Sentences with phrase «philosophical basis»

You got to give it a broad philosophical base.
Any moral or ethical positions require additional philosophical bases.
Only with the proper philosophical base can one can formulate a consistent politics and achieve it in practice.
He has given process theologians a body of work that along with Whitehead's writings provides them with a clearly argued and lucidly stated philosophical basis for theological reconstruction.
Even though the theological and philosophical bases of these responses are different, one can discern a common growing concern for our own home (universe) and brothers and sisters (non-human creation).
The AAA has been for most of its history, a remarkably democratic organization tolerant of many points of view and, in recent years, the scope of its exhibitions has seemed to widen, including a variety of styles, attitudes to form, and a broad philosophical base which can include the aesthetic, the mathematical, the scientific and even the mystical.»
The Green Party has a strong underlying philosophical basis from which all policy arises.
The good professor has now brought his son Daniel, an Oxford economics don, into what is becoming a family business and broadened their combined scope to all professions — on a longer time scale and a more philosophical basis than the presentation to the LAPG audience.
The English National Curriculum has many weaknesses and they almost all spring from its lack of any coherent philosophical basis.
So I think that there is even textual evidence to show that on a purely philosophical basis alone, Whitehead's system does not require us to postulate the God of religion.
We might argue that Lemaître's theological outlook actually provided a perfect philosophical basis for his physics.
Theodore Roszak, in spite of his powers of thought and articulation, has not really presented us with a solid philosophical base for his literate protests against dualism and objectivism.
On the other hand, prominent scholars including Thomas McEvilley and Terry Smith have identified a non-Western philosophical basis for the synthesis of idea and form that we have come to call conceptualism.
The Precautionary Principle — which some interpret as saying that, if a course of action carries even a remote chance of irreparable damage, then one should not pursue it, no matter how great the benefits may be — gave Europeans a firm philosophical basis for saying no to GMOs.
Part Sustainable Design 101 and part manifesto this book lays the groundwork and philosophical basis for more technical study.
After attempting to find a Biblical base for a kenotic doctrine of Incarnation, he turns and finds a philosophical base for it in the metaphysics of Hegel.
Instead, he is wrestling with revolutions that change social orders and the philosophical bases for them, in particular the French and Russian revolutions.
Husserl's use of the term «monadology» and Whitehead's own radical pluralism immediately bring to mind the philosophy of Leibniz, which I shall now use in a selective way to give a more substantial historical - philosophical basis to the present analysis.
By analyzing the Marxist system, he offered the philosophical basis for his cautionary stance toward liberation theology - a position prefigured in his discussion of alienation in Anthropology in 7heological Perspective (Westminster, 1985).
These two articles can be taken as the philosophical basis or assumptions on which the other rights are posited.
The three critics R. P. Blackmur, Jean - Paul Sartre, and Cleanth Brooks, although varying in the explicitness with which they affirm the criteria and their philosophical bases, all make value...
I see no relation between science and athiesm, except that science does not allow for «magic» in its philosophical basis and religion does.
No doubt there are many other insights that can be generated from it, but most importantly, we have a philosophical basis for theological thought.
We are radicals for capitalism; we are fighting for that philosophical base which capitalism did not have and without which it was doomed to perish... Politics is based on three other philosophical disciplines: metaphysics, epistemology and ethics — on a theory of man's nature and of man's relationship to existence.
There are a number of possible reasons to prefer Hegel's thought over that of Whitehead as a philosophical basis for a liberation theology».
Secondly, though other process philosophers have been influential within Christian theology, in recent years Whiteheadian process philosophy has generated increasing interest and excitement as a philosophical basis for Christian thought.
So here are four innovators in scientific areas who feel that Whitehead's early vision just might provide them with a philosophical base, and two experts to guide them.
The FHV Service Outline provides a general guide to the philosophical basis, structure, eligibility criteria and content of the Family Home Visiting service.
However, the decision about who to vote for on May 7th should surely be based on a party's political vision, philosophical basis and intention, rather than their ability to predict the future or make claims about the public finances.
Militant, which was formed in 1964, owed its philosophical basis to a literal interpretation of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.
Yoga practitioners who want to deepen their philosophical base are most welcome to take this in - depth course.
The philosophical basis of Ashtanga yoga can be found in another book, the «Yoga Sutra».
This part of the course will explore the Yoga Sutras as the philosophical basis of the practice of Ashtanga Yoga.
Lewis» writing takes a fantasy world but sets it on a very solid religious and philosophical base, and while the most overt representation of that foundation is here, screenwriters Adamson, Ann Peacock, Christopher Markus, and Stephen McFeely have lessened the substance of the story to the point that the film operates almost exclusively as a visual adaptation.
This is not dissimilar to the Philippines; here, the philosophical basis of the curriculum is founded on the four pillars of education.
With that philosophical basis, the initial practical step is to obtain The Green Book of Songs by Subject, which classifies over 35,000 popular tunes into some 1800 categories.
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