Sentences with phrase «philosophers of»

The philosophers of Western philosophy played a huge early role in shaping my writing.
His 2010 book, Principles of Neurotheology, recommends collaboration between neuroscientists and specialists in the fields of religious studies, philosophers of religion, and theologians.
Described in The New York Times obituary as «one of the most important education philosophers of the past 50 years,» Greene enacted a social vision and agency that fuels current fights for social justice.
«Few educators or philosophers of education would argue that schools» sole purpose is to keep children safe,» writes Sadowski, a faculty member in education at Bard University.
If you are a Catholic who takes his faith seriously, i've discovered this super dating site that not only allows you to join free (so that you can have a good look around before committing yourself) but you can also down load a free eBook on love and marriage written by one of the greatest Catholic philosophers of the twentieth century.
Even the great philosophers of antiquity like Plato, Seneca, and «The Father of Modern Medicine» Hippocrates, were extolling the virtues of short periods of abstinence from food.
The ancient philosophers of yoga knew that we could use the muscle of our mind to see and perceive things in...
This discussion reminds me of philosophers of the Middle Ages debating how many angels could stand on the head of a pin.
The man was David Chalmers, one of the world's leading philosophers of the mind.
Earlier this month, some of the feuding physicists met with philosophers of science at an unusual workshop aimed at addressing the accusation that branches of theoretical physics have become detached from the realities of experimental science.
No one here has an entirely persuasive account of how this is done, any more than philosophers of science have, though more of the STS scholars are convinced that it is merely a trick.
OK, fine: Certain «philosophers of science» argue that we are not «discovering» any new science.
«Most historians and philosophers of science, although they like the thrust [of Kuhn's argument], don't buy it all,» says Alan Rocke, a science historian at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.
However, to paraphrase one of the great philosophers of our time, Steven Stifler, I'm sure we could throw in a few spoons so that they could eat our ass.
There are exactly parallel views of scientific models that have been held by many contemporary philosophers of science, namely, that models are purely subjective, psychological, and adopted by individuals for private heuristic purposes.
Third, Hartshorne's critical review of the assessments made by later philosophers of Anselm's argument opens the way for a reversal of the usual procedure.
The reliance on strict rules of verification, however, was seen by the philosophers of language to be so limiting that very little was left to talk about.
Benedict XVI has been a great example of this willingness in his cordial and challenging dialogue with philosophers of an Enlightenment or Islamic disposition.
The philosophers of Hartshorne's time tried to hold him as irrelevant or meaningless and his thought absurd, but they found this impossible.
For those who rest easily and uncritically within the uses of language in the Christian community, the kinds of questions posed by the philosophers of language may lead to uneasiness and therefore rejection, or the questions may not even be considered.
Thus, when teachers of world religions are needed at many undergraduate colleges, they usually appoint either philosophers of religion, historians, biblical scholars, or theologians who happen to have personal interests and perhaps had taken two or three courses in the history of religions or comparative religion.
Hick, one of the few prominent philosophers of religion who concerns himself with personal eschatology, has labored over the past few decades to construct a picture of heaven that is free of religious particularity.
The received view among philosophers of science, whether they be of a regularity or necessity persuasion, is that a statement s is a law statement or nomological generalization if and only if it satisfies the following logically necessary specifications:
In Philosophers of Process, edited by Douglas Browning.
A knowledge of the aporias in which Whitehead finds himself on the individual levels of the development of his cosmology allows us further to comprehend why many leading philosophers of his time stopped taking an interest in his theory and quit discussing his writings.
There are, however, a few European philosophers of religion whose work is significant here.
Metaphysics has been a field of study on its deathbed since Kant, its few intellectual life - support systems having finally been unplugged by the very caretakers of the profession that gave it birth — philosophers of the positivist and linguistic schools.
Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the Great Philosophers of the Western World, 2nd ed.
The Western idea of natural rights comes not just from the philosophers of the Enlightenment, but even earlier from the medieval Church.
When the astronomical revolution of the sixteenth century — in which the Italian philosophers of the Renaissance played a far more important role than historians of science admit — removed the universal cosmic clock, there were two alternative ways open to physics and philosophy of nature: either to retain the relational theory of time and to hold with Bruno (Bruno 1879, p. 144) that «there are as many times as there are the stars» (tot tempora quot astra), since there is no body possessing a privileged rotation motion, and the only body which allegedly had it — the sphere of the fixed stars — has been swept away; or to save the unity and homogeneity of time by separating it from any particular motion — and this is what Newton did, anticipated in this respect by Isaac Barrow and, in particular, Gassendi.
Curiously, for many years the main interaction with philosophers working in an Anglo - American mode has been through the active participation of Dutch philosophers of religion, led by Vincent Brummer, in the Society for the Study of Theology.
The philosophers of science then discussed the relations of the theoretical entities to the bottom layer without assuming they were necessarily sensible.
Or consider the explanations for religious belief proposed by evolutionary psychologists, now recognised by most philosophers of biology as involving more theoretical assumptions than empirical evidence.
Many philosophers of science see merit in both traditions and can not be placed within either.
Charles Hartshorne, «Introduction: The Development of Process Philosophy,» in Philosophers of Process, ed.
When philosophers of science probe into what they think scientists do they come up with a wide variety of ideas.
A view of scientific explanation as metaphorical has been developed as a supplement to the deductive model of explanation by some contemporary philosophers of science (Black 1962, pp. 25 - 47 and pp. 219 - 243; Hesse 1966, pp. 157 - 177; MacCormac 1971).
There are philosophers of science who go even further in the relativization of science.
The first arises out of his experience at a conference of philosophers of East and West, in which the concepts of «Nirvana» and «the Atman that is Brahman without differences» were considered.
Such attitudes were compounded with the philosophers of the eighteenth century writing their own «whiggish» version of scientific history in which the rejection of the Church provided the counterpoint to the rise of science.
His comments on «scientific» views of consciousness are also timely because populist evolutionary biologists and «physicalist» philosophers of mind often portray the conscious mind, indeed the «self», as nothing other than the sum total of the chemical and biological parts of the brain and central nervous system.
Biological generalizations have been considered by some philosophers of science as different in kind from laws because of the failure they seem to share with accidental generalizations to meet the conditions for law - likeness (Toulmin 1953, Ch.
I have suggested, however, that science is not as objective, nor religion as subjective, as the view dominant among philosophers of religion has held.
Jerome is very specific that Pantaneus was invited to preach to the Brahmans and philosophers of India.
Also a number of our philosophers of history, in their discouragement, reduce the unfolding of events to the mathematical application of an arbitrary axiomatic system of their own invention.
The earlier Whitehead was closer to the philosophy of science; the difficulties in his views are ones that philosophers of science can recognize.
A collection of essays by philosophers of technology examining the significance of Borgmann's work in disclosing the dynamic of technology in everyday life.
But in view of the power and tenacity of the scientistic ideology, which abhors the very idea of myth, it is not surprising that Whitehead has received so little attention from philosophers of science, despite his being one of the most original and creative thinkers of this century.
Philosophers of technology tend not to celebrate such technological achievements because they get celebrated all the time.
Hartshorne's merit is a lesser one, but important for all that: he shows us how neoclassical metaphysics is anchored in the great philosophers of the past and thus allows us to evaluate the present philosophy more easily.
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