Sentences with phrase «philosophical problems»

The two works treat the same philosophical problems in opposite ways.
His independent metaphysical reflections made clear that his interest was not merely the scholarly study of particular texts but the solution of basic philosophical problems.
The essential philosophical problem concerns what we mean by meaning.
For, as will be argued here, it is also of great utility for the clarification and resolution of philosophical problems which do not overtly lie in its own characteristic domain.
He considers philosophical problems, such as the concept of infinity, and evokes them in humble moments.
It's been a long philosophical problem: how to be free and responsible to others at the same time.
This is no mere philosophical problem; this is a real dilemma facing business people every day.
I always kind of feel bad when people write in with philosophical problems with their kids masturbating, but at least they're pretty easy to address (kids need to explore their bodies, just let them do it).
Indeed, in a world of many points of view, there is a deep philosophical problem involved in trying to defend the claim that one point of view is right and all others wrong when fundamental beliefs and values are involved.
This radical restriction of all knowledge, Bergson contends, follows from an essentially fallacious presentation of certain philosophical problems.
Capitalistic globalization, however, has no pretensions to resolve the deeper philosophical problem of the meaning of human life, here on earth and much less hereafter.
Indeed, the massive amalgam of symbolic logic is closer to electronic circuits of a computer than the prose of general philosophical problems.
Or should it be fore the most easy and obvious of your many flaws, your complete cowardice in refusing to addrerss this simple central philosophical problem in your fairy - tale faith?
The ultimate philosophical problem of the relation of the knower to the world of nature, he says, is left undetermined by his philosophy of nature.
Dualism poses insuperable philosophical problems; so modern Western philosophy can be seen as a struggle to overcome it.
One must grasp, for instance, the particular philosophical problem that John Locke faced, namely, how not to seem like a heretic while actually proposing a heretical solution to the «theological - political problem.»
In other words, is there some basic methodology for going about the process of thinking about a fundamental philosophical problem such as the nature of tyranny?
Further, at least in retrospect, we can see that acute philosophical problems were always entailed by the concept that cause and effect are simultaneous, for in that case our whole sense of the influence of the past upon the present is rendered unintelligible.
As an advanced grad student and then a postdoc in Cohen's pioneering Neuroscience of Cognitive Control Laboratory, Greene first began using fMRI to scan volunteers as they considered trolley scenarios and other tough philosophical problems.
«They try to find some interesting philosophical problem, then engineer a robot that can solve that problem,» says John Sullins, a philosopher of technology at Sonoma State University.
«Our youngest kids are working on problems that speak to things in their immediate environment,» explains Heyck - Williams, «but as kids move forward, they work with more philosophical problems outside of their direct community.»
As for the supposed blacklist, the lawyers added, as if addressing a purely philosophical problem, «If such a list exists, and if Robins is on it, Zwirner did not put him there and can not take him off.»
If his abstractions are «about» anything, they are about resuscitating a pragmatic concept of holistic experience and modifying that naturalistic idea to meet the needs of a dedicated contemporary art practice in which emotion and contingency interact with larger structures of personality, and philosophical problems interact with real production.
The extreme liberties, and the spirit of revolt apparent in the paintings of Pollock and De Kooning place these works, in a vital relationship to some of the important philosophical problems of our period.
An additional philosophical problem worth considering in discussions about the implications of ACE - type research is whether advocates should use a list of childhood features that are associated with long - term health effects as the primary criterion of what childhood adversities to prioritize for prevention.
This is not a promise he's going to be able to keep,» said Michael Petrilli, president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, a leading education think tank, adding that Mr. Trump also would run into philosophical problems in telling states what to do with education policy.
What we are discussing here is quite different from simply rationally satisfying answers concerning basic philosophical problems.
Where Descartes turned to the language of substance to explain certain philosophical problems, social theorists like Morton frequently establish a body / culture dualism in its place.
He considers philosophical problems, such as the concept of infinity, and evokes them in humble moments, as in the photograph Pinched Ball, which depicts a deflated soccer ball filled with water.
More recently, and controversially, cognitive scientists Jerry Fodor of Rutgers University at New Brunswick, New Jersey, and Massimo Piattelli - Palmarini of the University of Arizona in Tucson have pointed out philosophical problems with the adaptationist argument (New Scientist, 6 February, p 28).
The Theoretical Program: an Essay in Cosmology Without a doubt, Whitehead offers the best developed solution to his basic philosophical problem in his major work, Process and Reality.
This is suggested by the work of Milic Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics [D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1961], and Adolf Grunbaum, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time [Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1963]-RRB-
The idea of an eternal people freed Jews from the theological and philosophical problem of an eternal God.
I will go into this in some detail to show that the notions of implicate order grow naturally out of real physical and philosophical problems or questions in physics.
Aside from the philosophical problem of inferring a prescription («ought») from a description («Is»), what does it mean to say that certain values work for us?
David Bentley Hart, Alvin Plantinga, William A. Wilson, and others have written wisely and well about the philosophical problems, category errors, and presumptions such truth claims pose.
Pailin, David A., «Some Philosophical Problems in Presenting the Gospel Today,» London Quarterly and Holborn Review, Jan., 1967, 22 - 23, 27.
My aim in so doing has always been to prepare myself for an attack on the philosophical problems (metaphysical and epistemological) connected with the idea of history (historical process and historical knowledge).
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