Sentences with phrase «philosophical considerations»

Second, what are some basic philosophical considerations regarding whether the government should control private schooling or private home education any more than it now does?
The controversy is really rooted in more philosophical considerations than in actual performance (or not) from the use (or not) of food.
Built around major installations and definitive examples of Kudo's oeuvre secured from public and private collections in Europe and Japan, this exhibition will focus on two key groups of works, cubes and gardens, created in the decade after Kudo moved from Japan to Paris in 1962, and will elucidate the development of the artist's aesthetic and philosophical consideration of pollution, technology, and Western Humanism.
At the heart of the story is the moral quandary of living in the real world, rather than one in which order and logic would suffice, and it is driven as much by philosophical considerations as by action.
In the discussion of the primordial nature of God, even though Whitehead sees importance for religion, philosophical considerations alone are relevant.
If these sciences are to afford valuable insights into human nature, they must be broadened to include philosophical considerations growing out of the critical scrutiny of science and technology as human undertakings.
They throw a veil of political, economic, or philosophical considerations around violence, or they create what amounts to a mythology of violence, exalting it into a kind of value (as Sorel does).
«You have added much in several ways, & especially in taking ye colours of thin plates into philosophical consideration
But these endorsements — which carry great weight in the marketplace of instructional materials — are based on philosophical considerations, such as pedagogy, rather than on the evidence of effectiveness (or lack thereof) that comes only with randomized trials.
Toward this end, Swain counsels against Barth's rejection of the «analogy of being,» the idea that we can know truths about God beginning from the philosophical consideration of creation.
The fundamental elements of our faith are too enigmatic to be explicated fully by one set of moral or philosophical considerations.
Topics range from the history of network theory and its effect on the development of bioinformatics modeling to broader ethical and philosophical considerations, such as data donation and curation, and the role that genomic data should play in eliminating health disparities.
It is filled with religious and philosophical considerations.
Sebastian Black is known for his philosophical consideration of abstraction, realized through painting and sculpture.
An Honours thesis titled Some Philosophical Considerations of Humans as a Source of Change tried to put the issue in a historical and intellectual context.
For a number of reasons judges had previously been allowed to provide more credit for pre-trial custody, in practical recognition of the poorer conditions, and the philosophical considerations that an accused was not technically guilty during this time.
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