Sentences with phrase «philosophers say»

Philosophers say all sorts of things about science.
A principle, philosophers say, is the beginning of action.
Likewise, many yoga philosophers say yoga is within you.
And I have heard philosophers say that there is consciousness «all the way down» — down to the level of elementary particles, quarks.
We may go further: the other half of knowledge is no longer so radically relative, as certain philosophers say, if we can establish that it bears upon a reality of inverse order, a reality which we always express in mathematical laws, that is to say in relations that imply comparisons, but which lends itself to this work only because it is weighted with spatiality and consequently with geometry.
This why philosophers say morality and logic are mutually exclusive.
If all determination is negation, as the philosophers say, it might well prove that the loss of some of the particular determinations which the brain imposes would not appear a matter for such absolute regret.
And even materialistic philosophers say that however much mental states may depend upon brain states, what makes something the belief, say, that the cat is on the mat is not the brain's satisfying a certain physical specification, but the belief's arising from our seeing the cat and its resulting in our stepping carefully round the mat.
Numerous Greek philosophers say identical things in 600 to 400 BC.
Much of the value of this dialogue for process philosophers lies in following along precisely the sorts of things that Hausman and I said, for these are the sorts of things nearly all process philosophers say about Bergson, even those such as Hausman and I, who are very sympathetic to Bergson and try to study him closely (although admittedly, Hausman is really more a Peircean and I am more a Whiteheadian, and Gunter is really Bergson's true apologist).
1) Just because some philosophers said stuff, doesn't mean I am bound to believe that thing.
Trying to explain the origin of human freedom, the Russian philosopher says that humans resemble God with respect to the autonomy of their actions; they are free as parts of the unlimited universal unity.
Learning how to die, so the philosopher says, is using your mind to get over yourself.
Officially known as the Quantum Science Satellite (QUESS), the mission has been nicknamed Mozi, after the ancient Chinese philosopher said to be the first to conduct optical experiments.
A way to summarize the project is to say what one of the philosophers said in the study groups:?
As one great Roman philosopher said, «You lost a friend?
On the other hand, as the biblical philosopher said, «What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.»
Ancient philosophers said i...

Not exact matches

However, as said by the Roman philosopher Seneca, «Luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity.»
If Woodside Petroleum is ever looking for a corporate slogan it could borrow a saying from the Dutch philosopher Erasmus: «in the land of the blind the one - eyed man is king».
The Roman philosopher Epictetus once said, «Books are the training weights of the mind.»
The famous philosopher and political scientist Niccolò Machiavelli once said, «Where the willingness is great, the difficulties can not be great.»
As philosopher Jason Brennan points out, even libertarians — and libertarians are, shall we say, fond of property rights — do not regard property rights as absolute.
As the great philosopher Taylor Swift says, «Haters are gonna hate.»
But our threader Germaine — a brilliant political philosopher and an exemplary teacher — says otherwise:
As the great philosopher Tim «Lint» Armstrong once said: «All I know is that I don't know nothing.
In his Natural History of Religion (1757), the Scottish philosopher David Hume — in agreement with other skeptical and agnostic English and French thinkers — said that Christianity's claim to absolute truth was to be blamed for the devastating civil wars that had taken place in Britain and France.
But the better modern philosophers (e.g., Descartes and Kant, as opposed to, say, Voltaire) recognize that dependence in some way or another.
As the contemporary Thomist John Haldane points out, «Philosophers inspired by Aquinas have had little to say about aesthetics.»
It was Thomas Paine, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, intellectual, philosopher, and writer, who said: «It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry.»
Ecc 12:8 Useless, useless, said the Philosopher.
How will you grasp what Gadamer is saying if you are resolutely unprepared (as most philosophers are) to acknowledge the ontological mystery of a Being that speaks directly to us» that is, to our troubles, our innermost issues of identity and value?
Alfred Korzybski, a well known philosopher and scientist said «The map is not the territory».
When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei, as every philosopher knows, can not be trusted in science.
Although at times Hartshorne has spoken as though his account of experience rested on some intuition of its essence as exhibited in his own experience, 2 his predominant view and his philosophical practice advance a concept of experience that is generated by dialectical argument rather than by appeal to direct introspection or intuition: «The philosopher, as Whitehead says, is the «critic of abstractions.»
«It has always been my practice,» says Schweitzer, «not to say anything when speaking as a philosopher that goes beyond the absolutely logical exercise of thought.
As a famous mathematician and philosopher once said: «There is a point at which the probability of a series of coincidences occurring within a given time period exceeds the possibility that they are, in fact, coincidences.
It isn't any more logical to say, with Aristotle, that the universe has simply always existed than it is to say that there's a Creator, Bertrand Russell's reply to the Jesuit philosopher Frederick Copleston — that there's no answer to this question — doesn't seem terribly satisfactory either.
If every experience is already interpreted (as both Hartshorne and Whitehead believe), then the philosopher may choose to say, for example, that change is a fact (given in experience), but personal identity is an interpretation of simpler, more basic, or less interpreted, facts.
Hartshorne's program seems to presuppose also that the «backbone» of metaphysics is neutral to the «flesh» (content) of reality, so that when we say coherence or consistency, these words mean, or should mean, the same for different philosophers.2 It is true that some metaphilosophical principles are almost universally accepted (e.g. noncontradiction), but others are strictly connected with given systems.
@Maani: «As a famous mathematician and philosopher once said: «There is a point at which the probability of a series of coincidences occurring within a given time period exceeds the possibility that they are, in fact, coincidences.
Legal philosopher Ronald Dworkin, for example, says that to interpret a constitutional phrase, «thoughtful judges» must «decide on their own which conception does most credit to the nation.»
The Dutch philosopher - theologian Erasmus said, «He who allows oppression shares the crime.»
After a few seconds of silence he recovered and said that the Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft, a frequent sight at Fenway [home of the Boston Red Sox] and a man whose baseball passions are properly ordered, says that when he gets to heaven, as he hopes to do, he will ask God two questions: why did he allow evil and why did he favour the Yankees?
Danish theologian and philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said, «If I were allowed to prescribe just one remedy for all the ills of the modern world, I would prescribe silence.»
William of Ockham was a 14th century philosopher / theologian who said, «Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem» whatever that means, and who argued that theology should be reasonable and logical whereas faith is a matter of faith and ought to show in your way of life.
Gabriel Marcel, the French «neo-Socratic» philosopher, has said, «The dynamic element in my philosophy, taken as a whole, can be seen as an obstinate and untiring battle against the spirit of abstraction.
1 Samuel: Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible by Francesca Aran Murphy Brazos, 336 pages, $ 34.99 He has never seen another field of study quite like it, says a political philosopher who follows biblical scholarship.
As Erich Heller, the German philosopher and literary critic, said: «Be careful how you interpret the world.
Ian Barbour, theologian and philosopher of science, says of this model:
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