Sentences with phrase «philosophical background»

It seems that post modernism is the new philosophical background of our theological reflection and the entire Christian existence.
I think we should specify once again the cultural and philosophical background out of which the typical, psychologically biased understanding of symbols has arisen.
Margaret Masterman had found that reading Whitehead's Symbolism and The Concept of Nature suggested the kind of philosophical background she was needing for her theory of language.
Michael and I are extremely different people, despite coming from similar philosophical backgrounds, but I have identified with him the most when listening to him talk about his fitness, eating and body issues.
Retired professor Phil Wick said there's a need for CPS members to develop a primer on the historical and philosophical background behind our current predicament with charters.
Leaving aside the deeper philosophical background to some of his paintings which remains the subject of debate between himself and one or two critics, it seems clear that Walton - perhaps from the moment he picked up his first art book, a review of drawings by Michelangelo -LRB-!)
His philosophical background shows up in his list of eight books that changed his life: thinkers Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Jiddu Krishnamurti appear on the list, as does the ancient Chinese philosophical text Tao Te Ching.
Marsh's first book was a study of the philosophical background for Bonhoeffer's early writings, especially the two dissertations, Sanctorum Communio (1927) and Act and Being (1929).
Of course, Catholic doctrine and «philosophical backgrounds» are still relevant.
Whereas the dichotomy of subject and object has been challenged by experiments in modern physics, a Cartesian dualism still provides the philosophical background of modern molecular biology and, more recently, sociobiology.
Even a good debater may not have the philosophical background to prevail.
Although Whitehead does not define mass in Process and Reality, he presents the philosophical background for its preprojective origins in Chapter III, «The Order of Nature,» Sections IV through VII.
I maintained that he failed to acknowledge that divine revelation becomes properly intelligible only in light of certain philosophical theses — and that it is precisely this philosophical background that allows Christians to rightly understand God's relationship to the world.
With this philosophical background, Marx started his own critique of religion which he hoped would pave the way for changing the world.
This is the philosophical background I have been looking for.
Increasing academic specialisation combined with the disintegration of a philosophical background that would unite theology, the humanities and the sciences makes Deane - Drummond's task near impossible.
The artists have a strong political and philosophical background to their work.
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