Sentences with phrase «philosophical categories which»

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Fourth, as used in most evangelical discussion, the term is a philosophical judgment controlled by categories alien to Scripture; it is a slogan based on «how God ought to have inspired the Word» which has been substituted for careful patient analysis of what the Bible does teach about itself.
In his other writings, models of God serve mainly religious functions, but in his systematic doctrine of God models serve mainly metaphysical functions and are greatly influenced by a philosophical ontology in which impersonal categories predominate.
Categories such as «process» [or «evolution»] and «organism,» categories which were present in a number of dynamic philosophies similar in many respects to Whitehead's, 7 were seen as the philosophical basis for a new Christian theism consistent with moderCategories such as «process» [or «evolution»] and «organism,» categories which were present in a number of dynamic philosophies similar in many respects to Whitehead's, 7 were seen as the philosophical basis for a new Christian theism consistent with modercategories which were present in a number of dynamic philosophies similar in many respects to Whitehead's, 7 were seen as the philosophical basis for a new Christian theism consistent with modern science.
Johnson says that «philosophical naturalism,» by which he means conventional science, has been imposed on this nation «by skillful manipulation of categories and definitions.»
By skillful manipulation of categories and definitions, the Darwinists have established philosophical naturalism as educational orthodoxy in a nation in which the overwhelming majority of people express some form of theistic belief inconsistent with naturalism.
Now a philosophical theology which takes process as its basic category has one supreme advantage over the metaphysical systems in which Christian thought has traditionally been expressed.
Here, the primal events of our history are reenacted philosophically, and now we can understand them as being absolutely necessary to and in the evolution of absolute Spirit, which is modern idealism's philosophical renaming of the most primal of all New Testament categories, the Kingdom of God.
Editor's Reply We would simply note that at a question and answer session with representatives of the new movements held at Pentecost Pope Francis made the following comment, which seems to dovetail with the emphasis Mr Keeffe places on devotion to the Real Presence: For us Christians, poverty is not a sociological, philosophical or cultural category.
In effect, under the category of poetics, philosophical analysis encounters those traits of revelation which may correspond with or respond to the nonviolent appeal of biblical revelation.
But before undertaking a properly philosophical reflection on the category of testimony, I will again call on some preparatory concepts which I have explicated at greater length in my other work on hermeneutics
For centuries Jewish thought has attempted to adapt itself to foreign philosophical categories, and Wyschogrod's bold return to biblical sources provides a platform upon which to critique even such a revered figure as Maimonides.
By systematic we mean not that some traditional set of problems has been covered, but rather that the philosophical product is the deliberate and methodic interrelation of its constituents, viz., its concepts, categories, and principles in a structure which supports broad inferences and extensions or applications of the conceptual scheme.
But this criticism is less impressive if we look at the theological use of these philosophical categories in the interpretation of the experiences which the paradigm community considers most significant.
But there has been a tradition of philosophical naturalism in this century, stressing organic and processive categories, which seems to have the potential for fruitful interaction with the work of reflective biologists.
Furthermore, the fact that Whitehead's theory of perception provides a philosophical context and categories which are consistent with these aspects of experience makes it more likely that women's experience will be credited with contributing important and unique insights about experience which have heretofore been overlooked or regarded as insignificant.
With that philosophical basis, the initial practical step is to obtain The Green Book of Songs by Subject, which classifies over 35,000 popular tunes into some 1800 categories.
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