Sentences with word «philosophes»

But few were so hopeful as the French philosophe Condorcet in his 1795 history of human progress.
Like a brittle Enlightenment philosophe, perhaps a Diderot or a Comte, the Inquisitor also slanders mystery.
The question worth asking, however, is whether Voltaire was in any real sense a philosopher, rather than a mere philosophe; and I would say he was not.
The deification of science first became explicit in the writings of the atheistic French philosophes La Mettric, D'Holbach, and Diderot.
If Aristotle insisted not only on the objectivity of truth but on the ability of the intellect of man to apprehend it, the French philosophe Jacques Rousseau denied this objectivity by ushering in what Cardinal Ratzinger called the «tyranny of relativism,» which gives the rationalization of homosexuality so much of its philosophical underpinning by arguing that natural law is merely a human construct and, as such, susceptible of subjective definition.
Within the Church, «scientific» exegesis has often been regarded as the gold standard of serious biblical scholarship, and modern Christians are often as contemptuous of premodern allegory, figural exegesis, and typology as your neighborhood philosophe.
And in this, as Mr. Reilly rightly appreciates, the French philosophe drew up «the prototype for all future revolutionaries» by eliminating the family so that the state could remake the individual directly into whatever new mould the state dictates.
The «conflict thesis» of science and religion was born in the salons of ancien régime France, where philosophes like Voltaire and d'Alembert used it as a weapon against the Catholic Church.
She is a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers allowing her to stay current with new training philosophes as well as an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator which provides a fun way to prove you can take your dog anywhere!
The religious aspects of the Jesuit missions were inimical to Enlightenment philosophes, but the story of the reducciones nevertheless helped thinkers such as Montesquieu to articulate new ideals as, in Imbruglia's words, «the creation of a utopian society became the mission of European civilisation.»
Sitting in the French philosophe's chaletin Ferney, Boswell pressed him to declare whether he believed in immortality and eternal life....
In 1802, when Chateaubriand published The Genius of Christianity, revealed religion had been widely discredited by the philosophes for decades and actively persecuted for a decade.
It was the philosophes of the Enlightenment who rediscovered Montesino and his sermon.
My first answer was that the idea makes my skin crawl ¯ which is just another way of saying I had been assuming that American exceptionalism lets us sidestep this whole wars - of - religion, Westphalia, philosophes, French Revolution, last - king - strangled - with - the - guts - of - the - last - priest European thing.
Think how the philosophes in their attacks on Christianity depended upon their legacy from antiquity.
Here were ecclesiastically appointed theologians who, without hesitation, approached their own sacred scriptures in a spirit of critical inquiry — not, as the philosophes of the Enlightenment would have intended, in order to destroy faith, but on the contrary in order to arrive at a better understanding of the meaning of faith.
I made the project and requirements simple — just follow the instructions on Mozilla's Thimble page and summarize the life of a philosophe.
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