Sentences with phrase «philosophical framework»

Process theology as a provider of a solid philosophical framework for a great diversity of human experience and belief.
You will learn to work with perennial relational issues in the context of an overarching philosophical framework.
The Faith theology of what happens in the change of bread and wine at Mass into Christ's own Body and Blood involves a quite different philosophical framework from that of St Thomas Aquinas: Faith draws on a modern view of the co-relativity of all matter; Aquinas depends more on an Aristotelian system of form and matter.
The richness of Whitehead's thought is such that it provides a solid philosophical framework for a great diversity of human experience and a means of synthesizing that experience in interesting new ways.
Bill and I share the same philosophical framework and the same goals.
For Christian communities, rejecting the Hindutva philosophical framework means being careful not to buy into its presuppositions.
You follow the trajectory of four filmic objects — the earrings from «The Earrings of Madame De,» the donkey in «Au Hasard Balthazar,» the rifle in «Winchester» 73,» and the jump rope from «Viridiana» — as they move through their respective stories, and build a kind of philosophical framework around them.
To a great degree, warfare and the laws of war have arisen out of utilitarian philosophical frameworks.
Such a professional may be looking for new business and thinks that Collaborative Divorce is simply a kinder, gentler form of litigation that uses the same basic toolbox, language, and philosophical framework as litigation.
The richness of process theology is such that it provides a solid philosophical framework for a great diversity of human experience and belief, and it is a helpful means of synthesizing them in interesting.
As it stands, there is no compelling reason within the philosophical framework of our current sexual - morality and marriage laws why such incestuous unions should not be contracted.
In the Faith movement we would argue that the philosophical framework that underpins the Thomistic synthesis must be renewed.
If process and trinitarian conceptualities do not in fact overlap, at least they share many of the attributes and part of the philosophical framework that underlies them.
Whitehead's intuitions seem to outrun any philosophical framework he had erected.
This stage in the process of understanding God's revelation reveals the reasons why the early Church opted in favor of a philosophical framework in its attempts to conceptualize its faith - experience.
In addition, Whitehead was willing to work within a philosophical framework without being imprisoned by it.
Perhaps I could say now in retrospect that my being drawn to the study and development of a process mode of thinking may also have been related to an unconscious awareness that it offered me not only a more viable theological and philosophical framework than any other, but also an opportunity to integrate my identity as a woman within a religious framework.
That explains a lot about why there are so many holes in her philosophical framework!
Part of this problem grows originally out of Heidegger's avoidance of God within his philosophical framework.
This has created a series of questions that are literally unanswerable in the philosophical framework of that theology.
Any effort to restate the insights of the Christian faith within a philosophical framework is bound to awaken protest among many Protestant thinkers for the reason that Protestant theologians have tended to dissociate faith from any consciously conceived rational structure.
Narrative theology, like the wider preference for narrative in scholarly studies, simply begins with a different cultural and philosophical framework than does, for example, Troeltsch.
Adopted in 1991, the plan is intended to offer a philosophical framework for staff actions as well as for policymaking for long - range growth and change.
Teach within the organizational and philosophical framework you've decided you want for your lab.
At the same time, myriad schools are free to teach that curriculum within a philosophical framework that comports with their particular ethos.
Restorative justice is a philosophical framework that can be applied in a variety of contexts — the justice system, schools, families, communities, and others.
Provides a biblical and philosophical framework for many other courses in the Christian School concentration.
Rather than a program, it's a philosophical framework for addressing school problems.
The exhibition borrows its title and, loosely, its philosophical framework from French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925 — 1995).
Taking Gilles Deleuze's term «the time - image» as an open provocation and philosophical framework, Time / Image features artworks and films that explore time as a political, historical, and cultural dimension that can be accessed and manipulated so that we might experience it differently.
The use of shadow as an inspiration, places the artists within a philosophical framework rich with dichotomies that include absence / presence, light / shadow, tangibility / intangibility and body / environment.
Our aim is to reveal to the entering student appropriate questions about drawing, painting and sculpture and to encourage them to work hard and think rigorously at all times, enabling them to construct an ethical and philosophical framework for their life's work.
The early work that Wright produced under this philosophical framework was dominated by simple geometric forms and motifs, but he gradually began to incorporate elements of commercial design, tattoo art, and Gothic iconography into his wall paintings.
This is the philosophical framework for ascertaining whether a particular workplace relationship represents the kind of vulnerability the Code intended to bring under its protective scope.
I discussed in an earlier post about how one of the biggest differences between Collaborative Divorce and traditional divorce litigation, at least as they are practiced in Middle Tennessee, is the philosophical framework.
As clients decide which process (or another process such as mediation or co-mediation) is right for them, I think it is important for them to spend time thinking about the overall culture and philosophy of the processes available to them in order to make an informed decision, making sure their vision of the divorce matches the philosophical framework of the divorce process they choose.
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