Sentences with phrase «philosophical constructs of»

Williams produces large - scale black and white collages that track a deeply personal on - going exploration of the philosophical constructs of difference as it manifests in structural racism, nationalism, authority and governance, eroticism, and violence.
As is clear even in outline, Camus's plan was to face the existential abyss and pursue what might still be won for human life even where reason (which is to say, productions like the large continental philosophical constructs of French and German rationalism) and God were no longer available.

Not exact matches

But instead of a religion revealed through philosophical constructs — easily reasoned out and understood, instead we get a God inconveniently revealed in people, and food and wine and water and bodies and pies and oil and beer.
The first results of these metaphysical inquiries can be found in the five books of the manuscript «Notes towards a Metaphysic» (written from September 1933 till May 1934), in which he makes an endeavor to construct a cosmological - metaphysical system of his own, 5 following the example of Whitehead's and Alexander's description of reality as a process, but based on his method elaborated in An Essay on Philosophical Method, 6 and in «Sketch of a Cosmological Theory,» the first (never published) cosmology conclusion to The Idea of Nature.
If Aristotle insisted not only on the objectivity of truth but on the ability of the intellect of man to apprehend it, the French philosophe Jacques Rousseau denied this objectivity by ushering in what Cardinal Ratzinger called the «tyranny of relativism,» which gives the rationalization of homosexuality so much of its philosophical underpinning by arguing that natural law is merely a human construct and, as such, susceptible of subjective definition.
«6 Indeed, during the decade following publication of Whitehead's major philosophical works, a variety of theologians, both in the United States and in Great Britain, were responsive to the new views articulated by Whitehead and made considerable use of many general features of his philosophy in constructing their own theologies.
Thus instead of trying to construct a philosophical system which accords with the rule of reason, as Hegel had done, Nietzsche begins by turning reason against itself, uncovering in the process its «irrational» origins in nature («On the Genealogy & Morals,» BWN; Sections 2 and 16; WP, Sections 480 and 481).
It has been the habit of process thinkers to construct philosophical or natural theology, whether it is developed via Whitehead, Hartshorne, Wieman, Meland, Loomer, Cobb, or Ogden.
Whitehead reacted with moderation, care, and historical sensitivity to each, deriving something of importance from all five in constructing for himself a truly original philosophical position.
There are important modifications in Whitehead's theory in his later, more metaphysical, writings; but these modifications only serve to emphasize that the development of such a theory remains a major task in his attempts at philosophical analysis (see especially chapters IV and VII in SMW and part IV in PR).1 In general, Whitehead constructs a theory that is reactionary in its analysis when compared with the theories of space - time structure in the special theory of relativity (STR) and in the general theory of relativity (GTR), 2 and that is in opposition to the theory of absolute space and absolute time in the Newtonian cosmology (see PNK 1 - 8; and PB part II, chapters II, III, and IV).
«The philosophy of organism aspires to construct a critique of pure feeling, in the philosophical position in which Kant put his Critique of Pure Reason» (PR 113 / 172f.).
This book will make you think and it's hard to give a greater compliment than that... a deeply personal and sensitively constructed exposition of some of the most enduring philosophical questions... particularly fascinating... endearingly autobiographical style... Shaha has constructed a charmingly readable journey through some of the most enduring philosophical territory, weaving memories and thoughtful anecdotes into a powerful story of hope and truth.
But for me the most important, by far, is that it's the only philosophical construct we have to determine truth with any degree of reliablity.
Horn constructs a deeply satisfying novel, rich not only in history and the great philosophical conundrums of living and dying but also in humor and passion.»
Such a philosophical question seems out of place in a situation where choice is just a construct.
Pollock's use of all - over composition lend a philosophical and a physical connection to the way the color field painters like Newman, Rothko and Still construct their unbroken and in Still's case broken surfaces.
Drawing on traditions of folklore and fables, which often use anthropomorphism to narrate moral tales, the animated film confronts the physical and philosophical lenses used to construct and qualify personhood.
A revolutionary philosophical construct and a major departure from the dominant doctrines of the time.
Drawing on traditions of folklore and fables, which often use anthropomorphism to narrate moral tales, the animated film will confront the physical and philosophical lenses used to construct and legitimize personhood.
They also bring to mind the ideas of the Transcendentalists and other early American philosophical constructs as well as our never - ending national dialogue with and very real dependency on nature.
Barrie Cook's work for example has affinity with experimental findings made recently into how we construct colour, findings that challenge some of what we thought we knew from Sir Isaac Newton, the philosophical implications of which are explored by Donald D. Hoffman in his book Visual Intelligence, How We Create What We See.
Citing a speech by a retired TV weatherman who could no more construct a climate model than a television camera, and the philosophical authority of one «Thomas Eddington» (the inventor of the supernova light bulb, perhaps — surely not the Sir Arthur who confirmed the relativistic precession of the orbit of Mercury?)
Since your response to requests for specific examples is merely handwaving unspecific generalities and vague broadbrush links to vague broadbrush complaints about abstract philosophical constructs, I'll assume that this is yet another to add to the long list of subjects on which your monotonous «discourse» includes no worthwhile content.
This may be more of a philosophical question or construct (conceptual or subjective),
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