Sentences with phrase «philosophical discussion»

A philosophical discussion refers to a conversation or debate about ideas and concepts that ponder the nature of life, knowledge, reality, and morality. It involves examining different viewpoints, questioning assumptions, and seeking deeper understanding of fundamental topics. Full definition
It has often happened, however, that scientific developments have had major significance for subsequent philosophical discussion of problems of the one and the many.
Often, the teacher and his students become involved in philosophical discussions about the topic.
I also continue to put together books that combine some fairly difficult philosophical discussions with essays that I hope are entertaining.
And just so you know, philosophical discussions about cats in particular and how they fit with our current understanding of morality and ethics are really just beginning.
Nevertheless, the tendency to carry on philosophical discussion as if his ideas and arguments did not exist has been noteworthy.
I want to cover the grounds on a more philosophical discussion in regards to dividend growth investing, annual dividend yield.
My primary interest is not in an abstract philosophical discussion.
Such an assumption, however, is no longer acceptable in many contemporary philosophical discussions of science and reason.
The film is about morality, religion and war with a blend of action and philosophical discussion while hunting down the bad guys.
It's a movie that encourages philosophical discussion and forces us to look at the role faith plays in modern life.
Even today philosophical discussions of justice tend to be theoretical and abstract.
A relational theologian needs to keep one eye on the continuing philosophical discussion even while working out the implications for theological issues.
While I would happily dance at the wedding of a gay friend and celebrate with them, I would not, in a theological or philosophical discussion support the position.
On the other hand, a kind of philosophical discussion does go on among physicists themselves.
The one exception I can think to my suggestion is if a woman makes it clear that she's looking for an intellectual to have deep philosophical discussions with.
Or, to put the matter more accurately, to engage in philosophical discussion they did not assume a traditional philosophical starting point.
I would invite you over for dinner to have more philosophical discussions, but lets face facts....
Although the author writes from a strongly Christian point of view, the book isn't a sermon on the evils of torture, nor does it delve into philosophical discussion.
FRIENDS» EXPERIENCE is an intimate exploration of kinks and fetishes by an unlikely couple, with thoughtfuland philosophical discussion by the characters, and graphic descriptions -LSB-...]
i'm a sucker for philosophical discussions on the nature of religion and spirituality, particularly when they are as reasonable and well - mannered as the discussions here are.
Whitehead has chosen to couch his whole philosophical discussion in the book in Platonic terms and to adopt «Eros» as the term for the primordial nature of God.
Thanks for demonstrating exactly what i was talking about: The average atheist's complete inability to have even the simpliest of philosophical discussions without resorting to junvenile retorts
But in the secular philosophical discussion dominated by analytical thought in the English - speaking world he has suffered the worst fate that can befall a philosopher.
(Since long philosophical discussions with newborns about the importance of sleep for health haven't worked to date.)
It is aimed at encouraging open Philosophical discussion rather than a Sociology lesson on prejudice and law.
One of the great philosophical discussions in the investment world is whether it's better to bet on active investment...
While judicial review is vital to safeguard our constitutional freedoms, a degree of moral and philosophical discussion flowing from constitutional litigation can not justify the costs that overreaching judicial rights declaration has for public debate and democratic governance.
I am not competent to get involved in the theological and philosophical discussions among Robert P. George, Patrick Lee, Robert T. Miller, and Claire V. McCusker on the relation between bodies and souls.
While the general topic of lex talionis is always a fun philosophical discussion, I don't think it applies to what is going on in Israel right now.
Bonhoeffer's writings are notoriously difficult to translate into English, and doubly so when he engages in dense philosophical discussion as in Act and Being.
It maintains a library that supports research into Whitehead's philosophy and publishes a journal that makes room for highly technical philosophical discussions.
Hartshorne shows instead, how the idea of prehension handles issues as formulated by the public philosophical discussion, This advance from the privacy of Whitehead's system to the public arena is one of Hartshorne's most important contributions.
It is good to exercise the brain and participate in or experience philosophical discussions, which is pretty much what this whole film is: a 100 minute plot free series of (not necessarily connected) discussions about various aspects of life, philosophy, and film.
Many philosophical discussions follow, with Green often making sure each character speaks directly into the camera, demanding that viewers take part.
The Barbarian Invasions: Denis Arcand's follow - up to The Decline of the American Empire contains the requisite philosophical discussions, but also packs an unexpected emotional wallop.
The opening shot, showing Alexander and his son planting a tree followed by a long philosophical discussion deliberately and intelligently clashes with the more frantic, more meaningless closing shot.
Besides the sex, the book abounds with discussions of enlightenment, spiritual philosophy and ponderings on the nature of life and karma — much is tongue - in - cheek, making fun of «touchy - feely» interpersonal self - discovery groups, people who follow gurus, and those seeking a brand of convenient enlightenment, but there is an element of earnestness as well, including philosophical discussions on the topic of love and forgiveness.
So, in the grand tradition of the American abroad, Gopnik walked the paths of the Tuileries, enjoyed philosophical discussions at his local bistro, wrote as violet twilight fell on the arrondissements.
For example, one night, at a funeral in the village where I was living, a full - scale philosophical discussion of such issues broke out among eight or ten young men squatted around the courtyard «guarding» the corpse.
(Interestingly, In DX1 the rather lengthy philosophical discussions, although tedious, actually gave a better sense of the main character changing his internal point of view and growing as a result).
In his 2010 Guggenheim exhibition in New York, Tino Sehgal employed guides who engaged members of the public in open - ended philosophical discussion.
The atelier is an open interpretation of Simon the Shoemaker's fifthcentury Athens studio in which Socrates supposedly had extensive philosophical discussions with Simon and local youth.
The crisis we face demands a profound philosophical discussion, a reappraisal of who we are and what progress means.
Politics and philosophical discussions aside though, The Journey episode below focuses more on the joys of living a low impact lifestyle in a place like this.
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