Sentences with phrase «philosophical notion of»

Using language and the vocabularies of self - actualisation, Egerton - Warburton investigates the historical and philosophical notion of the good life.
And while critic Jan Verwoert and others have argued for Zmijewski's repeated use of nakedness as an espousal of Giorgio Agamben's philosophical notion of «bare life,» this reading clearly misses the farcical undertone present in all of Zmijewski's work.
This is where the philosophical notion of immortality connects.
And all the while, it manages to grapple triumphantly with those primal philosophical notions of crime and punishment.
The exhibition's accompanying notes inform visitors that this body of work is intended as an exploration of formal and philosophical notions of «blackness».

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On the one hand, their field is flourishing: No longer intimidated by the logical positivists (who denied truth to moral assertions except as expressions of likes and dislikes), thinkers as diverse as Iris Murdoch, Martha Nussbaum, and Bernard Williams are leading the attack against such debilitating philosophical notions as Hume's notorious «Is / Ought» distinction and Kant's simplistic fusion of morality with mere duty.
The early encounter of the Christian witness with prevailing Hellenistic philosophical notions about the nature of God was of crucial importance in establishing the universal relevance of the Judeo - Christian story about God's dealings with humanity.
If writing a technical philosophical or theological essay, I should wish here to urge how much work needs to be done by way of analysis on the notion of dependence.
This notion could be interpreted to include the scientific and philosophical wisdom which would then be integrated with biblical wisdom in an inclusive theology, although this interpretation is in tension with the flat assertion that reason is «not itself a source of theology.»
It is quite possible that, when one has been awakened to the import of the Christian witness through a distinctive imagery, partaking of specific philosophical or scientific notions, these notions will affect one's speech and even condition one's understanding of the witness to faith.
The notion of Augustine and Thomas, in their theology of the Trinity, that persons are constituted in relation of opposition or mutual immanence is made a general principle in the Whiteheadian philosophical scheme.
The central chapter on the Second Premise (K 65 - 140) contains: (i) a refutation of the attempted application of Cantor's transfinite mathematics to the domain of extramental reality, (ii) two philosophical arguments which attempt to show the conceptual absurdity of the notion of an infinite past of finite actualities, and (iii) two arguments from physics (concerning Big Bang and Thermodynamic theory, respectively) which attempt to show that probably the natural universe had an absolute beginning a finite time ago.
I will go into this in some detail to show that the notions of implicate order grow naturally out of real physical and philosophical problems or questions in physics.
Smart philosophical works on religion and science, including Alvin Plantinga's Where the Conflict Really Lies, demonstrate as well that the notion of an opposition between science and religion is false.
Consequently, the system ideal, like the notion of personal identity sketched in (ii), is perhaps better viewed as a regulative principle guiding philosophical reflection than as a philosophical reality that we can appropriate and elucidate in the present.
The philosophical problems in not assuming a «middle reality» like SP, cit or ishvara are: that the unity and transcendence of the Mystery or SB or sat can not be fully preserved; one will of necessity suppose that the Mystery, sat, or SB contains all the differentiation that one encounters in the universe — a position that would jeopardize the notion of absolute unity.
WTCS — Ivor Leclerc, «Whitehead's Transformation of the Notion of Substance,» Philosophical Quarterly, 3 (July, 1953), 225 - 43.
In the case of Islamic philosophical mysticism it was also a religious necessity to suppose a «middle reality» in order to safeguard the notion of tawhid (Unity of God).
The first horn is of primary interest in this debate, because Professor Cobb has shown a strong penchant for the notion of regional inclusion, a notion he acknowledges to be, at least explicitly, unrecognized by Whitehead, but which he, Cobb, finds (1) quite compatible with the Whiteheadian conceptuality and (2) of great philosophical usefulness.
This notion of «choosing self» means we «chose death» is just philosophical nonsense attempting to prop up a doctrine that does not stand on its own.
In strictly philosophical thought, the very notion of a personal being, especially when not associated with a physical body, is paradoxical.
In every age, people naturally form World Pictures that are syntheses of ideas derived from various sources - prevailing scientific theories, philosophical speculation, revealed truth, widely accepted notions, and «common sense».
It deals with Christology and the doctrine of God, as well as prayer, the resurrection, heaven, etc. and it provides a general introduction to Whitehead's thought.128 The Task of Philosophical Theology by C. J. Curtis, a Lutheran theologian, is a process exposition of numerous «theological notions» important to the «conservative, traditional» Christian viewpoint.129 Two very fine semi-popular introductions to process philosophy as a context for Christian theology are The Creative Advance by E. H. Peters130 and Process Thought and Christian Faith by Norman Pittenger.131 The latter, reflecting the concerns of a theologian, provides a concise introduction to the process view of God together with briefer comments on man, Christ, and «eternal life.»
While his philosophical views would seem to underwrite a notion of privacy and seclusion, there is no more public figure to be found in contemporary English - language philosophy.
My primary attempt here is thus to show how Sacks functions as an indispensable supplement to Sandel — how any next formulation that Sandel makes will necessarily take up many of the concerns and notions that render Sacks» book such a milestone in philosophical medicine.
These two points, that the creative process includes the lure of a telos and that the agent of creativity is responsible for its activity, serve as a basis for the suggestion that self - determination in creative processes can be conceived in terms of two notions familiar to the philosophical tradition: eros and agape.
In Section I Whitehead rejects the notion that God is an imperial ruler (a divine Caesar), the personification of moral energy (a Hebrew prophet) or an ultimate philosophical principle (the unmoved mover of Aristotle).
It results in establishing a philosophical and essentially non-Christian notion of deity to which Christian particularities, such as the Triune Identity, must then be fitted.
Unlike the Scholastic tradition, Whitehead rejects any notion of God as the philosophical ultimate who is self - sufficient and beyond the laws of nature.
Neither is it to say that the philosophical inquiry into time has to depict it though a given determinate notion in terms of which time could be described, defined, and explained.
The Reconstruction must move beyond narrow notions of religious groups and philosophical schools which conceive of themselves as tiny options, points of view, or faiths that exist solitarily in an otherwise cosmopolitan world.
Accordingly, on the basis of the empiricist doctrine (which Whitehead accepts) «that nothing is to be received into the philosophical scheme which is not discoverable as an element in subjective experience,» the subjectivist principle entails that the notion of causal influence between actualities must be dismissed (PR 253).
= > you talk of the God of Abraham as if he is a philosophical idea like the Greek notion of Areté.
Locke proceeds to distinguish between the ordinary or vulgar notion of causality and power, on the one hand, and the true, philosophical notion on the other.
Consider his use of the notion of representation, whose countless appearances in philosophical discourse implies a certain «rightness.»
Thus, although the notion of imagination is extremely vague, it is not on that account any less respectable than a good many other fundamental philosophical notions whose usefulness seems to be directly proportional to their degree of vagueness.
Central to the effort to ascend from the cave is philosophy and central to the philosophical effort is the notion of «importance.»
Along with this, the philosophical notions about soul, about immortality, about a realm above and beyond the hurly - burly of this world, present in the tradition of Greek philosophy and variations on that philosophy in the early Christian era, had become so much part of the atmosphere of thought that inevitably these two affected Christian thinkers.
But I do not think the philosophical issues concerning the epistemological role Kant assigned to space and time as forms, respectively, of outer and inner sense, are simply resolved by introducing the notion of space - time in physics.
Consequently, they dismiss the companion notion that it is our philosophical duty to doubt all of our beliefs in an effort to rule out conclusively the possibility of such a massive failure of connection to reality.
12 I take the notion of «metaphysical reduction» from Gerd Buchdahl, «Reduction - Realization: a Key to the Structure of Kant's Thought», Philosophical Topics, vol.
Elizabeth A. Morelli subjects the notion of a distinctive «women's experience of God» to philosophical critique, and finds it wanting.
The hang up, though, is when we start talking public policy decisions that cost billions of dollars... I'm still searching spiritual / philosophical ways to deal with feelings about that, but it may just be the whole notion of «rendering to Caesar» and trying to live in my own realm, separating myself from the madness of the State.
Leckey draws on a philosophical movement called object - oriented ontology, which demands that we rethink our relationships with objects and ditch the notion of human supremacy.
The symbolic Einstein touches me through his seismic influence on popular culture; the scientific Einstein reaches me through his serpentine formulas and theories; the philosophical Einstein reaches deepest into my heart, challenging my notions of beauty and spirituality.
In traditional yoga philosophy, to go beyond this accurate yet simplistic and ultimately unsatisfying notion of karma requires an acceptance of karma's philosophical sister, reincarnation.
The remake emphasizes the notion of man going to war with the gods, touching on the philosophical notion that the gods need human worship to thrive and, perhaps, survive.
This panel, which brings together scholars from Europe and Latin America, will present historical and philosophical perspectives on the notion of deschooling, considered both as idea and ideal.
Charlie Was a Sailor also references and underscores earlier works in the exhibition such as Places (2005), which deals with the notions of absence / presence, loss and memory in combination with the exploration of the meaning of «place» and the possibility of rendering this philosophical concept into a work of art, and Places [Lost](2010), which explores places of memory that concentrate meanings, events and fragments of experience.
In Western philosophical tradition, hospitality is also linked to the notion of territory.
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