Sentences with phrase «phenolic compounds»

Studies have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil.
There are a large amount of phenolic compounds in strawberries, which include flavonoids that have antioxidant properties.
The good news concerning eggplant is that the predominant phenolic compound found in all varieties tested is chlorogenic acid, which is one of the most potent free radical scavengers found in plant tissues.
Farro to the rescue: Along with fibre, it also provides starch, oligosaccharides and antioxidants including phenolic compounds.
Myrtle also contains phenolic compounds - such as gallic acid and anthocyanins - as well as flavonoids, tannins, and fatty acids, which are believed to have antioxidant properties
It's even a strong source of antioxidants, with a 783.55 µg content of phenolic compounds like p - coumaric acid.
It is therefore not surprising that flaxseed is the most prominent oilseed studied to date as a functional food, since it is a leading source of α - linolenic acid (52 % of total fatty acids) and of phenolic compounds known as lignans [28].
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower contain antioxidant phenolic compounds and flavonoids that are associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, asthma, and several types of cancer.
Flavonoids and other phenolic compounds in Andean indigenous grains: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), kaniwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule) and kiwichi (Amaranthus caudatus).
Quebecol, a novel phenolic compound isolated from Canadian maple syrup.
Ginger: Phenolic compounds work to relieve gastrointestinal irritations, alleviate nausea and reduce inflammation.
Effect of phenolic compounds on the growth of selected probiotic and pathogenic bacteria — R. Pacheco - Ordaz, Letters in Applied Microbiology
The caffeic acid, a major phenolic compound in coffee, is responsible for its digestive and diuretic properties.
Raw ginger has high levels of gingerols, which are the predominant phenolic compound found in this herb.
Antioxidant activity is recognized due to the wide range of phenolic compounds present in dates including p - coumaric, ferulic, and sinapic acids, flavonoids, and procyanidins.
Free and bound phenolic compounds in leaves of pak choi (Brassica campestris L. ssp.
Olives and olive oil in cancer prevention The antioxidant / anticancer potential of phenolic compounds isolated from olive oil.
White wine — widely considered to be inferior to red wine, and the research backs it up; red wine contain 5 - 10 times more phenolic compounds than the average white.
They are also a good source of phenolic compounds such as carotenoids, flavonoids, and triterpenoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Phenolic compound concentration and antioxidant activities of edible and medicinal mushrooms from Korea.
One study found strawberry phenolic compounds to reduce oxidative stress and cell death and to have protective effects on neuronal cells.
The most abundant phenolic compound present in cloves» essential oil is eugenol, which is not only responsible for the aromatic scent of the flower buds, but it is also the main active ingredient behind their antimicrobial, antifungal, and analgesic properties.
Tannins: Tannins are astringent phenolic compounds most commonly found in tea.
A. White wheat does not contain the strongly - flavored phenolic compounds that are in red wheat.
Honey — a «natural product» — contains a wide range of bee - based phenolic compounds that appear to render its sugar content less harmful than, say, a dose of HFCS with the same amount of fructose.
Effects of conventional heating on the stability of major olive oil phenolic compounds by tandem mass spectrometry and isotope dilution assay.
Monitoring oxidative stability and phenolic compounds composition of myrtle - enriched extra virgin olive during heating treatment by flame, oven and microwave using reversed phase dispersive liquid — liquid microextraction (RP - DLLME)- HPLC - DAD - FLD method.
Fennel is known for its ability to reduce inflammation and acid in the stomach while ginger's phenolic compounds help relieve irritation and reduce gastric contractions.
Using virgin olive oil is also another effective method to remove breast stretch marks because the oil possesses many phenolic compounds, and fatty acids.
High lignin woods are novel resources for the production of special value - added phenolic compounds.
They hoped that by treating grape skins and seeds with enzymes that break down cell walls, they could make it easier to extract phenolic compounds.
He and a graduate student took phenolic compounds from grapes and cocoa and added them to the UHT milk before processing it.
To test their theory — and see which specific phenolic compounds and enzymes worked best — the researchers asked volunteers to chew 3 grams of softneck garlic cloves for 25 seconds.
This product is standardized for carvacrol and thymol, the principal phenolic compounds in oregano, with each softgel providing 36 mg carvacrol and thymol from an impressive 60 - 75 % carvacrol oregano oil.
Compounds found in food items as well as beverages (wine, chocolate, citrus, etc) regarded as migraine triggers include phenylethylamine, tyramine, and possibly phenolic compounds and histamine.
Phenols are transferred from olive oil to the veggies, enhancing them with oil - exclusive phenolic compounds which aren't found in raw veggies.
White whole wheat flour tends to not need as much added sweetener because of the milder flavor (this is because it doesn't contain the same phenolic compounds as red white, if you want to get nerdy about it).
This allowed them to determine both the number of phenolic compounds still present in the grinds, as well as their potency.
The results reported here advances current knowledge of maple syrup constituents and confirm that this plant derived natural sweetener contains a wide diversity of phytochemicals, among which phenolic compounds predominate.
Tanrioven D and Eksi A. Phenolic compounds in pear juice from different cultivars.
This analytical method is accurate, efficient and simultaneously determines typical levels of various phenolic compounds, ensuring the quality of NOW ® echinacea products.
Echinacoside is the main phenolic compound in E. angustifolia and E. pallida, but only trace is found in E. purpurea.
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