Sentences with phrase «philosophical language»

It is not that the author used big words or fancy philosophical language, but that the book formatting kept throwing me off.
The problem to which this sentence refers is of interest to many besides those who are acquainted with philosophical language.
Or it may be suggested in philosophical language by saying that life is meaningful only if it is qualified by theonomous rather than by autonomous decisions and judgments.
We speak of the living God to stress what in more philosophical language is called a personal God — one who loves and cares, who thinks and wills, who created the world and who continuously acts within it.
It is Christ himself who provides warrant for the use of Greek philosophical language to speak about who God is.
In his reflections upon Valéry's work, Derrida contends that the philosopher gives a formality to philosophical language by forging a connection with natural language that allows mere ciphers to resemble the thing in itself (MP 293).
Writing for the Greater Good Science Center, positive psychology expert and author Christine Carter makes much the same point, though she uses more practical and less philosophical language to do it.
Certainly Aquinas traded Platonic notions for Aristotelian ones, but that unfortunately may be seen to have been merely a different route to the same flawed destination, arriving at almost identical conclusions clothed in a different philosophical language.
Niebuhr's philosophical language about God was more a commentary on the Bible's (and thus the church's) language than a foundation or a substitute for it.
Since Derrida rejects the possibility of a purely objective philosophical language that corresponds to reality; he also rejects the radical subject - object duality that pervades modern philosophy.
(In philosophical language: divine omniscience does not imply human determination).
One can simply maintain that in Jesus the initial aim that God contributed was at each and every moment to be his Son, or, in more philosophical language, to realize the divinity at every occasion in the series.
If we extract it from the Greek philosophical language in which it was first framed, we might state the orthodox position as follows: «There is one God, one divine being.
In philosophical language, the problem was that of the relation between the one and the many, or the noumenon and the phenomena; in theological language it was the problem of God and the universe.
On the contrary, it makes considerable use of philosophical language, at least in Brunner's own formulations.
Derrida also recognizes the impossibility of the philosophical presumption of attaining precision and accurate representation in a philosophical language.
But as Vivekananda has maintained, the two are ethically the same; only the Hindu system of ethics uses, not the personalist but the more philosophical language.
Though Marx and Engels later avoided the philosophical language of their early years, and in the Manifesto of the Communist Party laughed at the German literati who «beneath the French criticism of the economic functions of money... wrote «Alienation of Humanity,» 6 they always recognized that «The German Working class movement is the heir of German classical philosophy.
They largely ignore Einstein's philosophical language and the broad, emotive way in which he spoke about his research.
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