studies.
In this way, it was possible to prove experimentally for the first time that it is not just the electrons which play a significant role in the phase transition but also the atomic lattice — the solid's scaffold.
Nanoscale resolution makes it possible to characterize the local temperature during phase transitions in materials — an impossibility with techniques that do not have the spatial resolution of HERMES spectroscopy.
The researchers note that in such a thin layer, the water molecules can't move around very much, and so their effective temperature is much lower than — 17 °C, perhaps close to — 45 °C, the proposed phase transition between HDL and LDL water.
«Then, when we examined the material more closely, we found that the transition we were seeing from «stripes» to «stars» was not in any of the phase diagrams,» Kim said.
«The phase transition we observed, this new structure, was not predicted by theory,» said Kim, the Louis Beecherl Jr..
This type of material is of particular interest for the field of solid state physics: their electrons can not be described as separate from one another; they are strongly interconnected and it is precisely this that lends them extraordinary properties, from high - temperature superconductivity through to new kinds of phase transitions.
However, until recently it was not possible to directly measure how such phase transitions proceed on small length scales.
Ising explained it in 1925 and concluded that 1D materials do not have phase transitions.
Such electron doping - driven structural phase transitions at the 2 - D limit is not only important in fundamental physics; it also opens the door for new electronic memory and low - power switching in the next generation of ultra-thin devices.»
«We found a quantum phase transition we didn't expect to see,» Lee says.
Direct experimental veri?cation of such a phase transition had not been accomplished, and theoretical studies from different simulations contradicted each other, Wang said.
The phase - transition model is not meant to replace the theory of the Big Bang.
«If you don't know the triple point, you don't know the basic facts about this phase transition,» he said.
Direct experimental verification of such a phase transition had not been accomplished, and theoretical studies from different simulations contradicted each other, Wang said.
Or perhaps, theorists had proposed, there might be other intermediate phases we still have not identified that assist the transition to happen by a process termed «resonant tunneling.»
Hints of intermediate states between epithelial and mesenchymal are also emerging from physics research not motivated by phase - transition concepts.
To a small but growing number of physicists, however, the shape - shifting and behavior changes in cancer cells evoke not an errant genetic program but a phase transition.
Putting a price on pollution can incentivise the phase - out of fossil fuels, but the existing carbon markets have so far not delivered a high enough price to drive the transition to...
Others, however, feel that phase transitions may not be the right tool.
With respect to biomarkers, we believe our proteomic strategy [10], that did not require prior knowledge of which proteins might be present in the CSF, will accelerate the transition from a discovery phase of candidate biomarkers, as described in this study, to full validation for clinical application.
In this way, it was possible to prove experimentally for the first time that it is not just the electrons which play a significant role in the phase transition but also the atomic lattice - the solid's scaffold.
But what I've learned in my experience is that death is not the end — it is the transition to another phase of our spiritual journey.
The idea behind this is to encourage your body's Glycogen stores to leave quickly (so we don't have a long transition phase).
The problem with the explanation by many low carb experts is that it oftentimes does not adequately address that transition phase.
Enoka (1988) explored hip, knee and ankle joint power outputs in competitive weightlifters during the first pull and transition phases and reported that joint peak power output did not alter with increasing load at the hip, knee or ankle.
They found that EMG amplitude increased with increasing load in the deltoid only in the second pull, turnover, and recovery phases; in the biceps in the transition, second pull, turnover, and recovery phases; in the triceps only in the recovery phase, in the latissimus dorsi only in the first phase, and not at all in the pectoralis major.
It was when my boyfriend eventually was like PLEASE GET OFF VITEX YOU ARE MISERABLE — that I finally thought, you know, he's right this phase doesn't feel like a transition and so I did.
Midlife crisis, health challenges, career change can all become our greatest teachers if we learn the tools to not only survive the transition, but thrive into the next phase of life.
As their college and career counselor, charged with supporting their transition to the next phase of their lives, this assessment may be the most important thing we do to prepare them for not just high school graduation but college completion.»
Statewide supports like curriculum frameworks and recommended instructional materials are lagging, the Math curriculum frameworks approved Nov 2013 and recommended instructional mateials approved Jan 2014, while ELA / ELD curriculum frameworks are up for approval July 2014 and ELA / ELD instructional materials will not be approved until Nov 2015, and these lags are hampering schools and LEAs from moving into the Transition phase more quickly.
Note: From 1 July 2017, earnings from assets supporting a transition to retirement income stream (TRIS) which is not in the retirement phase will not be eligible for ECPI and will be taxed at 15 %.
Note: From 1 July 2017, earnings from assets supporting a transition to retirement income stream (TRIS) will not be eligible for ECPI if the income stream is not in the retirement phase and will be taxed at 15 %.
Rest assured, this transition phase will pass, and it won't be long before you — and your dog — can't remember a time when you didn't belong together.
Accordings to Wells, the PS2 to PS3 transition phase was «the period that Naughty Dog had its darkest days and we lost people on a weekly basis — people just couldn't get through it.
Not only are we in the midst of a console transition, but the mobile market has gone through a maturing phase, and a variety of new platforms have gained prominence.
While the show has been divided into three parts, shown over the course of a few months (phase three is currently on view), these have not corresponded to distinct phases of a historical narrative — such as minimalism, transition, and algorithm — or indeed any other obvious organizational scheme apart from the exigencies of spatial limitations and loan requirements.
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